Driving Tips...


Nov 1, 2006
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Morning everybody, i was just wondering if i could get a few tips on my driving from you all ?

I've never been a confidant driver, usually preferring to hit a 3 iron off the tee. My game though is starting to suffer from my lack of distance off the tee. My trouble is i just can't get any heiht at all. The swing feels and looks right, the connection sounds perfect but the ball flies away 4 feet of the ground for 50 yards before bouncing to a halt after 75 yards.

The only thing i could get any distance out of was the Nike SQ with a 13 degree face. trouble is as much as i want one i just can't justify £180 quid on a new driver. I've read and tried all the tips out there to get some height an length but nothing is working. If anyone has any ideas then i would really appreciate it...




Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
Norn Iron
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Maybe try moving the ball towards your left foot in your stance? This would promote hitting the ball on the upswing and should give you a bit more elevation. Maybe you've already tried this though, if you've already exhausted all the usual tips.


Club Champion
Nov 30, 2006
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I have an idea ..

Assuming you are right handed, start by fixing your eyes at the ball, gently let your right hand initiate the backswing by pulling the club away, assuming your grip is correct you should get the sensation that your middle fingers of your right hand are doing all the work. When the club is parrallel with the ground, feel as though you are pulling the club upwards and over your head, this in turn will pull and turn your chest and shoulders and will ensure your weight is on your right side. Now still keeping your eyes firmly fixed on the ball take the club as far back as you comfortably can and then let go/unwind: DO NOT PUT ANY EFFORT OR POWER INTO THE UNWIND, simply feel as though you have switched off.

The result is a sensation that your body is getting behind the ball, fully coiled, and an effortless release resulting in probably the straightest shots you've ever made.

It may take some practice and it always helps to have a pre shot swing, but hopefully it should help, let me know...

The Golfer


Assistant Pro
Sep 19, 2006
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I used to struggle with height on the driver. It's all about keeping your head at the same level throughout the swing. Don't think "head down" though as this will restrict your swing.


Assistant Pro
Jul 1, 2006
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take it away slow and low and make a commited swing - I think a lot of poor driving comes from not commiting to he shot and trying to steer the ball


Assistant Pro
Sep 19, 2006
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Make sure that, at address, your sternumk is behind the ball. Your shoulders should be slightly tilted (left slightly above right). As long as the ball is forward in your stance you should be able to increase the launch angle of your drives.


Nov 13, 2006
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With the wet conditions in the winter months it is vital to be getting a good carry as there is little or no run. All these different tips do apply but they must have only succeeded in causing more confusion.

Why not just visit your local Pro? I bet he would be able to spot the problem in no time.


Dec 4, 2006
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Fantastic stuff so far. I especially like Danny's suggestions. Like James, the first poster, I've been struggling with this area of my game for a while now, and it's starting to grind me down a little, as there just doesn't seem to be any improvement. Keep the advice coming.
Does anyone know the best warm-up routine to get in the groove for driving? I often feel like a waxwork at the tee – a mixture of excitement and fear?! :D


Club Champion
Nov 30, 2006
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If you feel like a waxwork and want to warm up, I have an idea.....

Square up as if you were a boxer, now rythmically throw nice and smooth uppercuts, left then right keeping your arms close to your chest. Slightly increase the tempo after each fourth uppercut; try to get the feeling that you are actually warming up for a boxing match.....Do this for about 20-30 seconds.

Now the in the same set assume you are trying to elbow someone behind you, aiming horizontally in line with your chest. Keep the rythm even throughout, do this for about 15 seconds and then repeat both sets again.

Doing these exercises will take your mind of any negative thoughts you normally have whilst stretching the correct muscles and pumping blood in the right areas ready for driving the ball.

Oh and if anyone laughs when you are doing it, tell them you used to be a boxer and the excercises help you warm up.....watch there faces!!!!

Hope it helps

The Golfer


Dec 8, 2006
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Try widening your stance a bit more. Another good warm up is to hold your left arm out in front of you then bring your palm to the top of your shoulder. Pull your elbow up to your head and with your right hand, pull your elbow behind your head. This stretches your tricep


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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I too suffered from lack of distance off the tee, and still do. I finally decided to concentrate more on where the drive finishes than it's length. The result was that finished the Monthly Medal with a net 64, and lost 2.4 off my handicap. Certainly I was hitting a longer 2nd. shot, but at least it was from the middle of the fairway. I don't know your age or handicap James, but if you are a young man and you want to progress to a low figure handicap, then it is essential that you get some length off the tee, although the above advice will still apply with regard to positioning. It is better to be shorter on the faiway than long in the rough.

Go to your local professional. He or she will sort you out.