Driving range drills


Club Champion
Jun 18, 2007
Cheshire, UK
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Went to the driving range last night to get some practice in between lessons. However, I came away disappointed and on reflection felt that I'd just wasted 150 balls. All I did was line 15 balls per club up and hit them and watch the flight and were they landed so no structure to the session and no thought. One thing I noticed was the i didnt get any difference in length when using and club from say a 5 wood through to a 7 iron, about 150 / 160 m to first bounce. On a plus I was impressed with my improved accuracy. Typically I was getting a 30m spread across all balls which I was very please with as Im obviously becoming less erratic.
I'd appreciate feedback on driving range drills you recommend. I have a lesson tonight so Im going to bring this up with the pro as well.
Play like you were on the course, differnet club each shot -driver, 6 iron, 3 wood, 4 iron, wedge etc.
Important to always aim for a precise target, most driving ranges are covered with. You need to aim for a target to land on, not just a line to hit on. If you see a 150 flag hit a few to that with a 7 or 8. Also try to fade one, then draw one etc.
Tempting to start thrashing away with a driver but they've proven that after 6 full out drives you are too tired to swing correctly so that is a waste of time.
Go through full preshot routine with every ball getting used to blocking out distractions and focusing on the exact target only.
i try to hit to a target - normally a flag or a yardage marker, rather than just hitting as far as you can up the range. With driver and 3 wood i tend to pick out a "fairway", and concentrate on hitting it, rather than how far the ball goes.

i do find that range balls dont react in the same way to normal balls, so its more just practicing technique
Great advice thanks. I dont have a driver in my bag anymore as being a beginner its not worth having to hit 10 balls to get the one to go straight down the fairway.
As for a fade or draw.....
Just do what your golf pro suggests, no point in paying him all that money and then doing something different.

Don't worry about hitting the ball the same distance with every club that will change as your swing gets better.

Don't ignore the driver it is a wonderful tool, if it isn't going straight it is because your swing isn't right and that will get better with the right instruction.
150 balls sounds like a lot to hit - a bucket of about 40 is enough for me but then I do have the attention span of a goldfish. I then like to move onto something else like pitching which I then start to shank and then have a tantrum and leg it to the refuge of the bar.
Andy, the best way to practice at the range is to always start with your sand wedge, hit say 5 balls and then work your way through every club upto and including your driver. This will give you a better undertsanding of how far each club carries and will be a real help when you play.