Driving high!


Oct 26, 2008
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I average about 280yards(it carries probably 279!) drives but i seem to get the ball up very high! and have been told often by many people i could add many yards by a lower trajectory
I use a 9.5degree taylormade burner!!
Has anyone heard of pros bending the driver to take some loft off!
Or is there any way of getting loft adjustment to drivers?
I have tried placing the ball closer to teh right leg but still there she goes like a wedge straight up!!

Any body else hit high drives and feel they could add distance with a lower trajectory!!

i know i am being greedy wanting more distance but i feel a little cheated when it goes so high!!
thanks :D
Im not suggesting you dont hit that far Reza but an average dist of 280 with a carry of 279 just cannot be right or you would have to hit it so high in the air and so long and have it land on soft fairway to get this result? It doesnt sound right, are you sure of what you have put?

But as an aside, By hitting a lower tragectory doesnt always mean greater distance. The optimum shot for anyone is out there, when youve found it, it may well be a lofted shot that you already have. If you change your swing etc you may never get that maximum effect, dont give up on it because change may well work for you and you can hit av 300+
but I would be more than happy with 280 average as that is some decent average. ;)

You're a beast if you carry 279!!!

As long as its straightish don't worry about anything. You might have a problem playing into the wind but downwind - whey-hey Bye Bye ball!!!

if you want lower trajectory you're better off getting a change of shaft rather then changing your loft. Ask a pro (or one of us will tell you - I can't remember) if you want low or high kickpoint on your shaft. One sends it high, the other low.

Sure someone here knows

Welcome to the club by the way!!
Resa... Best advice is go see a pro. He may be able to suggest a solution. a higher kickpoint in the shaft is one avenue to go down & look for a version of your driver with this. Again, see your pro. He may also be able to make a few suggestions with your swing with the driver. Though, if you really are getting 280 yards carry with the driver, then that is great. there is an optimum launch angle that will give the best yardage.

I hit a massive drive yesterday with my 9.5' Titleist driver. paced out how far past where my closest mate had landed & it was around 45 yards beyond him. He said to me... "Paul, you must have hit that 300 yards" Yes it was certainly long & also very straight for me, but was certainly not 300 yards. I still had a good 70 or more yards into the 354 yard green. So in reality was probably no more than 260 or so yards.

Anyway, I digress...

The controlable inanimate factors are driver loft, shaft stiffness & shaft kickpoint, oh & ball. The only variable that effects the way all the above work is the player & his swingspeed. Generally thehigher the swingspeed, the more the ball will increase in loft off the driverface. Just see what happens when you slow down your swing to say 70% of what you'd normally use. the ball will take off lower & will more than likely land with roll. Though this time of year balls tend not to realease as well.

(This lack of release includes around the greens too with the shorter clubs, but of corse this is an asside and an observation of recent play.)
Modern drivers are designed to hit high, so you may need to go for more of a players club, like the new Titleist 909 D4, the pro X speed version of the new Cobras.

It may be that the TM TP series drivers will give you a lower flight, combined with a higher kick shaft.

Age old answer I am afraid, get c/fed and get on a launch monitor to optimise your equipment / swing.

One thing you may find though is that roll is over rated. Grass has a higher friction than air, so the ball will stop quicker. Normally more carry is good. If you carry 280 (which is a heck of a long way, most pros would struggle to do this) then I don't see you getting much past that if you carry 230 and get more run.
Also with lots of carry you don't need to worry about dodgy bounces. How many times have we all hit a decent shot to see it bounce hard left or right off the fairway?
Chubb???? whats all that about :D

When I was being fitted for my driver, I was looking for a higher launching shaft than the standard Fujikura in the FT-5. In the end it ended up being a low kick point. Apparently low kick promotes more spin and helps the ball climb.

High kick promotes less spin and would probably beneift anyone who naturally launchs it high.

Dont forget wieght and torque options, they could also be a factor in the matter. Just go get a CF, its cheap enough and it wont leave you guessing!
Im with imurgs dodgy bounces lol. I can hit this distance and a little more, but Im so inaccurate these days when I do so that it makes it less effective than going for an average 250 hit, then again I have had one or two too many, of those bounces that change the encouraged smile into a cringe and anger or question mark?.lol

I meant to add to my comment that you should see a pro Reza as an individuals method of smacking a ball can generate loft or the oposite and a good pro will spot this and be able to help.
The burner you use is useless for hitting it low regardless of the loft on the club,my friend had one they used to come down with snow on them,a change of shaft in that head would help but prob will cost the same as a new driver and trading in your burner depends how much you like the head

Saw Darren Clarke with a burner he had a voodoo shaft in it he had a nice flight but his is the tp version and 8.75 loft,if you are hitting it 280 you must have the swing speed to play a more of a players driver
Agree with andieritchie. The Burner driver was specifically designed to get greater club speed and a higher longer carry and so it is almost certainly the club head and shaft combination that are wrong for you. My advice would be to look at all the new models coming on the market particularly the new Titleist and get custome fitted with a shaft that matches your swing speed
Go and see a pro. If you are swinging on a steep plane into the back of the ball you are only going to add masses of backspin to the ball which will make it climb too high.
Get your swing checked out and if necessary flatten off your swing so that you are sweeping the ball from the tee and not hitting down on it getting too much back spin.
I average about 280yards(it carries probably 279!) drives but i seem to get the ball up very high! and have been told often by many people i could add many yards by a lower trajectory
I use a 9.5degree taylormade burner!!
Welcome to the forum.

280 yards.....don't complain :).....seriously, that's enough....I bet another few wouldn't help your h'cap.
If you don't like the trajectory (high) and play with a 9.5 degree driver, you need a lesson or to see a professional club-fitting expert.

What are you off?
Next time anyones in a ag/dg store try one they cant be kept down regardless of loft its the worst driver i have ever used too long/light shaft rubbish grip and get zero feedback from it,as you guess i hate it but i like the tour burner dont like the trend of 46' shafts in drivers nowadays
thanks for all the advice, i drive 280average but i tend to get a lot of height, often the ball comes down with snow!!!
often causing my playing partners to comment "that was worth waiting for"

What do you mean by low and high kick?

as for getting measured i did get the driver customised so i got a tour burner 9.5deg stiff shaft but after playing seriously for 4 months along with lessons my swing has changed a lot!(imporoved i hope!!)

but thanks for all the advice thats great!!

what i was hoping was to see if i could make any changes to my current driver as i think i would end up losing a lot of money if i have to sell mine which was bought for £250 and get another

thanks for all the advice much apreciated