Driver position


Club Champion
Oct 7, 2014
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Does anyone know the correct position the driver head should be in at address? I find to have the driver flush with the floor I have to almost push my hands out which promotes quite a tense swing. Last night I watched a video were the presenter said the head is supposed to slighlty toed up to help slicers?


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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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what your pics show aren't about addressing a shot shape.

it's just showing that if you're a golfer who addresses the driver resting on the ground, you need to address the ball a little toe side of center. as the club head will come through strike at the height shown then more at center.

you can test this yourself at address with the club resting on the ground ball directly off the center of the face, then just simply lift the club up to the height it would swing through & you'll see you more likely to contact the ball off the heel of the face.

{if you're a player who addresses the ball with a driver but 'hovers' the club at address already then you can simply address it off center.}

but the pics you put up are only to do with the above, not really the shot shape (though if you miss center & hit heel you'll get a low spin, low slice)
you're slice will be to do with grip, alignment, club swing path & face angle through impact. path will be out to in, steep with the face open through strike.

have a look at this vid should help you some.
