drills and training aids for bowed wrists


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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I've seen a couple of drills like the coat hanger drill but are there any others out there and also are there any recommended training aids which will help with this? Had a lesson this morning and on video was shown how much I cup my wrists


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I've seen a couple of drills like the coat hanger drill but are there any others out there and also are there any recommended training aids which will help with this? Had a lesson this morning and on video was shown how much I cup my wrists

couple things real important that the handle is not running high in the palm of the lead hand (also optimum if the trail hand isn't 'under' the handle either)
so lead hand hold is a tad diagonal across the base of the palm so in the fingers more

lead hand showing 2 to 2&1/2 knuckles at set-up

best ways to feel a flat to bowed wrist set the lead hand with that decent grip hold on the handle of say a 7i (but lead hand only - trail arm behind back)

then take the club away with no wrist 'set' 'break' or 'roll' by rotating upper body (no sway - so trail shoulder turning directly behind) until the lead arm is 1st horizontal to ground - if done correctly should feel more swing width at this point but without any 'stretching of' the lead arm away from the body - also importantly here the lead wrist should be flat thumb pointing up to sky at around 50º so butt end of handle pointing either at or tad inside the ball/target line

check that position at lead arm horizontal & around parallel to target line - if not correct i.e. flat wrist - then still in that position just change it to be good

once it's all good here then just continue upper body turn until you at a 3/4 top of swing position as doing this with lead arm lead hand only the weight of the club will keep the wrist condition flat to bowed - as long as there has been no independent attempt to 'set' it

when you at that top position just look at the wrist condition at the top to check it's either flat or bowed (either is good in this feel drill)
if it isn't then again just fix it
- but notice also that although there should have been no move at all to 'set' a wrist hinge - you will see at this top of swing position you still have that 'set' angle between lead arm to club of around 90º anyways

often times hard for folks to get their head around this as they haven't 'set' the lead wrist (so no cup no ulnar deviation) at all - yet at the top all what they thought of as "wrist set" so 'angle' that 90º is still there! - & the wrist is either flat or bowed

reason it's good to do this a whole bunch of times with the lead hand lead arm only to get to 'feel' a good wrist condition

during the takeback/backswing & top of swing position is that often times it's what folks 'do' (even if they don't realize they are) with the trial hand trail arm that is putting the 'cup' in the lead wrist

once there's a good bunch of reps with the lead arm only
to both achieve the flat or slightly bowed condition and begin to feel what it's like to take the club back without actively training to set the wrist

then put the trail hand on good & repeat that feel 'no active wrist hinge during takeback' - but in order to do that you'll feel as you go back how the trail hand has to "soften/hinge back" in order for the lead wrist to be flat or bowed

then from that halfways back just complete the turn but again that trail arm will need to work so the elbow points downwards to ground (not fly out up and back) in order at the top to have the flat or bowed wrist condition with the trail arm trail hand being more in that old 'waiters tray position

so at top the trail palm is looking more up at the sky which means the lead wrist can be flat to bowed

& to do that the trail shoulder turns back in external rotation - as opposed to being 'hunched up inwards' in internal rotation


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I've seen a couple of drills like the coat hanger drill but are there any others out there and also are there any recommended training aids which will help with this? Had a lesson this morning and on video was shown how much I cup my wrists

Had a lesson yesterday and finally after so many years have found someone that is prepared to attack the issue of cupped wrists and get me bowed. Very early days and done nothing but repetition and practice swings and then hitting balls. Good ones are now immense. Bad ones no worse than my bad ones before. The driver though...I hope you find something that works for you. It's hard to break something I've ingrained over so many years so had no expectations at the moment


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Have a look at the Tour striker educator, it can be set different ways depending on what you are after. Its great to get a feel for a move and it not restrict your swing that much.