Dogs on the course?

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Should dogs be allowed on the course

  • No

    Votes: 49 41.9%
  • Yes, but only in casual play

    Votes: 41 35.0%
  • Yes, anytiome including competitions

    Votes: 27 23.1%

  • Total voters
It's a yes if it comes with complimentary membership at Swinley Forest ? - each time I was there I spotted players with dogs
If someone can train their dog to find my bell (ball) it’s a big yes from me.
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Casual play, yes.
Competition play, no.
I've taken my dog golfing with me
Always on a lead, attach him to the trolley whilst I hit my shot or putting.
He is no trouble, never barks & is great company.
I've also taken him out in a buggy, he's quite happy to sit on the seat & watch me.
It's a dream of mine to have a well behaved pooch for company on solo rounds later in life.

Fully aware that even if i buy the right dog and train it well, it still might not match the idyllic picture I have in my head.
No, except perhaps for late in the day early evening when the course is very quiet. And even then if dog causes any disturbances the player will be asked to not repeat.

If golfers don‘t understand HNSP then neither will their dogs ? Besides…one of my buddies can hear butterflies flapping their wings at a distance of 10miles. With dogs on the course he’d never be settled enough to play a shot…either disturbed by a bark, or waiting in expectation of a bark or sudden and unexpected movement by a dog in his vicinity ?
I've only seen dogs on a few traditional links courses like Royal West Norfolk and Littlestone, and they were impeccably behaved. I remember this lovely labrador following a group and the dog knew exactly where to stand, didn't move during anyone's swing, his etiquette was better than many golfers :ROFLMAO:

So yes to dogs but only if they are trained. Maybe they need to pass a test or an interview from the committee before being allowed out on the course.
I have 2 black labs that have accompanied me since they were 6 months old, they are now 6 & 2.They are on leads attached to my trolley, never bark and walk beside the trolley and never pull. They both sit calmly when I put out and half the time you wouldn’t know they were there. Whenever we go on holiday, my wife also plays, I ring up all the clubs in that area to find which ones allow dogs - as a general rule it’s about 50/50. There is also a website that lists a number of clubs in the U.K. that allow dogs. My older dog has been n over 70 different courses including Gullane.
I have 2 black labs that have accompanied me since they were 6 months old, they are now 6 & 2.They are on leads attached to my trolley, never bark and walk beside the trolley and never pull. They both sit calmly when I put out and half the time you wouldn’t know they were there. Whenever we go on holiday, my wife also plays, I ring up all the clubs in that area to find which ones allow dogs - as a general rule it’s about 50/50. There is also a website that lists a number of clubs in the U.K. that allow dogs. My older dog has been n over 70 different courses including Gullane.
Do you have a scrubbing brush and cleaner for dog poo remnants?
It's a dream of mine to have a well behaved pooch for company on solo rounds later in life.

Fully aware that even if i buy the right dog and train it well, it still might not match the idyllic picture I have in my head.
I to dream of taking my dog out on the course with me when I play. Unfortunately she's a chocolate lab which come in two shades, crazy and really crazy, this one is off the scale, so it isn't happening.

On those occasions when the course has been closed I've taken her out walking on the course, she's crackers, running from one puddle, stream or pond to the next leaping in, swimming around, out and off to the next. I don't think anything would change just because I was playing golf, so it remains a dream.
I've seen courses with water bowls out for dogs and well behaved dogs being on the course.
I have no problem with this. My own dog loves chasing balls and would be inappropriate to take whilst playing golf.
Happy to walk him there at quiet times though as do others.
Erm... what? Have you ever owned a dog?
Erm, I'm saying you're really trying to say you leave nothing behind? I'm suggesting by this reply you're actually saying no it's impossible?
Erm, I'm saying you're really trying to say you leave nothing behind? I'm suggesting by this reply you're actually saying no it's impossible?
You bend down with a bag and pick it up... you ever seen a dog walker scrubbing a grass verge?

It's ok to not like dogs, but please don't be deliberately obtuse.
I dislike animals, so I've voted no. I would not want to see a dog running around the course, it would put me off.

There's some stray dogs that 'live' on the local course.
I have an inkling they won't be there when the telly cameras turn up in a couple of weeks