Does the range do more harm than good.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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OK we all know range golf and course golf are two different sports in their own rights, but im getting to the point where im seriously beleiving range golf could be the worst form of practice.

Yesturday i went to the range as normal, and after 5 balls with each club 9i, 7i, 5i, 4h, driver everything was mint.

Next onto a virtual 9 holes and again with the exception of one or 2 holes a pretty tidy front 9.

by now im eastimating ive hit around 45/50 balls at most. in this 4-5 were not as id wanted and 2 crappers.

Onto so wedge drills, we have target nets at 25, 50 & 75 yards aswell as some chipping markers. so about half hour in and another 30 balls down, i swap back to playing the rest of the bucket out as a back 9.

It was hell, couldnt swing any other club other than pw/52/58 wedge,. it was like id turned into a pitch and put golfer.

This coupled with the fact that sunday before a medal i had the worst range session ever to then go on and take the medal win, and in previous weeks ive had great range sessions to go on and barely get in reach of my h/c, ium sure range golf is a waste of time.

I really wished my club had a practice hole and a floodlite practice green.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Odd, I'm not a range person myself. The only time I go is if I haven't swung a club in 3 weeks.

I don't like mats, lets face it its nothing like grass and a bad strike off a mat still goes. At the moment I'm playing once at the weekend and if the wife is doing something on a Sunday I nip up to the practice area at Nairn and hit a few. Its got flags to hit at and you can use a driver off a proper tee no idea how car any of the flags are mind you. In the winter we play from the back of the practice area to save the grass.

TBH I don't really do much in the way of practice in winter just the odd game at the weekend. The evenings are just starting to get brighter here at the moment its even still light when I leave work at 5pm, another month and I will be able to get 9 holes in after work. I've got quite a big garden so when its lighter will start doing a bit of chipping after work, I can just about hit a full wedge shot from end to the other so that sorts my short game out within a few weeks. I also don't have anything to practice for as we don't have any competitions up here till the end of March/ first week of April.

I used to just swing a club for 5 mins a night, you know just getting the feeling of weight transfer and correct backswing and follow though. It worked for me last year went from 12 to 8 by May. :p


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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fair enough patrick, and its always good to hear other views. our range has just had some nice new matts which to be fair now give feedback of a bad shot. OK not as much as grass but alot more than the older hard and more bald matts.

our course has a nice little 9 hole, and i can definately see this being a tuesday night thing.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Can't stand driving ranges. Never have done, never will.
If East Sussex National were a bit closer, with it's lovely grass range I'd quite happily spend the odd afternoon/evening up there bashing a bucket of balls and trying to work on things.
Off a mat with rubber balls?
You're having a giraffe
:( :( :( :(


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I think the range is fine as it's generally the player that controls the club

Given the opportunity I'd love to be able to do 30-45min on the range every day.


Tour Rookie
Sep 11, 2009
Ma Hoose
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I dont like the range much prefer the course.

IMHO the range makes you feel you are hitting it better than you actually are cos there is no pressure!!


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Only problem with the range is I get bored 20-30 balls in. Especially if I'm hitting the ball well. I've on many occasions left half a bucket in the stall for the next guy. I hate getting too technical about my swing, which is what happens at the range.


Medal Winner
Feb 7, 2011
East Lothian
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dont mind the range in the right conditions,particularly if its been a few weeks & just need to open up the way for me is to go with a mate & have a little side wager on targets to aim for with varied clubs & distances...can be awfully satisfying punching a little 4 iron to the 50 yds marker to take the money on the last ball!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Think the range has its uses especially if you've had a lesson and need to get the changes worked in. I'm swing crap at the moment and have been down the range twice this week chasing a fix but nothing is working. I plan to go out with the intention of it being a major exercise in chopping it round on Saturday and see where it goes. If its not better I'll get a pro to take a quick look

I don't think ranges help with the short game as you can't really nip the ball as you would off grass to create the spin. Good for distance control but not the strike


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Ranges can make you lazy. Even though it's the place to work on routines it's too easy just to tee-up another ball (some will even do that for you) and just smash away.

Knowing how to practice is one thing; having the discipline to do it is quite another.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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i think alot of the time the range can be ok as people have said just to work in changes, last year i spent hours there on a grip change and swing plane change until it felt natural. i then had a month off with the snow and upon my return my old grip and swing plan feel wrong, so it definately had its uses.

I just find at the range you can get too used to hitting one club or as some have said get bored. Id like our range to start doing 25/30 ball tokens for warming up. at the moment its 50 or 100 and it seems common that alot of people leave balls in the bay just for the point of being bored.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I think it depends on the mats to a certain extent.
Especially if they are old and worn.
People try to pick the ball up cleanly by flicking at it, trying to avoid hitting down on the hard mat and being scared of breaking something.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I have only ever hit off mates at the range up until last Saturday and boy was it a shock to the system, I either didnt take a divot or took a huge one.

I thought I had my swing etc sorted but once on the course it was a different animal. I am now only using the driving range to practice.... driving and tee shots!!!! (following some tips and advice from Mr Clifford ;) )


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Personally I love hitting balls at the range or hitting practise balls. Chuck in some head phones, take a camera down sometimes and play about a bit.
I can honestly hit balls all day just never get the chance.

The trick is to make the most of the nicer warmer days and completely ignore anything bad. You just have to accept that on a certain given day you didn't bring a certain swing. Concentrate on whats going well, and maybe try a few more a bit later.

If you stop enjoying any session, get tired or fed up then stop and go home.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Ranges can make you lazy. Even though it's the place to work on routines it's too easy just to tee-up another ball (some will even do that for you) and just smash away.

Knowing how to practice is one thing; having the discipline to do it is quite another.

I've said many times that I walk off the mat after every shot at the range and step back on and take my grip and stance again froms scratch. I'll never hit two balls consecutively. If I'm working on a swing fix or drill I'll even spend two or three minutes just rehearsing it without a ball until I'm happy.

I think you used the right word, discipline. I can make a bucket of 60 balls last 90 minutes and I'll often see guys start after me and finish two buckets in that time.

It's quality and not quantity too but also recognising that some days just like being on the course you aren't swinging it great and to accept it and either move on and hit pitches or something different or just finish the bucket and leave