Does a golf instagram account following fashion tickle your fancy at all?

Thank you all for the feedback.

A very interesting split!

If anyone is interested, I have an account @weweargolf. I started it for a bit of fun, plus I was sick of buying clothes and the sizes being all over the place and having to send stuff back only to find it's £10 to return the clothes.

In a world post COVID we see less and less available to buy in store with American golf stocking less brands now and other shops closing altogether, so I thought it might be a bit of fun to do the trying on bit and let people know what the clothes are like. After all, we get a million different club reviews online, why not the outfits we wear too?

Also gives me a chance to try some more "out there" items (like Macade Golf's collaboration with football kit manufacturers Admiral) which, let's be honest, most people wouldn't even consider trying!

Feel free to give me a follow or like, and I'm always open to some suggestions to what to do next!

This is a good idea and good luck to you.

The problem kicks in when you start to receive free stuff, you need to maintain your integrity and not turn into one of the countless "collaborators" who are just advertising stuff and post about how wonderful everything is.

I see Mia Baker was mentioned in this thread... she has to be one of the most annoying people on insta
This is a good idea and good luck to you.

The problem kicks in when you start to receive free stuff, you need to maintain your integrity and not turn into one of the countless "collaborators" who are just advertising stuff and post about how wonderful everything is.

I see Mia Baker was mentioned in this thread... she has to be one of the most annoying people on insta
Yeah she is very much a spokesperson for Adidas these days, but I guess she never wanted to be impartial from a brand perspective.

I'm miles away from getting free stuff so there's no worry about that yet!!!
Yeah she is very much a spokesperson for Adidas these days, but I guess she never wanted to be impartial from a brand perspective.

I'm miles away from getting free stuff so there's no worry about that yet!!!
That didn't age well. You are a walking clothes horse of fashion these days. Some of it is a crime against golf fashion though