How much does poor company affect your game?

Weekend warrior: A part time golfer that mainly plays on the weekend. Normally has the latest adjustable driver to eliminate his/her slice/hook (as its not their swing, its the old club) typically wear the latest clothing as worn by rose or poulter. Typically dont repair pitch marks (not that they make many) or divots nor rake bunkers. when in the club house, they moan about how they could be a CAT1 golfer if it wasn't for the kids/job. Also has to measure every shot via GPS so they can log their distances, irrespective of tops or fats, they all count. Even though its their only pastime, they want it over as quickly as possible, so anything over 4 hours for a round is not acceptable and its normal to blame either seniors, women or visitors for the delay (even though they are the ones holding up the course)
When asked how far they drive the ball, its only the very best of sunday best drives mentioned, so they are firmly in the 300 club, even though the concrete fairway has not seen water for 2 months.

That will do for now. I am thinking of getting it on Wikipedia...

So in short, its the likes of me and G1BBO! LOL

Spot on Rooter.
One of the reasons I don't play at weekends before 7PM.
My Dad is very similar to this....If he is playing well he's fine.....If he scratches a hole he carries it with him for 2 or 3 afterwards......

The last few weeks its coming to boiling point with me..... For the most part i can deal with it but my patients are wearing a little thin...... It is getting to the point now where if its ongoing then im going to join a different club on my own next year....Id rather do that than to fall out and not talk to him......
Played Medal on Sunday and have to confess I had a few disaster holes which did result in a few bits of stroppy behaviour on my part - nothing to be proud of. The lady in our 3 ball had her best round of the season and the bloke won top spot whereas I finished joint last. I think there is something about letting emotions show but in such a way that doesn't impact on your playing partners games - apologise if out of order, encourage them and don't take it all too seriously?
I do think a word is in order if the other three in the four ball are having their enjoyment stolen by some selfish person.

Had this situation and i did help as part of the ' not happy' presentation. Ability was there but red mist or ' poor me' negated any semblance of a swing.

Things have improved but the most annoying for me now is .... bad shot into the rough off the tee requires a second swing showing the anger, followed by a ' Did you see where it went?'

For three guys to be ball hunting due to someone throwing toys out of the pram really annoys me.
I absolutely detest playing with somebody who is so much better than their "handicap" it is patently obvious within a few holes. Feel like wedging a 7 iron up their arse.
If the behavior was as described I'd be having a straight out word with the guy in question and have done so with a guy i got drawn with in club champs at my old club who was launching in to fits of anger, club throwing, smashing clubs into the ground, bag kicking and moaning during the swings of myself and the other guy in our group. I let him do it for the first 4 holes to see if he calmed down but he didn't, so i simply said to him that it if we were to continue to play together for 36holes in the heat that he conduct himself in a manner more suited to the course and with respect for us and others on the course or if he preferred to continue with his Mr angry approach I'd sign his card now and one if us could call it a day and walk in! Never heard a peep out of him for the remaining 31holes we played together and he has never spoken to me since. But that doesn't bother me in the slightest as I play golf to enjoy myself not to watch a fully grown man behave like a petulant child and ruin it for others.

That said had it been matchplay id say nothing at all and let him get even more worked up about it all until Ive beaten him and at the shaking hands moment just say " maybe better to take up the hammer throw instead of golf the way you were launching those clubs"
Why let others influence your game and dictate if your enjoying your golf? Just ignore the pratt who is the problem and focus on your shot. Once they realise that they can't drag you down by acting like a pratt they'll give up.

The key is concentration.

The mind is a wonderful thing!
PMSL:rofl::rofl: Bomber likes this:thup:

To be honest your not far away from the truth, but you have failed to mention the "Chompers" they are a little bit better than the "Weekend Warriors" but still as slow:whoo:

G1BB0 Just to avoid any doubt you are a "Weekend Warrior" .......
Just trying to work out if its worse to be a Weekend Warrior or to refer to yourself in the third person :confused:
I couldn't play a round with some one like that tbh,I play the game for fun & It wouldn't be much fun watching some one have a break down on the course. Think the man in question needs to have a think if golf is really for him.