Do you feel safe when flying?

I listened to Humphreys interviewing Hammond the Foreign Secretary on Radio 4 this am. The governments decision to temporarily suspend flights to and from Sharm el Sheik in view of the suspicions that a bomb was the culprit in the loss of the Airbus seems to me to an appropriate and proportionate response. Humphreys was going out of his way to ask the most bloody silly "what if" and "is it possible that" questions and seemed more concerned about the impact on Egyptian tourism than the safety of Uk citizens. At the same time, we all know what the BBC's response would be if inaction by the government led to another major loss of life.
I do feel that Humphreys sometimes gets carried away with his hectoring and agressive style of interviewing to the extent that he is unable to recognise when his interviewee is providing a sensible and reasoned response.
Don't feel as safe as I'd like and the security levels (inc peoples poor awareness/ignorance/stupidity) doesn't help but neither does adverse weather or even a pilot that doesn't sound 'chipper' enough on his passenger briefing!
Absolutely love it, flying and ferries (the smaller the better for both) are great fun.

I feel the least safe form of travel is driving, cycling on a road is second but I rarely do it, when I do I'm terrified, maybe it should be #1!
Tashy - Just as bad the people who don't take off jackets or belts until they are front of the queue. If the signs are up "take your shoes off" then take your shoes off just before you are at the front, not when you are there and so hold everyone up. These same people then grumble about having to do it. We have been doing it for years now. Drives me mad.

Don't get me started with the people who don't seem to think the 100 ml rule applies to them. Or that it is a new initiative and they were not aware of it. I often marvel at the wonder of humanity, but at airport security I often weep for our future.....
I listened to Humphreys interviewing Hammond the Foreign Secretary on Radio 4 this am. The governments decision to temporarily suspend flights to and from Sharm el Sheik in view of the suspicions that a bomb was the culprit in the loss of the Airbus seems to me to an appropriate and proportionate response. Humphreys was going out of his way to ask the most bloody silly "what if" and "is it possible that" questions and seemed more concerned about the impact on Egyptian tourism than the safety of Uk citizens. At the same time, we all know what the BBC's response would be if inaction by the government led to another major loss of life.
I do feel that Humphreys sometimes gets carried away with his hectoring and agressive style of interviewing to the extent that he is unable to recognise when his interviewee is providing a sensible and reasoned response.

Humphreys has taken the Paxman style and geared it up to the extent that almost all political interviewee's are too scared to say anything and just repeat preprepared statements and this has made televised political debate pointless
Used to be fine as a kid but as I've got older I've become more and more nervous.

However getting older helps a bit as I can now use the bar at the airport and take my mind off things slightly haha.
I feel safe, if sometimes a little nervous pre takeoff. I don't fly with work, flying means holidays so the association is good. The actual flying bit is fine, it's the delays, worry about missing connections, getting lost at Heathrow (easily the worst airport in the world I've been to) and hanging about departure which is awful, worsens the older you get. I feel safe enough in the air, perhaps Garuda or Merpati aside!:mad:
Don't get me started with the people who don't seem to think the 100 ml rule applies to them. Or that it is a new initiative and they were not aware of it. I often marvel at the wonder of humanity, but at airport security I often weep for our future.....

There was a cracker on 5 Live earlier in the week when flights were cancelled due to fog. Someone in Schipol airport overheard a fellow passenger saying to the woman on the check in desk "don't you realise I'm a very important person" when he was told the flight was delayed.
Must have been an MP :D
There was a cracker on 5 Live earlier in the week when flights were cancelled due to fog. Someone in Schipol airport overheard a fellow passenger saying to the woman on the check in desk "don't you realise I'm a very important person" when he was told the flight was delayed.
Must have been an MP :D

At least he knew who he was;)
I fly about 5-10 times a month, pretty immune to it all. If i thought about it, i would probably need a new job!
I feel safe, if sometimes a little nervous pre takeoff. I don't fly with work, flying means holidays so the association is good. The actual flying bit is fine, it's the delays, worry about missing connections, getting lost at Heathrow (easily the worst airport in the world I've been to) and hanging about departure which is awful, worsens the older you get. I feel safe enough in the air, perhaps Garuda or Merpati aside!:mad:

If you think Heathrow is bad, you can't have flown from any airport in America. I haven't been to a single US airport that is better than Heathrow.

In my opinion, flying is safer than it's ever been. Particularly if flying with a reputable European airline. With the exception of Air France 447 6 years ago and GermanWings this year, I can't think of any incident that would cause me any concern at all.
Some sort of accident almost every day on or near my commute, not putting anyone off driving though as the roads are always chocked full.
Used to be fine as a kid but as I've got older I've become more and more nervous.

However getting older helps a bit as I can now use the bar at the airport and take my mind off things slightly haha.

Exactly my thoughts.
The more I fly, the less I enjoy the takeoff and landing.
Take off is the best bit, the rest of the whole airport, airplane experience is uncivilized.

I don't feel unsafe though. Apart from the germs spread through the air con.
Flown from numerous airports many times and always felt perfectly safe. Apart from the occasional slow check-in I thoroughly enjoy the whole experience.
I love flying, it's still probably the best way to travel

I'd heard that 'Thinking' was! Especially if you need to use one of the 4 doors to find a lost chord! :whistle:

Otherwise, I agree! Simple and safe! Though, there's probable a few airlines I wouldn't use!