Do we waste too much time?


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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This is something that is aimed more at any pros/instructors on here.

As a club golfer do we spend too much time messing around with our swings, should we not just go to our local pro? I read so many opinions on here about what people should do and what they should not be doing when swinging the club. A lot of it just sounds like a sentence from a golf manual rather than sound educated advice.

So the point I am making are we doing more harm to our golf swing trying to make it too perfect, when we do not really now what we are doing. Does this then make it harder for a pro to give us lessons to sort it out when we have made a mess of things?


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Some people self analyse very well, others don't. Some know a bit, others don't. Every one is different. Some people adapt to lessons, and learn by being taught. Others need to work it out themselves. in my mind, neither is wrong, or wasting time.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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It is more that I have seen lads trying to sort their own swing out and end up with catastrophic issues from trying it. Can you really make major changes to your own swing with out the aid of someone else watching what you are doing? I just think too many people are too critical when doing things and constantly try to achieve perfection when who actually knows what perfection is:confused:

What I wondered was any PGA pros or golf coaches that may be on here had an opinion regarding people trying to change their own swing. Is it a good idea? Could a good pro make the changes for them a lot quicker rather than trying to pick the pieces up when self teaching does not work.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I know what you are saying the murph. I was just interested into their opinion on it from a professional point of view. They will always say go for a lesson rather than do it yourself. I agree 100% with them. Around the end of February I have always gone for a couple of lessons to make sure nothing has slipped in during the horrible winter months. Then at least I have tried my best to have a good season. It normally ends up with the same disappointing outcome as the year before, thinking about 3-putts and the one i knocked out of bounds to wreck that good card......:mmm:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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With regards to someone else watching, i find a decent slow motion camera and also the resultant ball flight of the shot is more than enough evidence for me. I have a decent understanding of swing mechanics and know what Im trying to achieve. That said every now and again I do touch base and have a lesson with a pro, almost an mot as such to make sure ive had it looked at by a second pair of eyes in case im missing something


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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It seems to me a lot of coaches try to foist off their version of the swing onto the pupil. Pointless. Others are more adaptable, and can work around the pupils limitations. I have friends who have lessons, and some of the stuff they are taught is unbelievably rubbish. Strangely, their h/caps are going up, and they are getting more confused. They were better golfers before they had lessons.

Others are getting better, working with the same coaches. Odd. But may be what they are being taught fits in with their swing any way.

If you keep having lessons, and are not improving, is this not a waste of time and money?

I have been coached in another sport by the national coach. He was brilliant. Having worked with some one so good, it is hard for me to find a good golf coach. Most that I have met, and spoken to, are not for me. I am picky, and difficult to work with.

I am having my first golf lesson tomorrow. It could be my last, or, it could be the first of many. If he wants to change much in my swing, I will need to understand why, and what I will get out of it first.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I think a lot of us tinker when we shouldn't.

This is the second sport that I've over-analysed technique and ended up not knowing what I'm doing right or wrong.

For some, like me, it's a disaster waiting to happen.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
This is the second sport that I've over-analysed technique and ended up not knowing what I'm doing right or wrong.

For some, like me, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

Must be a nightmare keep shooting 1 under par ....and scooping all the forum meet prizes! ;) hehe :D


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I think that ams have to know how to tinker. Unlike the pros, we can't leave the course after a bad round and have our coach on the practice ground immediately to sort out problems. We also don't get 72 holes over which to make ammends, we have to sort it (to an extent) pronto to enable us to make a score.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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I do think it depends on the indervidual. I am a self taught artist and guitarist. I took the vue if I had, had lessons. I would be being taught how someone else did it. Take the same view with the golf swing. It works for me. But that is not to say it would work for anyone else.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Must be a nightmare keep shooting 1 under par ....and scooping all the forum meet prizes! ;) hehe :D

I wish it were the 'norm'! ;)

Don't get me wrong, I play well a lot of the time, but when it goes wrong I have a million thoughts as to why, without much of a clue which one (if any) is right.

I just wish sometimes that I didn't dig as deep as I do into a lot of things.

Ignorance is bliss.... sometimes.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I think the self taught are in a similar position to you Gary.
If the swing isn't going well, they get down the range and fiddle until they find something that works.
They will get a great sense of achievement by fixing the problem themselves without having to get help from a pro.
The problem is the time it takes and the frustration that goes with the learning process.
And when the swing goes again, they have to start all over again.

If you're going to teach yourself, focus on the fundamentals, get them sorted first, then concentrate and develop your strengths.
Too many people look at their swings and see something that looks wrong and try and fix it.
Dont just change something for no reason.

Develop a shot shape you can rely on...your "go to" swing if you will.
So if things arent going well during a round, you can at least have a swing that will get you round until you get to the range and fiddle some more.

On the other hand, if you have lessons, you will have a clear picture from your pro what to build on and what to practice and improvements to your game will come much quicker than the self taught (if you practice).

A guy who frequents our range is self taught and last week asked me for help. He cant stop his push fade.
He said
"I've tried everything. Grip, ball position, backswing, downswing, posture" and so he went on.
I had a quick look and indeed all looked ok.
Then I looked at his set up from face on...again all seemed fine.
Then he moved.
Almost as a trigger, he re-gripped and weakened his left hand, then started his backswing.

When he stopped the re-grip he hit the ball much straighter.
Now that took me about 2 mins to spot that.
He told me he had been trying for about 2 weeks to fix it.

So, would I suggest golfers have lessons? Of course
You may get to where you want to be by teaching yourself but it will take you a lot longer and the risk is you may end up with a swing like Smiffys. :D