Head Pro
For Monthly Medals, we have 3 fixed divisions: 10 and lower, 11 to 18, and 19 and higher. Generally there is a fairly equal number of entries in each division.
For all other comps, divisions and division boundaries are flexible dependent on entries; i.e. they can (and do) move up/down a stroke to balance the number of players in each division. For a 2 division comp (over 30 entrants) the boundaries will typically be as follows: 15 and lower, and 16 and higher; and a 3 division comp (between 30 and 60-70 entrants) will typically have the following boundaries: 12 and lower, 13 to 19, and 20 and higher.
All division splits are by Playing Handicap - saves having to answer the question "why are two players with the same handicap in different divisions" every week.
The purpose is to give more players the opportunity to win prizes and also to spread the prize money around. Each division pays top 3 unless there are over 45 players in a division, in which case top 4 get paid.
Do you make it clear what the Divisions are going to be before the start of the competition, EG are saying the must be clearly stated before the competition, see below from their guidance " Defining Handicap Limits in Competitions "?
These divisions could be adjusted to reflect the demographic of the individual Club. The course handicap could be used as the limit for the divisions if the Committee chooses; but this must be clearly stated before play. The course handicap approach would not be recommended if any competitors were entering from outside the club; as it would require some effort for players to determine their eligibility prior to entry/arrival