Different Rules North of the Border!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Ignorance of The Rules

Played in a singles Comp last week in a 3 ball with a couple of guys, not from the same club but had travelled together. It was wet and preferred lies were in operation.

On 2nd hole guy 1 had marked his ball and went to look at green when guy 2 picked up his marker. When he asked where his marker was guy 2 told him the place was near the divot.

2 holes later there was casual water and he picked up his ball and just threw it 10 yards to the side advising me, although water was in front of me that I could take relief if I wanted!

Next hole Guy 1 said good job I told you it was a 6 iron rather than a 7 when you asked or you would have been short. Later on he lost his ball and thought it was a 1 shot penalty rather than stroke and distance.

Finally on a tricky green player 1 asked player 2 to help him with his line of putt which he did.

Always a difficult situation and |I took the easy option but these lads play 18 Competitions away from home each year and I have to ask whether it is fair to the rest of the field. I do NOT feel they were trying to cheat but both had been playing over 20 years and were just ignorant of The Rules.
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Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2012
st helens
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

didn't know the rules or were just trying their luck that you didn't? over the years i have played with a lot of people like these and i think of them as "professional open players" then have a dodgy h/c from a society or a muni type course then enter every open comp going never notifying their own course if the win or have a good finish so the h/c never changes,i have played with one chap at llangollen who had a h/c of 22 but in the next comp at north wales the same chap had a h/c of 24 and from a different club? just pot hunting cheats no other word to describe them.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

That's the trouble with open competitions, they'll let anyone with a handicap and a bag of clubs play in them ;)


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

I am somewhat confused by the title of this thread. What has the border got to do with it?

I think the Op was asuming that there is never any problems with golfers cheating south of the border.
I beg to differ.

Or it may simply be that the other players were from Scotland..
It's a statement of fact, they could have been from anywhere....
As soon as anyone "infers" any wrong doing by anyone from across the border too many people start jumping up and down....
People need to chill out - if he'd meant that all Scots are cheats I'm sure he'd have said it......:ears::thup:

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

Then why mention border in the first place?

Unless he is from Wales and it was aimed at Scousers.
Perhaps he is from 'Ampshire and it was aimed at Berks.

I don't think so though.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

Then why mention border in the first place?

Unless he is from Wales and it was aimed at Scousers.
Perhaps he is from 'Ampshire and it was aimed at Berks.

I don't think so though.

Because they were from North of the Border...............

If they had been Palestinian Terrorists, Tribemen from the Masai, Inuit, Brazilians, Indians, Men from Mars....... I'm sure he would have mentioned it too........

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

The OP clearly knows that the rules of golf are the same world wide but chose a title for his thread that was 'controversial'.
I shall just leave this nonsense to you guys from the South.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

Just interested to know if you'd have had the same reaction if the thread had been titled "Different Rules West of the Border".

I don't see anything controversial at all..

It seems to be you Guys from the North that are making something of it.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 16, 2009
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

Just interested to know if you'd have had the same reaction if the thread had been titled "Different Rules West of the Border".

I don't see anything controversial at all..💨

It seems to be you Guys from the North that are making something of it.

Nah mate,I don't agree! Why not call the thread "I played with some dodgy cheats today" or something similar? The title implies that EVEYONE north of the border cheats! I don't know if there was any ill intent,but given the frequent north vs south clashes on the forum it is a poor choice of title and a massive generalisation !


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

So would it have worried you if he'd implied that everyone in Wales cheats?
Or if he'd been playing against some Englishmen and therefore implying that all Englishmen cheat...?

What is wrong with a statement of fact? They were from North of the Border.
They could have been Seniors too...

Or Ladies.......

Where doesn't matter.......

If they'd have been English I wouldn't even think twice about it. It's 2 guys that don't know the rules.

It's only those who think they're being victimised who are making the noise....

Lighten up.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2012
st helens
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

i took the op to mean DID you have different rules in Scotland as opposed to the English golf union just because they were scottish didn't matter in the slightest a cheat is a cheat no matter were they come from.


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

While not offended I am a little confused. It doesn't actually state in the OP where these chaps were from. There is an inference of being Scottish but not a statement of fact that has been suggested.

I think it's fair to say that the poster knows that the rules are universal, at risk of being controversial are there different rules South of the Border as how this could be ignorable blatant breaches of the rules. Why would you complain about such behaviour if you stand back and do nothing about it? Surely that's assisting in perpetuating the behaviour of these guys?

If that happened during a comp I was playing these guys would be reported at the first opportunity.


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

Always a difficult situation and |I took the easy option but these lads play 18 Competitions away from home each year and I have to ask whether it is fair to the rest of the field. I do NOT feel they were trying to cheat but both had been playing over 20 years and were just ignorant of The Rules.

I would say you definitely took the easy option. I would have said something regarding all of these misdemeanors. Along these lines...

" A ball can only be deemed to be in play when you drop it properly."

" You do realise I hope that by offering advice you are breaking the rules and should receive 2 penalty shots"

etc etc

I think you also have to ask yourself whether you lack of withholding the rules was also unfair to the rest of the field. In crime this would be considered as withholding mitigating information and aiding and abetting in the said crime.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Re: Ignorance of The Rules

As far as I'm concerned you just can't let these sort of things go without pulling them up. They may or may not know that they are breaking the rules, but you are obliged to referee your 3 ball for the rest of the players in the competition who rely on you (and them) for integrity, so you are really letting down the rest of the field.