Covid-19 What happens next?


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Dec 11, 2019
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So half the world is in lockdown.
The world economy is crashing.
Now what?
The UK population is around 66 million, there are approx 38,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19

The lockdown cannot go on forever, even 6 months will see lots of businesses never reopen, economic meltdown & mass unemployment.
What's the plan then?
Testing is only really viable for health workers & hospital admissions, there isn't as yet a reliable test to ascertain if you have already had Covid-19 & a vaccine is potentially 12 to 18 months away, maybe more if the virus mutates.

Even given the high numbers of cases we are expecting in the next few weeks, that is insignificant compared to the UK population.
As soon as restrictions are lifted & world travel resumes the virus will return.
So unless a vaccine can be found in double quick time, I think we are in real trouble with this.

Deleted member 23270

My thoughts? An awful lot of people are not taking this virus very seriously at all. Too many people think they have a valid reason to be out and about.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
My thoughts from a different thread..

My personal interpretation of what we are seeing is HERD IMMUNITY ..... IN STAGES

We can't just go for all out one-time herd immunity as it would completely overwhelm the NHS so what we have to do is stagger the stages to slow the virus. We also can't just outright and say that we all have to get the virus because that will scare the crap out of the nation and cause widespread panic but if you protect the vunerable (tick) leave the schools a little bit too long (tick) isolate the masses (tick) allow some freedom (tick) then you are allowing the virus to continue albeit slowly, herd immunity... slowed down as much as possible whilst you wait to see if you can find a prevention/cure.

There is NO WAY we can all just hide in our houses, what if they don't find a prevention/cure for a year? we need SOME people to have had it just to keep the country ticking over and yes that means that some people will die unnecessarily before their time - this is a risk that the government for sure is taking. You can have SOME people die and the masses will carry on as normal but if the body count gets too high it will cause mass panic (social breakdown). Right now nearly 3,000 in this Country and we are still moaning about tins of paint and speed traps, I wonder what (if any) the tipping point is.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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My thoughts from a different thread..

My personal interpretation of what we are seeing is HERD IMMUNITY ..... IN STAGES

We can't just go for all out one-time herd immunity as it would completely overwhelm the NHS so what we have to do is stagger the stages to slow the virus. We also can't just outright and say that we all have to get the virus because that will scare the crap out of the nation and cause widespread panic but if you protect the vunerable (tick) leave the schools a little bit too long (tick) isolate the masses (tick) allow some freedom (tick) then you are allowing the virus to continue albeit slowly, herd immunity... slowed down as much as possible whilst you wait to see if you can find a prevention/cure.

There is NO WAY we can all just hide in our houses, what if they don't find a prevention/cure for a year? we need SOME people to have had it just to keep the country ticking over and yes that means that some people will die unnecessarily before their time - this is a risk that the government for sure is taking. You can have SOME people die and the masses will carry on as normal but if the body count gets too high it will cause mass panic (social breakdown). Right now nearly 3,000 in this Country and we are still moaning about tins of paint and speed traps, I wonder what (if any) the tipping point is.
Tipping point is I can’t pay my mortgage