Could be Playing Golf by the end of March 2021.


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Dec 31, 2020
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I may have to quit Wales and move back to England.

And seeing the weather in London today adds to that thought.... then I see the house prices, traffic etc?
Fortunately a lot of England isn’t London with its house prices, traffic etc.. There’s a lot of it just over the border from Wales?


Jul 24, 2009
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So, next week then. Walked the course yesterday, and it is drying out nicely. All we need is for the greens staff to get the mowers out, and we'll be good to go by Thursday or Friday.


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Dec 31, 2020
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I assume it will be 8th March or 29th March as they are intent on three weeks between easing of stages restrictions to monitor the effects, this seems sensible.

However, why it shouldn't be 8th March must only be down to optics not science.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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I may have to quit Wales and move back to England.

And seeing the weather in London today adds to that thought.... then I see the house prices, traffic etc?

Lets not forget that London is possibly one of the worst places in the UK with some of the worst people thrown in it!


Jul 24, 2009
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Just been over the field with the dog, hitting shots (me not the dog) and I was hitting it well all things considered, now for the real thing.


Club Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Milton Keynes
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Data on the number of Covid-19 cases is now so encouraging that outdoor sports for children and small numbers of adults should be allowed immediately as part of an accelerated easing of the lockdown, a leading scientist and adviser to government has told the Observer.
With the prime minister expected to take a cautious approach to lifting restrictions in a statement to the House of Commons on Monday, Prof Mark Woolhouse of Edinburgh University, whose work feeds into the Sage committee’s sub-group Spi-M, said the data showed there was no need for the government to be “ultra-cautious”.

“The government has said the country’s exit from lockdown should be data-driven. Well, the data is extremely good, far better than anyone, including me, anticipated two or three weeks ago,” said Woolhouse. “Hospitalisations, deaths, and case numbers have all plunged while vaccinations have already reached a quarter of the adult population.

“The corollary is that if we plan to ease lockdown in a data-driven way, we should right now be looking at starting the process of coming out of lockdown earlier than we were thinking about two or three weeks ago. The data drive has to go both ways.”
His comments came as the prime minister prepared to announce a new target to give all adults a first dose of the vaccine by the end of July. Plans to offer a first dose to all adults over 50 will also be brought forward two weeks to 15 April.
Woolhouse also pointed out that the proportion of Covid infections occurring outside is extremely low. “Studies suggest that one in 100 is a high figure. Others suggest it is more like one in 1,000 or one in 10,000,” he added.
“This virus very rarely transmits outdoors. So, quite honestly, outdoor activities that don’t involve close physical contact could be adopted now. That is not an argument to say we can have crowds back at football matches. But sports involving small numbers of players or sports for children: they could start perfectly safely today.”

- from today's Observer. Adds more weight to the case for an early resumption.

Trouble is our inept government can't decide whether to use the science or not. Everything points to golf being allowed to re-open so you can guarantee they'll do the opposite.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
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Funny how folk disapprove of government stopping golf, even though we have different Parties doing it!
Maybe if every party/government on the same piece of borderless land outlawed golf we might be more ok with it, however 3 have stopped it and one hasn’t with seemingly no different results or facts at their disposal- hence our disapproval.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Tomorrow's papers say March 29 for restart of golf.

I have copies of the front pages of the Telegraph and Guardian but I have a problem with copying them to the thread.

Deleted member 15344


8 March

All schools – primary and secondary – will open from 8 March, despite opposition from the main teaching unions who have called for a staggered reopening. Schools will be allowed to restart outdoor sports matches as well as other outdoor activities.
Care home visits indoors will resume, including allowing residents to hold hands with visitors.
Rules will on socialising in a public space will be relaxed, meaning one person can sit down with another individual from outside their household or bubble for a coffee, drink or picnic.
29 March

The second part of the first phase of reopening will begin as schools break up for Easter holidays. Outdoor gatherings will be permitted for either up to six people – reinstating the rule of six – or two households. The new rule is designed to give greater flexibility for families to meet outside, where the risk of transmission is significantly lower.
Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis or basketball courts and golf course will reopen. Organised adult and children’s sport, such as grassroots football, can also return.
The government has said it hopes to vaccinate all adults over the age of 50 by 15 April.
Second phase – late April

The second phase will allow the reopening of some hospitality in limited circumstances, which could include serving outdoors only.
Non-essential retail is expected to reopen in April. Universities and colleges could get the green light to reopen campuses.

Deleted member 3432

i don’t know if I am playing golf correctly.. I mean I don’t share contact with any one elses ball .. or are basketballs and tennis balls made of non transmission materials ?

Jeremy Tomlinson's letter to the PM obviously fell on deaf ears....:rolleyes:


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Someone ought to point out to Boris that golf has been allowed in Scotland throughout their latest lockdown.

Really, I know there is hope on the horizon but come on. If someone can show us the science behind preventing us playing, even in a 2-ball, then fine. But it’s so important to get people mixing in a limited way again, for their physical and mental well being.

It’s not even about the golf for me any more. It’s about being able to spend a few hours in the fresh air with friends. The science says the risk is negligible.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Someone ought to point out to Boris that golf has been allowed in Scotland throughout their latest lockdown.

Really, I know there is hope on the horizon but come on. If someone can show us the science behind preventing us playing, even in a 2-ball, then fine. But it’s so important to get people mixing in a limited way again, for their physical and mental well being.

It’s not even about the golf for me any more. It’s about being able to spend a few hours in the fresh air with friends. The science says the risk is negligible.

You can already spend a few hours outside with a friend. You just can't play golf.


Dec 14, 2019
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So the wife can meet her friend, park herself on a bench next to her with a flask of tea and some French fancies and hold the world to rights but I can’t play golf with my best mate and comfortably never be with 5 metres of each other? Absolutely ridiculous! Yes it’s only another 5 weeks but I think a lot of people will have expected more :-(