Coul Links planning refused

Have you ZERO interest in the environment and the preserving of, what is deemed by experts to be, an area that is special?

Don't think I said I have zero interest in the environment. From my understanding in what I've read, only part of the course was to be built on the area of special interest. It was approved by local councillors in the first instance so they must have been happy with what was being proposed.

SEPA also removed their objections to the course being built after further discussions with the owners. So they must have been happy with the plans as well.

The architects hired to build the course, are well known to be minimalist in building their courses. So earth moving and construction would have been keep to a minimum.

It's not like they just wanted to come in and bulldoze the site and just build from scratch. They would be working with the land and still providing a habitat for nature.
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Someone mentioned that the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency dropped their objection.
Their main function appears to be about flood protection and not necessarily about protection of wildlife and their habitat.
The RSPB (I'm a member) and other conservationist organisations are totally against this going ahead.

Their expert opinion and my belief that there are already more than enough super expensive private courses whilst the grass roots of the game is dying is more than enough for me to be glad it is not going ahead.

Yup they certainly are but for me SEPA removing their objections was interesting. Because their interested in the environment, you know so they must have been happy with what was planned.

Also its not a private golf course they were planning to build. Mike Keiser has built some of the best public course in the world in his time. I believe only his first build a 9 hole outside of Chicago is private.
Different markets but the sound of it. Local muni £15 a round struggle - £250 a round, booming. Lower end of the market, over supplied. Top end aimed at tourists, more please! (apparently)

So, courses in Scotland, if things are tight, charge £200 and advertise in American Holiday sites. Tell them Rob Roy played Mary Queen of Scots there and they'll be queuing round the block.

Tell them Bonnie prince Charlie was the caddy as well, and with your average American's grasp of history, will still believe you. ;)
I would like to see the course built and the land put to good use.


I bet every land developer uses that line every planning meeting they attend.

Why does a piece of land need to be put to good use, what's actually wrong with the natural land that it is ?

Have you ever driven around Scotland, lets say particularly the north east, plenty land about there that could be "put to good use" cause who actually cares about natural land and the beauty of it eh.
I bet every land developer uses that line every planning meeting they attend.

Why does a piece of land need to be put to good use, what's actually wrong with the natural land that it is ?

Have you ever driven around Scotland, lets say particularly the north east, plenty land about there that could be "put to good use" cause who actually cares about natural land and the beauty of it eh.

Yeah I bet they do, some would be better use than others. It's not like it is a bunch of houses that would actual destroy the habit.

And every piece of land doesn't need to be put to good use. But in my opinion I think this would have been good use.

And yes I have driven around Scotland and seen various parts of the country.
Have you ZERO interest in the environment and the preserving of, what is deemed by experts to be, an area that is special?

People always focus on the negative. Trump whether he was bullish or not always gets dragged up and used as an example of XY or Z.

Funnily enough people also fail to mention Machrihanish Dunes which was also built on a site of SSSI. They fail to mention how it was built within specified perameters and how it has worked with nature and it's been proven that the orchids and other flora and fauna have have flourished while having the golf course as a neighbour. So much so that SNH have allowed greater cutting and management of areas that were previously marked as no go areas.
Coul links is different and so is the expected impact.
Was M Dunes not famous for how it was built with no earth moved except for building of greens?