Journeyman Pro
Have you ZERO interest in the environment and the preserving of, what is deemed by experts to be, an area that is special?
Don't think I said I have zero interest in the environment. From my understanding in what I've read, only part of the course was to be built on the area of special interest. It was approved by local councillors in the first instance so they must have been happy with what was being proposed.
SEPA also removed their objections to the course being built after further discussions with the owners. So they must have been happy with the plans as well.
The architects hired to build the course, are well known to be minimalist in building their courses. So earth moving and construction would have been keep to a minimum.
It's not like they just wanted to come in and bulldoze the site and just build from scratch. They would be working with the land and still providing a habitat for nature.