Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Jul 11, 2009
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Is it crazy for people to not really care, or to put it another way, not let it upset them that some clangers may have been dropped along the way?
Yes mistakes get made but they have to learn from them. If we don’t hold them accountable and voice our concerns, then they’ll think we are all happy with their efforts and many of us aren’t. Without analysis and reflection the mistakes continue. Saying “This is unprecedented, good job lads” is a cop out and would delay progress.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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December 31st China alerts WHO to new virus.

January 23rd Study reveals a third of China’s patients require intensive care.

January 24th Boris Johnson misses first Cobra meeting.

January 29th Boris Johnson misses second Cobra meeting.

January 31st The NHS declares first ever ‘Level 4 critical incident’ Meanwhile, the government declines to join European scheme to source PPE.

February 5th Boris Johnson misses third Cobra meeting.

February 12th Boris Johnson misses fourth Cobra meeting. Exeter University published study warning Coronavirus could infect 45 million people in the UK if left unchallenged.

February 13th Boris Johnson misses conference call with European leaders.

February 14th Boris Johnson goes away on holiday. Aides are told keeps Johnson’s briefing notes short or he will not read them.

February 18th Johnson misses fifth cobra meeting.

February 26th Boris Johnson announces ‘Herd Immunity’ strategy, announcing some people will lose loved ones. Government document is leaked, predicting half a million Brits could die in ‘worse case scenario’

February 29th Boris Johnson retreats to his country manor. NHS warns of ‘PPE shortage nightmare’ Stockpiles have dwindled or expired after years of austerity cuts.

March 2nd Boris Johnson attends his first Cobra meeting, declining another opportunity to join European PPE scheme. Government’s own scientists say over half a million Brit’s could die if virus left unrestrained. Johnson tells country “We are very, very well prepared.”

March 3rd Scientists urge Government to advise public not to shake hands. Boris Johnson brags about shaking hands of Coronavirus patients.

March 4th Government stops providing daily updates on virus following a 70% spike in UK cases. They will later U-turn on this amid accusations they are withholding vital information.

March 5th Boris Johnson tells public to ‘wash their hands and business as usual’

March 7th Boris Johnson joins 82,000 people at Six Nations match.

March 9th After Ireland cancels St Patrick’s day parades, the government says there’s “No Rationale” for cancelling sporting events.

March 10th - 13th Cheltenham takes place, more than a quarter of a million people attend.

March 11th 3,000 Atletico Madrid fans fly to Liverpool.

March 12th Boris Johnson states banning events such as Cheltenham will have little effect. The Imperial College study finds the government’s plan is projected to kill half a million people.

March 13th The FA suspends the Premier League, citing an absence of Government guidance. Britain is invited to join European scheme for joint purchase of ventilators, and refuses. Boris Johnson lifts restrictions of those arriving from Coronavirus hot spots.

March 14th Government is still allowing mass gatherings, as Stereophonics play to 5,000 people in Cardiff.

March 16th Boris Johnson asks Britons not to go to pubs, but allows them to stay open. During a conference call, Johnson jokes that push to build new ventilators should be called ‘Operation Last Gasp’

March 19th Hospital patients with Coronavirus are returned to care homes in a bid to free up hospital space. What follows is a boom of virus cases in care homes.

March 20th The Government states that PPE shortage crisis is “Completely resolved” Less than two weeks later, the British Medical Association reports an acute shortage in PPE.

March 23rd UK goes into lockdown.

March 26th Boris Johnson is accused of putting ‘Brexit over Breathing’ by not joining EU ventilator scheme. The government then state they had not joined the scheme because they had ‘missed the email’

April 1st The Evening Standard publishes that just 0.17% of NHS staff have been tested for the virus.

April 3rd The UK death toll overtakes China.

April 5th 17.5 million Antibody tests, ordered by the government and described by Boris Johnson as a ‘game changer’ are found to be a failure.

April 7th Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care with Coronavirus.

April 16th Flights bring 15,000 people a day into the UK - without virus testing.

April 17th Health Secretary Matt Hancock says “I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky.” The UK has now missed four opportunities to join the EU’s PPE scheme.

April 21st The Government fails to reach its target of face masks for the NHS, as it is revealed manufactures offers of help were met with silence. Instead millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from the UK to Europe.

April 23rd - 24th Government announces testing kits for 10 million key workers. Orders run out within minutes as only 5,000 are made available.

April 25th UK death toll from Coronavirus overtakes that of The Blitz.

April 30th Boris Johnson announces the UK has succeeded in avoiding a tragedy that had engulfed other parts of the world - At this point, The UK has the 3rd highest death toll in the world.

May 1st The Government announces it has reached its target of 100,000 tests - They haven’t conducted the tests, but posted the testing kits.

May 4th The number of NHS staff that have died from Coronavirus overtakes the number of British Military personnel that died during the Iraq War.

May 5th The UK death toll becomes the highest in Europe.

May 6th Boris Johnson announces the UK could start to lift lockdown restrictions by next week.

My main take out from that is to send my sympathies to anyone who had to watch the Stereophonics. Thoughts and prayers.. ;)


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
So you don’t believe in using hindsight to learn and plan for the future and also as a measuring stick of performance? That’s a rather blasé way of approaching a global pandemic, don’t you think?

There's a world of difference between learning from it and criticising with it.

I've read lots of the sundays and the press is quite clear.

"Remove restrictions now while keeping them in place!" ??

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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There's a world of difference between learning from it and criticising with it.

I've read lots of the sundays and the press is quite clear.

"Remove restrictions now while keeping them in place!" ??

I suspect this is what the take out from the briefing this evening will be. Kind of try and keep doing what you have been doing but you can have a few more freedoms. But we won't be specific apart from visiting garden centres. And even then don't be a dick about it. I may be wrong but I seem to remember they tried this approach already before the 'official' lockdown announcement and it wasn't very successful. But may be the great British public will understand the importance a bit more now. Than again if responses to Bojo's latest tweet are anything to go by as we are apparently living in a fascist state and it is all a hoax perpetuated by Biil Gates then we are screwed.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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There's a world of difference between learning from it and criticising with it.

I've read lots of the sundays and the press is quite clear.

"Remove restrictions now while keeping them in place!" ??
That’s the problem with the press!

Having seen the following tweet from Boris / Gvt, I think the message is pretty clear, unless one chooses to be obtuse about it.

Noted how the full thing doesn’t appear in the press too often, just the slogan at the bottom :(



Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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That’s why you rely heavily on CCTV but your saying you don’t??
Spent quite some time on jury service couple of years ago and EVERY trial relied heavily on Cameras as there was no other evidence of note.
Just my experience , but feel free to tell me I don’t understand it.

CCTV is just one source of potential evidence. The police don’t “rely” on CCTV, they consider it as an evidential source, the same as they do witnesses, forensics, mobile phone data, computer records, and countless other sources.

clubchamp98 said:
I havnt seen cops on the beat for donkeys years .
They rely on cameras .

The above suggests your opinion that a visible police presence had been replaced by a reliance on cameras, which is not the case at all.

And I note in another reply you refer to the number of mobile speed camera fines issued. I’m not sure I see the relevance of that in your reply directly to me on the subject of community police presence and a reliance on cameras.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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CCTV is just one source of potential evidence. The police don’t “rely” on CCTV, they consider it as an evidential source, the same as they do witnesses, forensics, mobile phone data, computer records, and countless other sources. You suggested a visible police presence had been replaced by a reliance on cameras, which is not the case at all.

And I note in another reply you refer to the number of mobile speed camera fines issued. I’m not sure I see the relevance of that in your reply directly to me on the subject of community police presence and a reliance on cameras.
That’s because you joined a conversation where SR asked the question “what stops people speeding “
I put a one word answer= cameras.
then the conversation evolved to you calling it cobblers.
Not listening to evidence.
And accusing me of curtain twitching in my front window!
Then telling me I don’t understand what I witness every day where I live.
That enough.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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That’s because you joined a conversation where SR asked the question “what stops people speeding “
I put a one word answer= cameras.
then the conversation evolved to you calling it cobblers.
Not listening to evidence.
And accusing me of curtain twitching in my front window!
Then telling me I don’t understand what I witness every day where I live.
That enough.

Oh dear. A rather lame attempt to sum up a discussion that covered a number of pages, and which evolved during that process, by then using selected comments and observations, largely out of context, simply to try and win an argument.

Your views are quite clear. That the police have retreated from the streets and allowed themselves to be replaced by cameras.

Your own limited experience of the judicial system is just that - limited experience. It hardly constitutes evidence. And where have I said that you, specifically, do not understand anything? My comment was not a direct response to you - had it been, I would have made it quite clear.

But if the cap fits......

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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That’s the problem with the press!

Having seen the following tweet from Boris / Gvt, I think the message is pretty clear, unless one chooses to be obtuse about it.

Noted how the full thing doesn’t appear in the press too often, just the slogan at the bottom :(

View attachment 30554

So the phrase 'limit contact with other people' is not up for a whole myriad of interpretation? And what about 'Stay at home as much as possible?'. What is 'as much as possible'?

There are a significant minority of people who seemed to find ways to justify ignoring the current 'rules'. For better or worse we have created a situation where people need very direct instructions. And whilst this is not totally down to the current government, claiming this is very clear, based on what we have seen up to yet and the way society currently operates, is being a bit naive to me .

Old Skier

Tour Winner
May 10, 2013
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It’s crazy that people think we shouldn’t hold out government to account for their actions.
Everyone will have a chance to hold the government to account, its called an election. All of us having a moan on a media site is not holding anyone to account.

The only people who we can't hold to account is the media and some seem to be only to willing to feed of the scrapes of information that is thrown their way and take it as gospel.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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England break ranks with a United Kingdom by going it alone with 'Be Alert'
Directive not supported by Wales, NI and Scotland governments.

Sturgeon said she had to read the newspapers to find out what Johnson was planning.
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