Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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The thing I believe he did wrong is saying in his question time that he was hoping to relax restrictions on Monday - i don’t think he thought that through well at all because the media and public will leap on it.

Since then they have tried to smother the message every day.

damned if they do damned if they dont though (and damned full stop to some people)

so what youre saying is he cant be open and try and give some guide to direction as it will be his fault when it is misunderstood by sections of the press and public. at the same time theyre being criticised for giving no guidance on whats coming by other sections of the press and public


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I assume you'd also say she does not use a self promotional attitude: and of course all while being completely free of spin and bias.

Doon means she shares his views... :)

We have a total wazzock running Cardiff Council The Welsh Assembly who thinks buying flower pots in garden centres is safer than playing golf or sitting on a river bank (not fishing obviously!) We have a campaign on on a FB Group here emailing him to ask that is.

Roll on the election, the guy cant even buy a suit that fits
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Old Skier

Tour Winner
May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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The thing I believe he did wrong is saying in his question time that he was hoping to relax restrictions on Monday - i don’t think he thought that through well at all because the media and public will leap on it.

Since then they have tried to smother the message every day.
Down to interpretation, is opening a few shops including garden centers is not what I would call relaxing restrictions to any great shakes.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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damned if they do damned if they dont though (and damned full stop to some people)

so what youre saying is he cant be open and try and give some guide to direction as it will be his fault when it is misunderstood by sections of the press and public. at the same time theyre being criticised for giving no guidance on whats coming by other sections of the press and public

I'm sure we were all told that Sturgeon was having an adult conversation when talking about a 30 page document to stage getting out of lockdown...

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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despite having been criticised by all and sundry for a different approach at the start lol, 6 weeks ago he was a maverick idiot, hes now following the crowd to be popular. surely cant be both can it?

Don't think anyone called him a maverick.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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I assume you'd also say she does not use a self promotional attitude: and of course all while being completely free of spin and bias.
Believe me we are well used to BBC spin and bias in Scotland, 8 years and counting..……….on that scale Laura has not even got a foot on the first rung on the BBC bias ladder in rUK,


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Went to a test site yesterday, good size drive-througb facility on a car park at Mcr Airport.

Three things struck me;

1. Capacity must be near 100 per hour, but only a handful of cars there. When booking it was free most of the week.

Appreciate an isolated incident, but even if repeated at a couple.of centers then get might have been wise to publish testing capacity figures as well as as actual tests, similar to bed capacity, to ward off the snipers.

2. It felt like driving into a disaster movie. Don't open your window, phone numbers held up to communicate with the staff via phone and so on. Really enforced, after being cocooned away from it for 7 weeks, that this is real.

3. The process, from booking to completion, as a whole still could do with little refining. But it works. Whatever minor niggles there are testing is widely available, and accessible, for those who need it most. I could have picked an appt two hours after i initially registered! An impressive effort in such a short time.

So why am I posting this?

I'm not really politically affiliated but what I've seen, in the testing and nightingale hospital spaces, is some impressive disaster management from a government machine that isn't designed to move quickly.

Its easy to snipe, but you have to play the cards you have, not the ones you might of had. Whatever mistakes were made early days of this disaster the response has been impressive. More people need to take stock of that.

Sorry for the long rambling post!

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Doon means she shares his views... :)

We have a total wazzock running Cardiff Council The Welsh Assembly who thinks buying flower pots in garden centres is safer than playing golf or sitting on a river bank (not fishing obviously!) We have a campaign on on a FB Group here emailing him to ask that is.

Roll on the election, the guy cant even buy a suit that fits

Fairly sure that Laura is not even aware of what my views are.:ROFLMAO::love::ROFLMAO: I am really pretty insignificant in the UK politics scene.:unsure::eek:
I do like honesty and fair reporting in the British press though, sadly that is also pretty insignificant.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Not everyone is going to be pleased all of the time, and not all stuff is going to be done perfectly. There really isn’t any thing wrong with criticism either, it makes sure that stuff doesn’t slide off the table.
For sure we could have done stuff better and there is stuff they have done well. However the public has not made this straightforward with their inability to actually lockdown. We were always at risk in our big cities, look around the world and see those cities that have close engagement are all suffering.
Did they throw the care homes under the bus ? That’s something that will require investigation post event. What is required now is a response to prevent those numbers climbing and the suffering minimised.
The testing is all very well but we need to find out who has had it and if they are immune or not.. do that and the restriction reduction could well be planned better. I am sure these questions are being asked .. irrespective of the news agency.
The news agencies will all ways have their followers but remember the newspapers want to sell a story.. if they can keep a weak story alive by spinning it another way they will .. it’s all about money, always has and always will be.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Very good interview with David Spiegelhalter on Marr this morning. He is the statistician who was misquoted by BJ the other day.

Couple of points he made - everyone is worried about protecting their kids, yet out of 10 million under 15s, only 2 have died of the virus, and for under 25 year olds, the figure is 26 out of 15 million. Statistically irrelevant. By contrast, 1% of over 90s have died of the virus in the last 4 weeks alone. The risk to that age group is 10,000 times greater than to youngster. Obvious stuff, but well explained.

He expressed his frustration at the daily briefings, calling them number theatre. He made the point that the number of deaths is far higher than what is being quoted, and the number of people tested is well below what is being quoted. He made the point that it would be far better if the figures were properly explained by someone who understood them as opposed to politicians putting their spin on them.

if you want to watch it on catch-up, it was around 9.50am.


Jul 11, 2009
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Went to a test site yesterday, good size drive-througb facility on a car park at Mcr Airport.

Three things struck me;

1. Capacity must be near 100 per hour, but only a handful of cars there. When booking it was free most of the week.

Appreciate an isolated incident, but even if repeated at a couple.of centers then get might have been wise to publish testing capacity figures as well as as actual tests, similar to bed capacity, to ward off the snipers.

2. It felt like driving into a disaster movie. Don't open your window, phone numbers held up to communicate with the staff via phone and so on. Really enforced, after being cocooned away from it for 7 weeks, that this is real.

3. The process, from booking to completion, as a whole still could do with little refining. But it works. Whatever minor niggles there are testing is widely available, and accessible, for those who need it most. I could have picked an appt two hours after i initially registered! An impressive effort in such a short time.

So why am I posting this?

I'm not really politically affiliated but what I've seen, in the testing and nightingale hospital spaces, is some impressive disaster management from a government machine that isn't designed to move quickly.

Its easy to snipe, but you have to play the cards you have, not the ones you might of had. Whatever mistakes were made early days of this disaster the response has been impressive. More people need to take stock of that.

Sorry for the long rambling post!
So you admit it took them too long, mistakes were made and that they’re clearly allocating testing resources where they aren’t being properly utilised and you think it’s impressive? Erm.


Jul 11, 2009
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December 31st China alerts WHO to new virus.

January 23rd Study reveals a third of China’s patients require intensive care.

January 24th Boris Johnson misses first Cobra meeting.

January 29th Boris Johnson misses second Cobra meeting.

January 31st The NHS declares first ever ‘Level 4 critical incident’ Meanwhile, the government declines to join European scheme to source PPE.

February 5th Boris Johnson misses third Cobra meeting.

February 12th Boris Johnson misses fourth Cobra meeting. Exeter University published study warning Coronavirus could infect 45 million people in the UK if left unchallenged.

February 13th Boris Johnson misses conference call with European leaders.

February 14th Boris Johnson goes away on holiday. Aides are told keeps Johnson’s briefing notes short or he will not read them.

February 18th Johnson misses fifth cobra meeting.

February 26th Boris Johnson announces ‘Herd Immunity’ strategy, announcing some people will lose loved ones. Government document is leaked, predicting half a million Brits could die in ‘worse case scenario’

February 29th Boris Johnson retreats to his country manor. NHS warns of ‘PPE shortage nightmare’ Stockpiles have dwindled or expired after years of austerity cuts.

March 2nd Boris Johnson attends his first Cobra meeting, declining another opportunity to join European PPE scheme. Government’s own scientists say over half a million Brit’s could die if virus left unrestrained. Johnson tells country “We are very, very well prepared.”

March 3rd Scientists urge Government to advise public not to shake hands. Boris Johnson brags about shaking hands of Coronavirus patients.

March 4th Government stops providing daily updates on virus following a 70% spike in UK cases. They will later U-turn on this amid accusations they are withholding vital information.

March 5th Boris Johnson tells public to ‘wash their hands and business as usual’

March 7th Boris Johnson joins 82,000 people at Six Nations match.

March 9th After Ireland cancels St Patrick’s day parades, the government says there’s “No Rationale” for cancelling sporting events.

March 10th - 13th Cheltenham takes place, more than a quarter of a million people attend.

March 11th 3,000 Atletico Madrid fans fly to Liverpool.

March 12th Boris Johnson states banning events such as Cheltenham will have little effect. The Imperial College study finds the government’s plan is projected to kill half a million people.

March 13th The FA suspends the Premier League, citing an absence of Government guidance. Britain is invited to join European scheme for joint purchase of ventilators, and refuses. Boris Johnson lifts restrictions of those arriving from Coronavirus hot spots.

March 14th Government is still allowing mass gatherings, as Stereophonics play to 5,000 people in Cardiff.

March 16th Boris Johnson asks Britons not to go to pubs, but allows them to stay open. During a conference call, Johnson jokes that push to build new ventilators should be called ‘Operation Last Gasp’

March 19th Hospital patients with Coronavirus are returned to care homes in a bid to free up hospital space. What follows is a boom of virus cases in care homes.

March 20th The Government states that PPE shortage crisis is “Completely resolved” Less than two weeks later, the British Medical Association reports an acute shortage in PPE.

March 23rd UK goes into lockdown.

March 26th Boris Johnson is accused of putting ‘Brexit over Breathing’ by not joining EU ventilator scheme. The government then state they had not joined the scheme because they had ‘missed the email’

April 1st The Evening Standard publishes that just 0.17% of NHS staff have been tested for the virus.

April 3rd The UK death toll overtakes China.

April 5th 17.5 million Antibody tests, ordered by the government and described by Boris Johnson as a ‘game changer’ are found to be a failure.

April 7th Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care with Coronavirus.

April 16th Flights bring 15,000 people a day into the UK - without virus testing.

April 17th Health Secretary Matt Hancock says “I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky.” The UK has now missed four opportunities to join the EU’s PPE scheme.

April 21st The Government fails to reach its target of face masks for the NHS, as it is revealed manufactures offers of help were met with silence. Instead millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from the UK to Europe.

April 23rd - 24th Government announces testing kits for 10 million key workers. Orders run out within minutes as only 5,000 are made available.

April 25th UK death toll from Coronavirus overtakes that of The Blitz.

April 30th Boris Johnson announces the UK has succeeded in avoiding a tragedy that had engulfed other parts of the world - At this point, The UK has the 3rd highest death toll in the world.

May 1st The Government announces it has reached its target of 100,000 tests - They haven’t conducted the tests, but posted the testing kits.

May 4th The number of NHS staff that have died from Coronavirus overtakes the number of British Military personnel that died during the Iraq War.

May 5th The UK death toll becomes the highest in Europe.

May 6th Boris Johnson announces the UK could start to lift lockdown restrictions by next week.
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