Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?

Jul 7, 2018
Lombardy, Italy
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Our 3 weekly big shopping trip today, and bearing in mind tomorrow sees the start of the municipality lockdown. Basically, you can't leave the town you live in, which isn't great if you live in a village.

Spanish supermarket - slightly busier than usual. Normal number of tills open. No problem getting anything, no bear shelves.
Iceland - totally rammed. Probably 20-30 cars in the overspill, usually none. A number of empty shelves, and lots of mutterings. Double the number of tills normally open, and queuing like I've never seen in there.

Brits panic buying.

Hope you got your Black Forest Gateauxxxxs ;)


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Roads were a lot quieter today than on Thursday and Friday. Can see people finishing off last week in the office before working from home this week.

Yeah definitely noticed it this morning, even at rush hour is wasn't too bad.

I didn’t, long delays getting into Birmingham, then very busy on M40 and bumper to bumper getting off at J9 and onto the A34 which was solid until I got past the M4, then it eased, but then busy again through Southampton and even busier in Poole!

Horrendous rain all the way back, and again traffic was pretty much the same as when I do that journey when not in a lockdown.

With people furloughed, and not many taking notice of essential travel, there’s more traffic on the roads imo.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Interesting talking to a colleague this morning, his daughter works in genetics at a Liverpool hospital and she has seen the results of the recent testing in the area. Of the 23,000 tested 0.7% came back as positive, interestingly only about 1/3 of those had showed symptoms.
The 100,000 figure which seems to be used that makes it 700/100,000, is that not even higher than when Liverpool went into tier 3?


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Interesting talking to a colleague this morning, his daughter works in genetics at a Liverpool hospital and she has seen the results of the recent testing in the area. Of the 23,000 tested 0.7% came back as positive, interestingly only about 1/3 of those had showed symptoms.
The 100,000 figure which seems to be used that makes it 700/100,000, is that not even higher than when Liverpool went into tier 3?

I guess that this will always be the issue. As long as people can be asymptomatic we are rarely going to have any idea as to how many people have it or have had it.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Interesting talking to a colleague this morning, his daughter works in genetics at a Liverpool hospital and she has seen the results of the recent testing in the area. Of the 23,000 tested 0.7% came back as positive, interestingly only about 1/3 of those had showed symptoms.
The 100,000 figure which seems to be used that makes it 700/100,000, is that not even higher than when Liverpool went into tier 3?
We are in the same boat, youngest in first year at university. Of all of my daughters friends, either at her university or her school friends scattered around the country, she only knows 2 who tested positive having shown symptons. The pile on the other side who tested positive, had a test because their flatmate did but didn't show symptons far outweighs those. Those figures in Liverpool mirror the Northumbria situation about 2 weeks in.

They are going to test students before the end of term so that any who are positive can isolate before returning home. I reckon most 1st years will have had it by December, whether they realise or not.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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People who would rather park on verges, pavement, across other peoples drives, double park, block the road in their oversized SUVs rather than pay 70p for a whole days parking in the almost empty car park 50 yards away
...that's a 'random irritation' but one that I share...especially when the 'parked in' space is tight and/or awkward and the driver is incompetent and ends up parking such that they are a bleedin' nuisance to other drivers and/or pedestrians.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 24, 2009
East Yorkshire, UK
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Partners son was sent home from school today to self isolate for 14 days owing to close contact with a pupil who has tested positive.

There is now an ongoing debate as to whether or not he will be able to move between his dads and our place as there is a joint parenting arrangement :unsure: My view is that if he is self isolating he should stay in one household - but that has been countered with the guidance caveat regarding children of parents who live apart.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Partners son was sent home from school today to self isolate for 14 days owing to close contact with a pupil who has tested positive.

There is now an ongoing debate as to whether or not he will be able to move between his dads and our place as there is a joint parenting arrangement :unsure: My view is that if he is self isolating he should stay in one household - but that has been countered with the guidance caveat regarding children of parents who live apart.

Year 10 pupil at HID's school sent home positive along with a teacher. All of year 10 and 11 (year 11 in contact with teacher) all sent home. Seems a lot of the teachers are angling for working from home now


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Year 10 pupil at HID's school sent home positive along with a teacher. All of year 10 and 11 (year 11 in contact with teacher) all sent home. Seems a lot of the teachers are angling for working from home now

What's a lot? My wife's school has year 3 in lockdown from this Monday, 7 adults self isolating none of the teachers in her school want to work from home, is that a lot then?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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What's a lot? My wife's school has year 3 in lockdown from this Monday, 7 adults self isolating none of the teachers in her school want to work from home, is that a lot then?

Small potatoe, my sister's school has been poor with covid

They closed all but year six last week

This week entire school lol



Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Cases in the Devon & Cornwall according to the BBC info growing faster than rest of England having been fairly low in COVID 1 yet no mass testing for the area.

Lies, damn lies and statistics springs to mind.

I'm not disputing it and don't know the stats behind it but if Devon and Cornwall have gone from 4 cases per 100000 to 12 cases per 100000 then new cases are growing by 200%. If Liverpool has gone from 800 cases per 100000 to 1000 cases per 100000 then cases are only growing by 25%. Therefore Devon and Cornwall are growing faster even though it's still at a very low level.

Need to look at the full picture with all the details.

Old Skier

Tour Winner
May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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Lies, damn lies and statistics springs to mind.

I'm not disputing it and don't know the stats behind it but if Devon and Cornwall have gone from 4 cases per 100000 to 12 cases per 100000 then new cases are growing by 200%. If Liverpool has gone from 800 cases per 100000 to 1000 cases per 100000 then cases are only growing by 25%. Therefore Devon and Cornwall are growing faster even though it's still at a very low level.

Need to look at the full picture with all the details.
Wish it was just 12 cases