Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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So my test has come back as positive - boo.

Quick question for @Ethan which may sound daft but...can we stop trying to self isolate from each other now we're both positive?! I guess I can't get it any worse by continuing to be exposed to someone else who has it once I have it?? Does virus load apply? David has developed a high temperature since yesterday and certainly feeling a bit rougher than he had been although not as rough as he felt on Wed/Thur. I've got a very slight cough but that's about it - and want it to stay that way!


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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I’ve just read an article that suggests we should not be pinning all of our hopes on a vaccine given what is happening in Denmark at the moment with the mink. I won’t claim to be an expert in this and would welcome the comments from Ethan etc who have the background as to whether this is likely to be an issue longer term.

Essentially the version of the virus that has been passed back to humans from the mink has muted and specially changes are within the Spike protein. Very early indications (and these are based on a VERY limited sample) are that this particular mink virus is not inhibited to the same degree by antibodies from humans with this version compared to those who have with the non-muted variant.

The major problem if this is true is that the two most promising vaccines are specially directed against this Spike protein so any changes/mutations are likely to render the vaccines less effective should it get into the wider population. Apparently this version of the virus has been found in mink populations across 6 other countries so it is unlikely that this new strain is going to be contained. Plus, even if it was the chances are this will happen anyway just with a different animal.

My question for those who are more knowledgeable on the subject, how much of an issue is the above if it turns out to be correct?


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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So my test has come back as positive - boo.

Quick question for @Ethan which may sound daft but...can we stop trying to self isolate from each other now we're both positive?! I guess I can't get it any worse by continuing to be exposed to someone else who has it once I have it?? Does virus load apply? David has developed a high temperature since yesterday and certainly feeling a bit rougher than he had been although not as rough as he felt on Wed/Thur. I've got a very slight cough but that's about it - and want it to stay that way!

Interesting question, and doesn't come up as often as it should!. I don't think there is a specific recommendation for this, but if you are both positive, I don't think either of you will make the others course any worse, so I think you are OK to mix again.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I’ve just read an article that suggests we should not be pinning all of our hopes on a vaccine given what is happening in Denmark at the moment with the mink. I won’t claim to be an expert in this and would welcome the comments from Ethan etc who have the background as to whether this is likely to be an issue longer term.

Essentially the version of the virus that has been passed back to humans from the mink has muted and specially changes are within the Spike protein. Very early indications (and these are based on a VERY limited sample) are that this particular mink virus is not inhibited to the same degree by antibodies from humans with this version compared to those who have with the non-muted variant.

The major problem if this is true is that the two most promising vaccines are specially directed against this Spike protein so any changes/mutations are likely to render the vaccines less effective should it get into the wider population. Apparently this version of the virus has been found in mink populations across 6 other countries so it is unlikely that this new strain is going to be contained. Plus, even if it was the chances are this will happen anyway just with a different animal.

My question for those who are more knowledgeable on the subject, how much of an issue is the above if it turns out to be correct?

I saw this report, and some commentary on it from an Irish virologist. The gist is basically that it is too early to tell, but we shouldn't panic. We don't know that the mink mutation takes well in humans, because even though it has been observed since April, there appear to be few cases in humans, or that it has the same effect in humans. Even if it does, we shouldn't assume this would impact the efficacy of a vaccine.

There is going to be a lot of this sort of thing, some new mutation or a new symptoms that seems to be strongly associated with Covid. So far, none of it has altered the big picture, that avoiding getting it until a vaccine is available, is a good plan.

As an aside, it is another (as if more were needed) argument against herd immunity. Letting the virus run free only increases the chances of mutations, and the more mutations that evolve, the greater the chance that there is one we have no answer for.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Interesting question, and doesn't come up as often as it should!. I don't think there is a specific recommendation for this, but if you are both positive, I don't think either of you will make the others course any worse, so I think you are OK to mix again.

Thanks. I did Google it but couldn't find anything helpful and one way too technical paper for me!


Tour Winner
Mar 23, 2013
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So my test has come back as positive - boo.

Quick question for @Ethan which may sound daft but...can we stop trying to self isolate from each other now we're both positive?! I guess I can't get it any worse by continuing to be exposed to someone else who has it once I have it?? Does virus load apply? David has developed a high temperature since yesterday and certainly feeling a bit rougher than he had been although not as rough as he felt on Wed/Thur. I've got a very slight cough but that's about it - and want it to stay that way!

Hope you both feel better soon Amanda.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Two families we know... unfortunately both have thier 20 something kids hit by Covid. One is holed up in London with his girlfriend and 6-7 flatmates - all infected. Apparently picked up at dinner party. in case of the other one, he picked it up at work and now being nursed at home.


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Wife just had an email from her school, 6 year groups single form entry. Year 3 Teaching Assistance aged 21 has it, spent half term away partying (why post the stuff on Facebook) tested positive. Year 3 is now isolating but the knock on effect is massive.

Tomorrow my wife has a senco meeting for a young boy from year 3 who is going blind and will not live more than another 10 years. Year 3 teacher is involved, looks like it has to be cancelled, 3 weeks in the planning with massive work load and input from all parties. All buggered now.

At the park this morning 3 families all playing together with their kids, no distancing and just popped outside and watched my neighbour's get in to their friends car who has come to pick them up.

Exercise in frustration really, it won't get to where we need it to be and we are going to be living with continual lockdowns every month or so.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Got a call from the school, daughter has been in contact with confirmed case as has to stay off for 10 days.

My mum got the call Friday that she had last been in contract with a confirmed case on Tuesday so isolate until 18th

Dad's free to leave the house

Now my mum works 3 days a week. Tuesday thrus Friday

We saw her briefly weds as she looks after our eldest after nursery on Wednesdays....

Haven't seen her since

We don't have to isolate or anything unless she got symtoms by yesterday or something ...very confusing

But she worried shes given it to our daughter

I keep telling her it's such low risk because it's one day you worked with that child and you saw her outside as was nice day they played in their garden etc

Plus my mum is super clean about everything

But a worry none the less


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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The whole Track & Trace thing has kicked into gear but so many messages - many of which look exactly the same! Filling out the forms very clunky and no joining of the dots as I just had a call in relation to David's trace form but my positive test not registered against that. David has had the same about my positive test/trace form. Also a link to donate plasma which I was all over until right at the end when I had to put in the date my symptoms finished....ummm this email is about my positive test dated today.

Anyhow. I guess rather too much than too little but it could be a little overwhelming and stop people responding - especially as many will be feeling pretty rubbish.


Jun 20, 2018
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My mum got the call Friday that she had last been in contract with a confirmed case on Tuesday so isolate until 18th

Dad's free to leave the house

Now my mum works 3 days a week. Tuesday thrus Friday

We saw her briefly weds as she looks after our eldest after nursery on Wednesdays....

Haven't seen her since

We don't have to isolate or anything unless she got symtoms by yesterday or something ...very confusing

But she worried shes given it to our daughter

I keep telling her it's such low risk because it's one day you worked with that child and you saw her outside as was nice day they played in their garden etc

Plus my mum is super clean about everything

But a worry none the less
Yeah same sort of thing here , daughter to stay off till the 19th, no need for us to isolate as yet. Hopefully she didn't catch it. We don't know who the contact was , but we suspect its the teacher as she's been off and the front row of class have all been told to isolate.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Wife just had an email from her school, 6 year groups single form entry. Year 3 Teaching Assistance aged 21 has it, spent half term away partying (why post the stuff on Facebook) tested positive. Year 3 is now isolating but the knock on effect is massive.

Tomorrow my wife has a senco meeting for a young boy from year 3 who is going blind and will not live more than another 10 years. Year 3 teacher is involved, looks like it has to be cancelled, 3 weeks in the planning with massive work load and input from all parties. All buggered now.

At the park this morning 3 families all playing together with their kids, no distancing and just popped outside and watched my neighbour's get in to their friends car who has come to pick them up.

Exercise in frustration really, it won't get to where we need it to be and we are going to be living with continual lockdowns every month or so.

God, this made me so angry. Country has far too many of these idiots,,
If that "partying" is true, then immediate dismissal.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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God, this made me so angry. Country has far too many of these idiots,,
If that "partying" is true, then immediate dismissal.

Good luck with that in front of an appeal.. There is no contract with the school about not-partying.
We dont know how many were at the Party.. what if it was a silent disco and everyone tested before hand.

On the other hand... black mark in my register.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Good luck with that in front of an appeal.. There is no contract with the school about not-partying.
We dont know how many were at the Party.. what if it was a silent disco and everyone tested before hand.

On the other hand... black mark in my register.

Subject to all the facts, would not partying have been contrary to Covid rules, I.e the law?


Sep 11, 2011
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As of Tuesday A.M. Bars and restaurants will close at 6pm. Curfew to run from 10pm to 6am. Further, not allowed to travel beyond the confines of the town in which you live. Length of restriction; 15 days - note, 15 days is the longest it can be imposed because of Spanish law but there's no reason why it can't be sanctioned again at the end of the first 15 days, and repeat, as was the initial lockdown for mid March to mid May.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Quick question. If you test positive, how long are you meant to isolate for as not sure. Assume cannot be until the end of symptoms as can have them for months. Is it a set 14 days or are there criteria you have to meet to end isolation. Not got it but interested to know if the day comes


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Quick question. If you test positive, how long are you meant to isolate for as not sure. Assume cannot be until the end of symptoms as can have them for months. Is it a set 14 days or are there criteria you have to meet to end isolation. Not got it but interested to know if the day comes

10 days from first day of symptoms. Only thing that would lengthen that is if you still have a high temperature. Other symptoms do take longer to clear up.

I know that from my nice chat with the Track and Trace guy today!

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Good luck with that in front of an appeal.. There is no contract with the school about not-partying.
We dont know how many were at the Party.. what if it was a silent disco and everyone tested before hand.

On the other hand... black mark in my register.

Nothing about gross misconduct?