Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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It doesn't specify front windows.

So properly wrapped up, heaters on, back windows open wouldn't be a massive issue, apart from for the owner of the vehicle ☔.
I have a Cactus
They only have pop out acknowledgement windows, about 3 inches.
Pound to a penny they'll want both fronts open.

Deleted member 25172

As Sweden was put back on the list of countries where people have to self isolate I have 2 weeks of sitting in our one bedroom flat to look forward to when I get back to the UK tomorrow. That’s gonna be enjoyable. ?


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Assuming driving lessons and tests resume as planned on 2nd December we now have a few tweaks that have been made to the test.
"One window on each side of the car WILL be open during the test. Wear suitable clothing"
So if it's blowing a gale and hammering down with rain you have to have windows open. Everybody and everything gets soaked, spectacle wearers will need wipers on their lenses, gloves will need to be wind and rain proof and let's just hope there isn't a lorry going the other way when you're doing 60.
Its not fair on the kids to keep putting tests back but its equally not fair to make them do it in circumstances that you wouldn't meet in real life. The extra clothing required (hats, gloves, coat, more layers) is bad enough but getting showered as well..?
3°C, raining and 20mph wind _ who drives for 40 minutes with windows open in that.?
Kinda really hoping this vaccine comes soon......:oops:

Thought you wore masks in the car, surely that negates the need for windows open? ??‍♂️

My old gti window switches broke twice because of rain water settling in the button recess. They were £70 a time to replace.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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It is, but it is rather unlikely there will be vaccine in December, and it appears that this news reached the media before it reached GPs, who need a bit of time to get organised, and not all of whom are happy to hear this job will be dropped on them for derisory payment without very much planning.

The caveat being that all I know about this is what I am reading here, it does seem very good news on the face of it.
Your answer above does beg a question or two.
The fact that you as a medical man confirm Chris's news surely suggests the vaccine being available is imminent. How far from December do you suggest it is?
As for organised, I would have thought that provision of the vaccine to us would be similar to the way the flu vaccine was done by Drs practices.
The flu vaccine was offered to a certain age group and those vulnerable who medically qualified for it, wouldn't this be the same( in the first instance).?
The flu vaccine was administered pretty well in my neck of the woods, so why not do it the same way. In fact, the flu vaccine would have been a final rehaearsal for the Covid vaccine, you might say?
Why would there be a spat about extra payment to GPs to get this vaccine out? Compared with furloughing etc it would be peanuts, as well as I find it difficult for GPs on 100k to quibble about doing this service.
(How many on here, if they were GPs, would do this for nothing in order to rid the country of this scourge and the stranglehold it has on us in so many ways.
Almost all of us, I suggest)
Come on, this news must be a clear light at the end of a long tunnel.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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The caveat being that all I know about this is what I am reading here, it does seem very good news on the face of it.
Your answer above does beg a question or two.
The fact that you as a medical man confirm Chris's news surely suggests the vaccine being available is imminent. How far from December do you suggest it is?
As for organised, I would have thought that provision of the vaccine to us would be similar to the way the flu vaccine was done by Drs practices.
The flu vaccine was offered to a certain age group and those vulnerable who medically qualified for it, wouldn't this be the same( in the first instance).?
The flu vaccine was administered pretty well in my neck of the woods, so why not do it the same way. In fact, the flu vaccine would have been a final rehaearsal for the Covid vaccine, you might say?
Why would there be a spat about extra payment to GPs to get this vaccine out? Compared with furloughing etc it would be peanuts, as well as I find it difficult for GPs on 100k to quibble about doing this service.
(How many on here, if they were GPs, would do this for nothing in order to rid the country of this scourge and the stranglehold it has on us in so many ways.
Almost all of us, I suggest)
Come on, this news must be a clear light at the end of a long tunnel.

Some of the clinical trials are likely to report very soon, and there are rolling reviews taking place, so a swift approval is possible. This side of Dec 31, the EMA approval still covers the UK, and I think they are good shape to act quickly. Manufacturing appears to be ahead of the game, so the rate limiting step will be distribution and administration. That is not a small task. The Pfizer vaccine, for example, needs -70 degree freezer storage, and may be 2 jabs, so double the work and organisation needed. I think early new year is more realistic, but I expect Govt will be doing everything they can to be able to say that they started administration before year end. It will take months rather than weeks to trickle down the age groups, though. Some employers may also be able to purchase private stocks and administer it through their Occupational Health departments.

I am not a GP, but GPs on doctors net (a popular social media site) are saying this was announced publicly before they were told and it isn't just as simple as flu vacc 2.0. GPs are not all on 100k, and many have been screwed for the last number of years over pensions and premises ownership. They are a bit fed up with diktats from HM Govt. The £12 for administering a new medicine is rather paltry compared to the daily rates thrown at management consultants to screw up test and trace.

"How many on here, if they were management consultants, would do this for nothing in order to rid the country of this scourge and the stranglehold it has on us in so many ways. Almost none of us, I suggest".

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation have issued guidelines for prioritisation, which will start with care home residents, frontline NHS and work down though age groups. The plans currently envisage vaccinating down as far as the 50+ age group.

Vaccines are clearly a highly important part of the Covid response, and I will be as near to the front of the queue as I can get.
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Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Some of the clinical trials are likely to report very soon, and there are rolling reviews taking place, so a swift approval is possible. this side of Dec 31, the EMA approval still covers the UK, and I think they are grid shape to act quickly. Manufacturing appears to be ahead of the game, so the rate limiting step will be distribution and administration. That is not a small task. The Pfizer vaccine, for example, needs -70 degree freezer storage, and may be 2 jabs, so double the work and organisation needed. I think early new year is more realistic, but I expect Govt will be doing everything they can to be able to say that they started administration before year end. It will take months rather than weeks to trickle down the age groups, though. Some employers may also be able to purchase private stocks and administer it through their Occupational Health departments.

I am not a GP, but GPs on doctors net (a popular social media site) are saying this was announced publicly before they were told and it isn't just as simple as flu vacc 2.0. GPs are not all on 100k, and many have been screwed for the last number of years over pensions and premises ownership. They are a bit fed up with diktats from HM Govt. The £12 for administering a new medicine is rather paltry compared to the daily rates thrown at management consultants to screw up test and trace.

"How many on here, if they were management consultants, would do this for nothing in order to rid the country of this scourge and the stranglehold it has on us in so many ways. Almost none of us, I suggest".

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation have issued guidelines for prioritisation, which will start with care home residents, frontline NHS and work down though age groups. The plans currently envisage vaccinating down as far as the 50+ age group.

Vaccines are clearly a highly important part of the Covid response, and I will be as near to the front of the queue as I can get.

I pretty much agree with this Ethan - am I ill???

I was told that the storage was an issue due to the -70 needed and the £12 so at least my source of info was accurate


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Where have you been for the last 30 years? The NHS doesn't do marginal cost any more. It prices procedures based on a market rate. Ask Boots if they will administer it for £12, the offered fee. Based on their pricing structure for Covid tests, I doubt it.

If your GP friends are representative of the country's GPs, they will be desperately planning to retire, leave or emigrate (RLE has become a well recognised acronym in GP land now).

I'm sorry but you are off beam. You will be aware of the economics of marginal costing. Adding extra vaccinations will not add capital cost and will add minimal variable costs.

I made no mention of NHS pricing system which is an entirely different cost accounting animal of which I have some knowledge. You don't need to always insert a 'put down' statement!


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I'm sorry but you are off beam. You will be aware of the economics of marginal costing. Adding extra vaccinations will not add capital cost and will add minimal variable costs.

I made no mention of NHS pricing system which is an entirely different cost accounting animal of which I have some knowledge. You don't need to always insert a 'put down' statement!

Have you met Mr Kettle?

How much minimal variable costs do you think it will add, and is that staff time currently unused?