Head Pro
I was recently troubled with a bit of lower back pain, not excessively painful but a friend recommended I visit a chiropractor to try and nip it in the bud before becoming worse. So I did so
To my surprise the guy who I booked a number of session with was coincidentally specialising in golf, he himself a keen golfer. He claimed my spine had a slight sideways bend making one leg shorter than the other, and this was not uncommon. My golf set up and stance would compensate for this, but would have trouble doing a full hip turn on my down swing. Very true
He said by correcting it, my swing would be affected and I may need more lessons. Then you will get the full hip turn and hit the ball further, I thought he was talking nonsense and forgot it.
Anyway I hadn’t played for a couple of weeks up to the club OOM1 stableford on Saturday. I recorded my worst score ever and only avoided the wooden spoon by virtue of count back on my 16 points. I was continually topping the ball or hitting it fat. I had completely forgot what the chiropractor had said
In my next session with the chiropractor, he asked about the game (as I told him I was playing). When I told him; he gave a wry smile and said I told you so, I think I’m responsible for that, he said. If I play as bad again in this Saturdays Monthly medal. I think I may take him seriously and book lessons. My back pain is all but gone
Has anyone else had experience with a chiropractor?
To my surprise the guy who I booked a number of session with was coincidentally specialising in golf, he himself a keen golfer. He claimed my spine had a slight sideways bend making one leg shorter than the other, and this was not uncommon. My golf set up and stance would compensate for this, but would have trouble doing a full hip turn on my down swing. Very true
He said by correcting it, my swing would be affected and I may need more lessons. Then you will get the full hip turn and hit the ball further, I thought he was talking nonsense and forgot it.
Anyway I hadn’t played for a couple of weeks up to the club OOM1 stableford on Saturday. I recorded my worst score ever and only avoided the wooden spoon by virtue of count back on my 16 points. I was continually topping the ball or hitting it fat. I had completely forgot what the chiropractor had said
In my next session with the chiropractor, he asked about the game (as I told him I was playing). When I told him; he gave a wry smile and said I told you so, I think I’m responsible for that, he said. If I play as bad again in this Saturdays Monthly medal. I think I may take him seriously and book lessons. My back pain is all but gone
Has anyone else had experience with a chiropractor?