Journeyman Pro
Well the 90% is because you are playing a differing format - mainly 4BBB , I can’t recall a time where is ever been 100% playing 4BBB - it was 3/4 at one point then went to 80% I believe
the new WHS calculations for 4BBB are a touch complicated - working out playing HC then 100% the difference ( in matchplay ) . Not sure why they didn’t stick with the use the Course Handicap and then the difference is 90 or 80% etc - I suspect people are still working out the shots they get in 4BBB matchplay wrong
As for the 95% - no idea , asked the question many times and given a “it’s how they worked it out” ??
Random answers . Doesn’t really affect me but I don’t understand why if your course handicap is 16 you should play of 16 .
Don’t forget 85% in 4BBB