Bunkers - What club do you use?

Usually my 60 laid wide open.

Hammer the heel of the wedge into the sand and let my wide sole k grind vokey work its magic from there.

Been working an absolute treat since I worked out how to do it.
We have a practice bunker next to our pitching green, don't see many people using it though.

And that is my point. It is a specialist shot especially given the variables in lie and slope in the bunker. I rarely see anyone apart from myself and one single figure player who is a bit of a practice freak anyway in there and usually he's just hitting from the middle of the bunker. I love putting it in the pluggest of plugged lies and working out how to escape or on the downslope at the back with the back lip in the way and seeing what I need to do. I may not be the best bunker player by a long way but at least when I get a shocker or slope lie in a bunker I don't panic and can usually extract it out somewhere on the green
I am a poor bunker player & have until recently being carrying 56 degree high bounce & 60 degree low bounce - found I was using the 60 degree most of time & so have now taken both out of bag & replaced them with Taylormade Hi Toe Bigfoot 60 degree wedge with 15 degree bounce. The reviews on net all claimed it is great from bunkers & around green, so propose to use that for all those scenarios - there will be potential occasions where the high bounce is not a help eg, hard pan / tight lies, and I will have to use my gap wedge with 7 degree bounce in those situations.
Only had new wedge a week so still trying it out - one thing that the reviews all said was that with such high bounce, you should not open the club face for bunker shots, which will take a bit of getting used to.
I am quite good out of bunkers, and no, I don't practice. Similarly, I don't practice chipping much either, and in general, I am better than most I play with.

I hate practicing anything, and actually get worse as I practice, to the point where I start knifing or shanking.