Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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A someone who shares a surname with our current PM I am really hoping he does not chose the same first name for his kid. Then again I was in the US a few months ago and I referred to him jokingly as my uncle. But at least one person in the room believed me.

Last time i checked, a Khan was not the PM ... unless you think London is a country on its own


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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For me - not really good enough from our Prime Minster today. No apologies - nothing done wrong - we all done great - lessons will be learnt but not for now. Well they better be being learnt in the next month or so about what happened or didn't happen in February. And where did that 500,000 figure come from? let me guess - the same play book that has Trump telling how the US would be seeing 2,000,000 deaths were it not for the measures he has taken...

Anyway. I suppose that we just have to plough on and do our best doing what we are being asked to do, trusting that he and his government are indeed learning lessons they can't tell us about. Because today I didn't feel much openness, clarity and honesty. Sorry Boris luvvers. He might have been The Man for Brexit - but some of us didn't buy the Boris schtick and spin - and I am afraid it remains very hard for me to see past much as I feel that I need to - as frankly the future of us all is in his hands...

Just as well I have much to be grateful for today or I might be feeling very miserable.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Maybe I missed some memo somewhere... was a figure of 500,000 referred to at some point. I do know the scientific advisor saying anything under 20k was a good result. Had not heard the 500k till Boris mentioned it


Sep 11, 2011
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For me - not really good enough from our Prime Minster today. No apologies - nothing done wrong - we all done great - lessons will be learnt but not for now. Well they better be being learnt in the next month or so about what happened or didn't happen in February. And where did that 500,000 figure come from? let me guess - the same play book that has Trump telling how the US would be seeing 2,000,000 deaths were it not for the measures he has taken...

Anyway. I suppose that we just have to plough on and do our best doing what we are being asked to do, trusting that he and his government are indeed learning lessons they can't tell us about. Because today I didn't feel much openness, clarity and honesty. Sorry Boris luvvers. He might have been The Man for Brexit - but some of us didn't buy the Boris schtick and spin - and I am afraid it remains very hard for me to see past much as I feel that I need to - as frankly the future of us all is in his hands...

Just as well I have much to be grateful for today or I might be feeling very miserable.

And in your next post you'll praise him and the govt. You've been doing this flip-flopping for weeks.

BTW, chuffed you got good news today.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Maybe I missed some memo somewhere... was a figure of 500,000 referred to at some point. I do know the scientific advisor saying anything under 20k was a good result. Had not heard the 500k till Boris mentioned it
From memory Boris said that the lowest believable number could have been 500,000. In other words there were much higher numbers suggested but that scientists didnt agree that they were near correct


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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500k was the number if we did nothing and just let it run through unchecked.

Yes, and funny how they can't recall that because Boris referred to it.
He comes back after 5 weeks, and they come back, true to form, sniping and moaning.
Was there anything he said about the way forward that was wrong?
Do you not agree that there should be a cautious, flexible ease out of lockdown as he said he would do, according to the science and the figures..
Why don't you tell us here how you would proceed now.?Come on, SILH, spell it out. You think his "performance "wasn't good enough.
Tell us how you would perform!


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Dec 12, 2019
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People using cars are up today, I saw loads of people out and about from my window again. Reports of people walking on golf courses and setting fire to them. Social media awash with people on beaches, London Bridge etc it goes on and on. Then when the figures are published people are surprised. There are far too many thick idiots and louts in this country. Give them a face mask and they won’t wash their hands, some will use it to mask their identity as they burn another club house down.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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People using cars are up today, I saw loads of people out and about from my window again. Reports of people walking on golf courses and setting fire to them. Social media awash with people on beaches, London Bridge etc it goes on and on. Then when the figures are published people are surprised. There are far too many thick idiots and louts in this country. Give them a face mask and they won’t wash their hands, some will use it to mask their identity as they burn another club house down.

Is that necessarily a bad thing? For those people travelling to work, then travelling in their own vehicles must reduce the numbers relying on public transport and therefore help with social distancing.

I went out in my own car today. I went to the butcher, the fishmonger (walked from the butcher to the fishmonger) and Tesco. Apart from dropping off some shopping to my father in law, who is not going out at all, that is the last time my car will be moving until next Thursday when I do the same again. Knowing how many cars are on the road is a useless statistic unless you know the reason that they are on the road.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Is that necessarily a bad thing? For those people travelling to work, then travelling in their own vehicles must reduce the numbers relying on public transport and therefore help with social distancing.

I went out in my own car today. I went to the butcher, the fishmonger (walked from the butcher to the fishmonger) and Tesco. Apart from dropping off some shopping to my father in law, who is not going out at all, that is the last time my car will be moving until next Thursday when I do the same again. Knowing how many cars are on the road is a useless statistic unless you know the reason that they are on the road.
I dont see much of a problem with someone driving their car, when theyre in it they arnt near others, the issue is where are they going, if they are visiting friends or relatives there is a problem, if they are going for a drive to break the monotony or shopping then its fine.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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And the fact that he is, shows even more about those who helped put him there. :mad::mad:

There were only two options. Would you have preferred Corbyn in No. 10?

I was away working so didn't get the chance to vote in the last election but would've voted Conservative purely to stop a Corbyn led Labour getting in to power. That doesn't necessarily make me a bad person.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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On reflection maybe I was a bit harsh on our PM yesterday in my post yesterday - my head was in a funny place...and he is undoubtedly better at the podium stuff than most of his colleagues.


Active member
Dec 12, 2019
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Is that necessarily a bad thing? For those people travelling to work, then travelling in their own vehicles must reduce the numbers relying on public transport and therefore help with social distancing.

I went out in my own car today. I went to the butcher, the fishmonger (walked from the butcher to the fishmonger) and Tesco. Apart from dropping off some shopping to my father in law, who is not going out at all, that is the last time my car will be moving until next Thursday when I do the same again. Knowing how many cars are on the road is a useless statistic unless you know the reason that they are on the road.

I would say yes it is a bad thing if thr scientists for 5 weeks have used it as whether we are complying.
your case is different and sounds like you were making short trips, probably spent more time out of the car than in it.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Rooney holds the record for goals scored at Man U and England. Obviously he shouldn't have played any games for either after he was known to be a granny chaser...:rolleyes::cautious::rolleyes:

Ah yes, because being England centre forward has the same job requirements as being PM, doesn't it?

I do wonder what BJ has to do before some people see through him. It's reminiscent of Trump when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight, and people would still vote for him.
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