Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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As the adults do not seem to be behaving in a responsible manner then he is clearly not getting his message across.
I for one think he seems to be 2 days behind what he should really be doing...…..but that is of course just my opinion which, I believe I am allowed to have.

I'd argue that there are a number of other factors impacting the behaviour of society in addition to just the quality of the message. Yes at times the message is deliberately vague (anyone see the minister who was put up on Saturday who was given a chance to specifically state that people should not travel on holiday over Easter but he bottled it with some vague ambiguous statement). But also there are a number of factors that have been brewing for a while, some of the governments own making and some not, that are also impacting how much people listen to them.


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Nov 19, 2018
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[QUOTE="Doon frae Troon, post: 2138371, member: 15632"]As the adults do not seem to be behaving in a responsible manner then he is clearly not getting his message across.
I for one think he seems to be 2 days behind what he should really be doing...…..but that is of course just my opinion which, I believe I am allowed to have.[/QUOTE]

That is a very unfair and grossly inaccurate statement. In fact, it is something of an oxymoron. If they are behaving irresponsibly, that says, does it not, that his advice was clear.IOW, it was understood,and then it was rejected, -therein lies the irresponsible reaction. Doing something in ignorance, may be mistaken behaviour, but it isn't irresponsible. That requires intent.


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Sep 21, 2017
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As someone on twitter said 'BoJo will emulate his hero Churchill by failing to prevent unnecessary deaths ' (in reference to the Bengal famine)


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Did i hear that this week we will get 30 (yup 30) British home grown ventilators. While 30 is a good start, did we turn down the option to get thousands .. Little wonder # BorisOut is trending on Twitter at the moment.

Everytime i like the way we are handling this, the govt goes and shoots its foot. On the plus side, they cancelled the NHS debt. Apparently they were going to cancel in Jan, but nicely dressed it up as a Covid rescue


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Did i hear that this week we will get 30 (yup 30) British home grown ventilators. While 30 is a good start, did we turn down the option to get thousands .. Little wonder # BorisOut is trending on Twitter at the moment.

Everytime i like the way we are handling this, the govt goes and shoots its foot. On the plus side, they cancelled the NHS debt. Apparently they were going to cancel in Jan, but nicely dressed it up as a Covid rescue

good to see youre still not politicising it


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Did i hear that this week we will get 30 (yup 30) British home grown ventilators. While 30 is a good start, did we turn down the option to get thousands .. Little wonder # BorisOut is trending on Twitter at the moment.

Everytime i like the way we are handling this, the govt goes and shoots its foot. On the plus side, they cancelled the NHS debt. Apparently they were going to cancel in Jan, but nicely dressed it up as a Covid rescue
good to see youre still not politicising it
It's an observation!
What I can't understand is why those who put him there aren't doing their job & holding him to account!! There's a a hell of a lot of dibbers need to get off their ar$e$ & step up to the plate. Sorry if this is a touch 'political' for yer'se..... just get on with it!! :cool::cool:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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It's an observation!
What I can't understand is why those who put him there aren't doing their job & holding him to account!! There's a a hell of a lot of dibbers need to get off their ar$e$ & step up to the plate. Sorry if this is a touch 'political' for yer'se..... just get on with it!! :cool::cool:

well if you want to politicise, maybe the leader of the Opposition, whoever he or she is should be holding them to account rather than having a drawn out joke of a leader contest? surely thats one of if not their main role! or are we not allowed to criticise the utter shower they continue to be whilst sniping at a brand new pm and government thrown into a situation little could even imagine


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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well if you want to politicise, maybe the leader of the Opposition, whoever he or she is should be holding them to account rather than having a drawn out joke of a leader contest? surely thats one of if not their main role! or are we not allowed to criticise the utter shower they continue to be whilst sniping at a brand new pm and government thrown into a situation little could even imagine
NOW.... you really are politicizing it..... if he's your's just get on & hold him to account... time to show some ba££s. Let's look forwards rather than back.. life goes on. Dib, Dib!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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NOW.... you really are politicizing it..... if he's your's just get on & hold him to account... time to show some ba££s. Let's look forwards rather than back.. life goes on. Dib, Dib!!


not mine at all, just wondered if we were having a level playing field or just one sided pot shots at the current government in a situation that anyone would be struggling in!


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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not mine at all, just wondered if we were having a level playing field or just one sided pot shots at the current government in a situation that anyone would be struggling in!
Wakey, wakey.... gotta look at whats happening & react. No use just siting on your hands whilst everyone else is trying to tidy-up the play field.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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good to see youre still not politicising it

I am not
1) The disbelief in the reaction from the newsreader sums up what i feel about it. I would be kicking anyone - BoJo or Corbyn if they are trading lifes for lies. Equally, I cant stop Boris Out from trending either.
2) I also mentioned the positive around cancellation of NHS Debt. Apparently it was planned and was brought forward

In earlier posts, i have be glowing about the Chancellor doing his bit.

In times like these, we need Leaders to step up. Leadership does not have to come from a position of power. Equally, those in power need to show some leadership.
1) 'Leaders' of all other parties have been AWOL. I am assuming they will turn up on a Jungle or big Brother or a Dance show to improve their ratings
2) BoJo's rating have been going up. I have been liking how he is handling the situation. However, what gets me is the spin that goes with it.

Just because BoJo is the best of the worst politicians around ... it does not mean, he cant be scrutinised


Sep 11, 2011
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Just to pick up on the "we'll get 30 British made vents this week."

Yes its a start... BUT...

I can only speak of one company with any real knowledge. In the last few weeks they've delivered a few hundred vents. They've also totally refurbished the vents that were going to be decommissioned, that the new vents were going to replace. They've also commissioned a few hundred anaes machines, all of which have ventilators on them. On top of that they have also commissioned a number of CPAP devices - the next level down from vents. The guys are working 7 day weeks, out before sunrise and in very late. The training teams for that company are all over the UK - I know one training team was in Inverness over the weekend staying in the 'something' mohr hotel - Patrick will know it. No hotel staff bar someone on the front desk. The training all the shifts, i.e. also out early and back in late.

That's just one company. All the companies will be doing the same thing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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I am not
1) The disbelief in the reaction from the newsreader sums up what i feel about it. I would be kicking anyone - BoJo or Corbyn if they are trading lifes for lies. Equally, I cant stop Boris Out from trending either.
2) I also mentioned the positive around cancellation of NHS Debt. Apparently it was planned and was brought forward

In earlier posts, i have be glowing about the Chancellor doing his bit.

In times like these, we need Leaders to step up. Leadership does not have to come from a position of power. Equally, those in power need to show some leadership.
1) 'Leaders' of all other parties have been AWOL. I am assuming they will turn up on a Jungle or big Brother or a Dance show to improve their ratings
2) BoJo's rating have been going up. I have been liking how he is handling the situation. However, what gets me is the spin that goes with it.

Just because BoJo is the best of the worst politicians around ... it does not mean, he cant be scrutinised

Hes not even the best of the worst politicians around lol. But still, the focus of your post is on the problems, on an unsubstantiated number (lets not go into BBCs reporting), and to highlight that Bojo out is trending on twitter. What does that actually achieve? Is it not the right time to be scrutinising, or supporting and as a country pulling together and trying to find/recommend solutions?

Hes going to make mistakes, just as every worldwide leader is. Having journalists looking for holes in everything they do and sensationalising everything negative and disillusioned labour fans tweeting #Bojo out is adding what? At least next week theyll be able to shorten the #KeirLisaorRebeccaIn hashtag eh :)


To be fair to Farage he's far from alone in criticism - the telegraph, mail, nick Ferrari, Andrew Neil and other Tory backers are voicing serious concerns over perceived ineptitude and lack of leadership from govt in terms of both messaging/PR and wrt dreadful progress improving PPE and testing. They don't normally dig at Boris. Boris has arguably got some tactical decisions wrong (eg not accepting EU help for ventilators sourcing as he's likely too aware of how it would make him look weak in his eyes) and that's a selfish decision that will cost lives. Him and his govt needs to stop making the usual big promises that simply cannot be met. It's not a GE or Brexit. Raising people's hopes just to dash them wears thin very quickly. Just front up and tell us how it really is, we can take it. Better honest leadership please and less BS. Brave people are putting their lives on the line after all. The @nickferrariLBC piece yesterday circulating on twitter is hard-hitting but honest. Appreciate Johnson has had a toughish week but he's PM and has to deal with it, seems conspicuous by his absence at present as he told us he would still be running the show before even knowing how CV might affect his health......daft move for an overweight 55yo probably with high blood pressure.

The Govt is winging this......any government would be winging it. Trick is to make people believe you are actually bossing it to inspire. That's crisis leadership. Honesty is key. They're not bossing it at present.
NYC guy Cuomo is so respected now because he's up front yet strong.
After a decent start 8 or 9 days ago they (UK govt) need to up their game quickly.
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To be fair to Farage he's far from alone in criticism - the telegraph, mail, nick Ferrari, Andrew Neil and other Tory backers are voicing serious concerns over perceived ineptitude and lack of leadership from govt in terms of both messaging/PR and wrt dreadful progress improving PPE and testing. They don't normally dig at Boris. Boris has arguably got some tactical decisions wrong (eg not accepting EU help for ventilators sourcing as he's likely too aware of how it would make him look weak in his eyes) and that's a selfish decision that will cost lives. Him and his govt needs to stop making the usual big promises that simply cannot be met. It's not a GE or Brexit. Raising people's hopes just to dash them wears thin very quickly. Just front up and tell us how it really is, we can take it. Better honest leadership please and less BS. Brave people are putting their lives on the line after all. The @nickferrariLBC piece yesterday circulating on twitter is hard-hitting but honest. Appreciate Johnson has had a toughish week but he's PM and has to deal with it, seems conspicuous by his absence at present as he told us he would still be running the show before even knowing how CV might affect his health......daft move for an overweight 55yo probably with high blood pressure.

The Govt is winging this......any government would be winging it. Trick is to make people believe you are actually bossing it to inspire. That's crisis leadership. Honesty is key. They're not bossing it at present.
NYC guy Cuomo is so respected now because he's up front yet strong.
After a decent start 8 or 9 days ago they (UK govt) need to up their game quickly.

Just a shame they wasted 3 weeks head start with knowledge they gained.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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To be fair to Farage he's far from alone in criticism - the telegraph, mail, nick Ferrari, Andrew Neil and other Tory backers are voicing serious concerns over perceived ineptitude and lack of leadership from govt in terms of both messaging/PR and wrt dreadful progress improving PPE and testing. They don't normally dig at Boris. Boris has arguably got some tactical decisions wrong (eg not accepting EU help for ventilators sourcing as he's likely too aware of how it would make him look weak in his eyes) and that's a selfish decision that will cost lives. Him and his govt needs to stop making the usual big promises that simply cannot be met. It's not a GE or Brexit. Raising people's hopes just to dash them wears thin very quickly. Just front up and tell us how it really is, we can take it. Better honest leadership please and less BS. Brave people are putting their lives on the line after all. The @nickferrariLBC piece yesterday circulating on twitter is hard-hitting but honest. Appreciate Johnson has had a toughish week but he's PM and has to deal with it, seems conspicuous by his absence at present as he told us he would still be running the show before even knowing how CV might affect his health......daft move for an overweight 55yo probably with high blood pressure.

The Govt is winging this......any government would be winging it. Trick is to make people believe you are actually bossing it to inspire. That's crisis leadership. Honesty is key. They're not bossing it at present.
NYC guy Cuomo is so respected now because he's up front yet strong.
After a decent start 8 or 9 days ago they (UK govt) need to up their game quickly.

I agree and could not have written this any better.. This is not about politicising the issue but about getting answers. As someone who wife is in the NHS and seeing the PPE challenge first hand, we are all scared s*tless. So dont tell me that i am being an armchair critic. I looked up the Nick F clip... brilliant. Besides the loss of control, everytime they roll out Gove, i throw up - what an absolut <insert appropriate word here>

Nick Ferrari's message to the Prime Minister: Start answering our questions... now -


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
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FWIW, my opinion is that not a single person on here, or in the wider Society, knows whether the Government is doing a good job or not yet. Anyone who says they are or are not are probably speaking from a biased start point. Only history will tell us the real story, and at that point the legacy of certain people will be cemented (good or bad).

However, in the meantime, I'll give full support to anyone who is trying their best and making decisions informed by current knowledge. I'll disagree with individual decisions made by some, and I'll feel free to voice that, but I won't say that anyone is doing a good/bad job yet.

Future discussions about this should be interesting though.....


FWIW, my opinion is that not a single person on here, or in the wider Society, knows whether the Government is doing a good job or not yet. Anyone who says they are or are not are probably speaking from a biased start point. Only history will tell us the real story, and at that point the legacy of certain people will be cemented (good or bad).

However, in the meantime, I'll give full support to anyone who is trying their best and making decisions informed by current knowledge. I'll disagree with individual decisions made by some, and I'll feel free to voice that, but I won't say that anyone is doing a good/bad job yet.

Future discussions about this should be interesting though.....

Some WILL know.
Some political bias possibly but likely much truth in it too -
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