Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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You’re misunderstanding my statistic. I’m quoting the actual % of votes cast at the election.
in the EU referendum 52% that cast their vote, voted leave.
It’s still a majority vote the others split between Tory and labour + independent.. also was labour not offering a referendum but delayed? So if you add their percentage to the snp where do you get to?


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Reflections after the weekend. Tongue firmly in cheek.....

Boris may be the first PM to be elected because he wasn't the other bloke!

Antifa take to the streets, proving they are not "anti" at all, but actually are the "fa!":)

Do folk vote SNP in General Elections cos they would never vote Tory, wouldn't vote for Corbyn for the same reasons as the rest of the UK, and Lib Dims . well.............. BUT, would vote Remain in an Inde Ref? (just asking!)

Some folk seem to think that votes not cast count!" (usually folk that have lost!!) ............or assume that if those folk voted, it would be for them!

Caroline Lucas Tweeted that Boris didn't have a mandate to be PM, (eh, he won!) and Mr Corbyn said he'd won the argument but not the election. (well he was half right for once)

Lefties in the education system demand diversity of representation in everything, except the political leanings of those employed in the education system! :)

Some politicos think First past the Post is a bad system, but they didn't like PR when it also delivered a result they disapproved of.

Momentum were shocked to learn than there are people living outside the M25, they have television and get to vote in elections!!


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Simple facts...
Referendum was a UK wide vote, MPs voted in HoC by big majority to hold it, the decision was made by whole of UK.
The GE was for a UK government.
Scotland is part of the UK and it alone said it wished to stay 'in'; just 5 years ago for at least a generation.
'Englanders' do not get a vote on the devolved Assemblies and there is no 'Assembly' for England so Scottish, Welsh, NI yet their representatives get to vote on 'English' matters!
When the Union was formed centuries ago all the nations wanted it because of their financial needs; so ALL the nations should have the right on how/whether (after a generation) it should be broken.
Devolved Assembly of Scotland hasn't managed to competently manage its affairs (largely because Sturgeon is fixated on war with UK government).
Joining the EU would make Scotland much worse off.

Time to be mature and get on with being a 'good' Assembly for the Scots!


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Simple facts...
Referendum was a UK wide vote, MPs voted in HoC by big majority to hold it, the decision was made by whole of UK.
The GE was for a UK government.
Scotland is part of the UK and it alone said it wished to stay 'in'; just 5 years ago for at least a generation.
'Englanders' do not get a vote on the devolved Assemblies and there is no 'Assembly' for England so Scottish, Welsh, NI yet their representatives get to vote on 'English' matters!
When the Union was formed centuries ago all the nations wanted it because of their financial needs; so ALL the nations should have the right on how/whether (after a generation) it should be broken.
Devolved Assembly of Scotland hasn't managed to competently manage its affairs (largely because Sturgeon is fixated on war with UK government).
Joining the EU would make Scotland much worse off.

Time to be mature and get on with being a 'good' Assembly for the Scots!
The Prime minister of the day DC said to the scotish people a vote to leave the UK was a vote to leave the EU, the only way Scoland could be in the EU was to vote to stay, turns out that was not the case and many voted to stay for that reason.

Scotland should be able to make its own decision on its future
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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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The Prime minister of the day DC said to the scootish people a vote to leave the UK was a vote to leave the EU, the only way Scoland could be in the EU was to vote to say, turns out that was not the case and many voted to stay for that reason.

Scotland should be able to make its own decision on its future

Yup Scotland 'was' a sovereign nation until it wanted the Union because it was bankrupt and was then bailed out. Thus as we are still a Union, by your logic England is entitled to the same approach - which would be unhelpful! - the GE gives the PM the responsibility for governing the UK.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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The Prime minister of the day DC said to the scootish people a vote to leave the UK was a vote to leave the EU, the only way Scoland could be in the EU was to vote to say, turns out that was not the case and many voted to stay for that reason.

Scotland should be able to make its own decision on its future
His comments were only advisory.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Yup Scotland 'was' a sovereign nation until it wanted the Union because it was bankrupt and was then bailed out. Thus as we are still a Union, by your logic England is entitled to the same approach - which would be unhelpful! - the GE gives the PM the responsibility for governing the UK.

when was this then? if you are talking about 1707 there was more that one factor and the main one was Scoland not shosing a different sovereign to England

How, its not Englands Future, and at the moment you have quita a say in Scotland, with very little if any support...

look at Ireland the UK had its say in not allowing an idependant Ireland what happened there? no doubt you are in favour of China stance on Hong Kong too?


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Apparently Boris and the Conservative party want to change the Constiuency Boundaries and the Fixed Term Parliament act..

i foreseee Scoland only having one Constituency and he being a fan of the Classics and Rome, Dictator for life:ROFLMAO:


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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On the 19,000 nurses that Johnson is going to persuade to stay.

Well on Saturday Mrs Hogie met up with 6 of her midwifery cohort of 9 - from her midwifery training 30yrs ago. They are all in the 55+ age group - and ALL are taking their lump sum as soon as possible. One has said she'll go back two days a week. The rest just can't wait to finish - nothing would entice them to stay. Nursing and Midwifery in the NHS today is not what they trained for - what they were passionate about. They ALL had experience of terrible care in the NHS and in one instance one was ashamed to think of herself as a nurse given the care she was seeing doled out to a parent.

Their consensus view was that with his objective of retraining 19,000 nurses, Johnson hasn't a clue about nurses about to leave and why. And this is the same view expressed by my wife's other group of nursing friends of the same age. I don't know if it is true - but I am told (by MrsH) that 40% of nurses are due to retire in the next 5 years (even if that's wrong - there are a lot of experienced nurses approaching the age they can take their 'lump sum'). Now given what I'm hearing from a sample of that group - our new PM has quite a challenge on his hands.

BTW - one thing that could persuade some nurses due to take their lump sum that might entice them back (I doubt anything can make them stay), would be removing the constraint that stops nurses going back to work in the NHS full - or near to full - time. It seems that most nurses who take their lump sum can only go back 2-3 days a week. And that means recruiting 2 retired nurses for every one of the 19,000 full timers sought.
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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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when was this then? if you are talking about 1707 there was more that one factor and the main one was Scoland not shosing a different sovereign to England

How, its not Englands Future, and at the moment you have quita a say in Scotland, with very little if any support...

look at Ireland the UK had its say in not allowing an idependant Ireland what happened there? no doubt you are in favour of China stance on Hong Kong too?

1 England's future is as part of a Union; that matters to the Union's democracy and thus English citizens.
2. Being a bit silly IMO. China/HK: entirely different - HK didn't want an historic agreement to take place. Scotland wanted the Union and was given a democratic opportunity and voted to continue the relationship.

Our opinions differ...


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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1 England's future is as part of a Union; that matters to the Union's democracy and thus English citizens.
2. Being a bit silly IMO. China/HK: entirely different - HK didn't want an historic agreement to take place. Scotland wanted the Union and was given a democratic opportunity and voted to continue the relationship.

Our opinions differ...
They do indeed, one country has a say over the others as long as it suites the ruling country, old fashioned imperialism.

Scotland and Wales suffered underfunding for years, this is what has caused Nationalism in these countries, Ni won't be far away from asking of a UI, so forgive me and others on here tdon;t agree what England thinks is best for Scotland isn't what Scotland wants or deserves
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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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They do indeed, one country has a say over the others as long as it suites the ruling country, old fashioned imperialism.

Scoland and Wales suffered underfunding for years, this is what has caused Nationalism in these countries, Ni won't be far away from asking of a UI, so forgive me and others on here tdon;t agree what England thinks is best for Scotland isn't what Scoland wants or deserves

I'd say modern international economics (y). ( Is this the new name post indyref2 :eek:?)


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Why has Wales and Scotland suffered underfunding, the point is why do they need funding? Could it be that they are not able to fund themselves, in which case independence would not be a good policy.
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