Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Deleted member 15344

Just pointing out its not just Boris that changes his mind.

It’s don’t think anyone has suggested it’s just Boris Johnson that changes his mind - this is the Boris Johnson thread and it’s showing him to be a liar and a hyprocrite - your only response as per normal is just posts of “whataboutary”


Head Pro
Mar 4, 2009
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johnson is a lying buffoon
i can not believe people are gullible enough to believe the trash he comes out with
even his own family think he is a prize -----
i would have more faith in gove or his ilk about brexit
johnson only came out for brexit to go against cameron
if cameron had said leave, johnson would have said stay, he had already written the argument for it
as for austerity, 9 years of lousy government and all they have achieved is making the rich richer and doubling the national debt
oh i forgot its all browns fault:mad:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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The SNP share of all votes cast in Scotland was 45%.
If a major factor of the SNP campaign was independence how does a 45% share translate as a mandate, or a clear majority for for second referendum ? On the basis of this vote share it would be another loss.
Don’t go there you know 37% of the UK population voted leave ... it’s just going to become a total pooh fest when you drag this type of information up.
What can be said is the snp were always reliant on the English to vote in a manner that would give them a voice. Boris has a majority and stuck his fingers in his ears .. I am really sorry, if that is too blunt and I apologise to the Scots for being dragged into this.
Boris needs to make a determined effort to win back some hearts and minds by giving the Scots something. Don’t ask me what it is, I don’t want a rift
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