Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Sep 11, 2011
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My greatest shock is that so many seem to be in almost complete denial over Johnson as an individual and the games he; his ministers and his advisors are playing with the public and the UK as a whole.

It's a bit as if so many of the Johnson-loving/supporting Leave voting public being an addict unable to accept their addiction, and the damage being done to themselves and others now and in the future. Unfortunately the addict does not come out of denial into acceptance until they hit their rock-bottom.

Over the last three years there have been plenty of occasions that that rock-bottom realisation could have come about - but it is not happening and I don't actually see how and when it can come about. I just can't see what the rock-bottom can be in the addiction so many seem to have with Johnson.

So at the moment he is telling us to applaud him for coming up with a deal that puts a border between NI and rUK. An internal border that breaks an absolute pledge that he made to NI Unionists and the Conservative and Unionist Party - and that has the potential for triggering Loyalist unrest in NI - and - let's not forget - the friends of Loyalist NI in other parts of the UK. But that seems to matter not a jot to Johnson - yet we are asked to applaud him for getting a Deal...and so many do.

See also his not signing the Extension Letter. We seem to have a great swathe of Leave voters adamant that because he didn't sign it then it's not from him - even although the letter actually states that it is from the Prime Minister of the UK. But nope - because Johnson didn't actually sign it then it's not from him and so he's not breaking his promise to not request an extension. Do any of these folks ever use Email? Oh yes - it might be my Email address on that Email you have but because I haven't actually signed the Email, then I didn't send it? Just nuts!

And so we will continue to get more of what we have had...especially what we have had since he became PM.

Desperately disappointing - but simply how I see Johnson...he just should not be Prime Minister

Here's a thought, and remember it all about opinions, there'll be people who consider you're at rock bottom by wanting to stay in the EU. And it is you that is in complete denial about the risks of staying in the EU.

All the rest of what you've posted up will be seen as senseless, baseless waffle. Johnson will be their hero, the next messiah, and you are stumbling in the wilderness.

It a political choice made by people for their own reasons. You're right and so are they. Its that simple.


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Jun 9, 2009
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James Cleverly posted today about voting labour into power would cripple the economy and damage law and order.... lol has he not been paying attention to the lat 9 years... 21,000 police officers lost, 600 police stations closed down, and the economy crippled after years of austerity.... oh the irony:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Deleted member 1418

James Cleverly posted today about voting labour into power would cripple the economy and damage law and order.... lol has he not been paying attention to the lat 9 years... 21,000 police officers lost, 600 police stations closed down, and the economy crippled after years of austerity.... oh the irony:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Yes years of austerity brought about by the inept handling of the economy by the last Labour Government!! 🤭🤭😉


Sep 11, 2011
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James Cleverly posted today about voting labour into power would cripple the economy and damage law and order.... lol has he not been paying attention to the lat 9 years... 21,000 police officers lost, 600 police stations closed down, and the economy crippled after years of austerity.... oh the irony:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I agree with you on policing but not the economy. The number of people in work is the highest ever. The lowest number of unemployed since 1974. Agree that austerity went way too far but not on the state of the economy.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Just deleted a few posts and issued an infraction

If you cant control yourselves then the thread will be closed


I assume, in the form of natural justice, you will have notified those responsible rather than simply close a thread upon which others post with a degree of responsibility.
It a subject of national interest where views can be strongly held and forceably expressed.

We are grown up, I think!


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Jul 2, 2019
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I agree with you on policing but not the economy. The number of people in work is the highest ever. The lowest number of unemployed since 1974. Agree that austerity went way too far but not on the state of the economy.

It’s easier to get a higher number of people in work when those jobs are made up of more BS flexible part time contracts that don’t provide a decent wage or any security though. Wealth continues to be funnelled to the Bullingdon boys and their mates.


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Jul 2, 2019
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Yes years of austerity brought about by the inept handling of the economy by the last Labour Government!! 🤭🤭😉
Do you think a conservative government would have done more or less on balance to regulate banking , and do you believe that they would have done more or less to bail out investment banking?

Deleted member 1418

Do you think a conservative government would have done more or less on balance to regulate banking , and do you believe that they would have done more or less to bail out investment banking?

Doesn't matter does it. The economy was doing pretty well when Labour took over from the then Conservative Government, and then under their watch it tanked.


Sep 11, 2011
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It’s easier to get a higher number of people in work when those jobs are made up of more BS flexible part time contracts that don’t provide a decent wage or any security though. Wealth continues to be funnelled to the Bullingdon boys and their mates.

Perhaps you can explain why the average salary has risen by just under 3.5% in the last year, and it rose by 2.2% the year before. I'll leave you to look up previous years, then maybe you can come back with some FACTS.

And to edit, it rose by over 2% the year before too. So more people added to the already working, yet using your presumption they were low paid or zero hours... yet the average salary rose. Mmm, not sure how that magically happened then.
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Jul 2, 2019
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Perhaps you can explain why the average salary has risen by just under 3.5% in the last year, and it rose by 2.2% the year before. I'll leave you to look up previous years, then maybe you can come back with some FACTS.

Come on fella, no need to go Nuclear and use teenage CAPS to try and get your point across.

How do THOSE salary figures LOOK once you take inflation INTO account. I’d also question whether AN average salary rate figure WOULD in any adequate WAY explain fully what is happening THROUGH all income percentiles.

Finding data on the increase in wealth owned by the top 1% and the increase in employment contracts with no worker guarantees/protection at low wages should be pretty easy I’d imagine, if one could be arsed.


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Jul 2, 2019
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Is that why Brown sold off the gold so cheap and gave away millions more in benefits to people ( to allow many to earn more in benefits than going to actual work )

Is what why? Selling the gold caused the global financial crisis?

It would seem to me to be wrong to blame austerity (such as it was) on higher welfare spending on tax credits. That’s a very small portion of the Government welfare spend - but it is an easy target.


Sep 11, 2011
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Come on fella, no need to go Nuclear and use teenage CAPS to try and get your point across.

How do THOSE salary figures LOOK once you take inflation INTO account. I’d also question whether AN average salary rate figure WOULD in any adequate WAY explain fully what is happening THROUGH all income percentiles.

Finding data on the increase in wealth owned by the top 1% and the increase in employment contracts with no worker guarantees/protection at low wages should be pretty easy I’d imagine, if one could be arsed.

By all means go and find the data. If you want to look at it based on all the percentiles bare in mind that the number of people earning at the lower end is significantly higher than the number at the top end. Maybe simple maths would suggest that 15,000,000 people earning x and receive an increase of 3.5% will give you a higher figure than 50,000 people earning x times 10 who receive a similar increase.

Inflation in 2018 was 2.4%, 0.2% above inflation. Inflation in 2019 to date is running at 1.9%, significantly lower than the pay rises. As you know pay rises generally run a year behind the inflation figures.


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Jul 2, 2019
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By all means go and find the data. If you want to look at it based on all the percentiles bare in mind that the number of people earning at the lower end is significantly higher than the number at the top end. Maybe simple maths would suggest that 15,000,000 people earning x and receive an increase of 3.5% will give you a higher figure than 50,000 people earning x times 10 who receive a similar increase.

Inflation in 2018 was 2.4%, 0.2% above inflation. Inflation in 2019 to date is running at 1.9%, significantly lower than the pay rises. As you know pay rises generally run a year behind the inflation figures.

So around 1% real salary growth, as an average. I should look up the rest tomorrow, I’d be genuinely interested. My guess would be increases on the higher levels would be more.
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