Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Doesn't matter does it. The economy was doing pretty well when Labour took over from the then Conservative Government, and then under their watch it tanked.

i would have a look at the laws that the tories brought in in 87 and the degreulation of banking that caused the crash that Brown was forced to step in an bail oout the banks.. are you suggesting a Conservative Gov wouldn't have Bailed out banks??

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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James Cleverly posted today about voting labour into power would cripple the economy and damage law and order.... lol has he not been paying attention to the lat 9 years... 21,000 police officers lost, 600 police stations closed down, and the economy crippled after years of austerity.... oh the irony:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Warranted police officers lost and replaced by PCSOs, otherwise known as Blunkett’s Bobbies.

You might kid yourself but you’re not kidding anyone that worked through it; this mess was started on Labour’s watch and the blame lies fully with them.


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Warranted police officers lost and replaced by PCSOs, otherwise known as Blunkett’s Bobbies.

You might kid yourself but you’re not kidding anyone that worked through it; this mess was started on Labour’s watch and the blame lies fully with them.

Richard, stop talking sense my friend!


Sep 11, 2011
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Warranted police officers lost and replaced by PCSOs, otherwise known as Blunkett’s Bobbies.

You might kid yourself but you’re not kidding anyone that worked through it; this mess was started on Labour’s watch and the blame lies fully with them.

Yes it was started under Labour but the Tories have had 9 years to change the Labour policy. Sorry but you can't lay the last 9 years solely on Labour

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Yes it was started under Labour but the Tories have had 9 years to change the Labour policy. Sorry but you can't lay the last 9 years solely on Labour

So having got them in under Labour the Tories are just supposed to sack them are they? The decision should never have been made in the first place. Sorry Brian, we’ll have to disagree on this one.


Sep 11, 2011
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So having got them in under Labour the Tories are just supposed to sack them are they? The decision should never have been made in the first place. Sorry Brian, we’ll have to disagree on this one.

They didn't have to be sacked. But 20,000 FTE's were not replaced from 2010 to 2019 under the Tories. They could have been replaced by full time officers, and the PCSO's kept at the 2010 level. As the PCSO's left or were good enough to take up a position of Police Officers, the PCSO's would then reduce by natural wastage. To a certain extent, appreciate the difference in salaries, full time officer numbers could have been maintained close to the 2010 level.

Yes you have first hand experience of it but are you saying a policy couldn't be reversed? Sorry, like you said, we'll just have to disagree on it. The finer detail I'll concede on but not the overarching policy that could have been changed.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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I assume, in the form of natural justice, you will have notified those responsible rather than simply close a thread upon which others post with a degree of responsibility.
It a subject of national interest where views can be strongly held and forceably expressed.

We are grown up, I think!

This is first and foremost a golf forum, we allow stuff other than golf to be discussed as it generally enriches the forum and creates a community atmosphere.

However there is a history of political/ religious/ sexual orientation / football threads getting out of hand.

It is our policy to nip any agro in the bud. Discipline any members that infringe the rules and carry on.

Sometimes when there is a bit of a bundle we will temporarily suspend a thread overnight to allow tempers to cool, but we reserve the right to permanently close a thread if it is causing too much trouble.

Your moderators are unpaid volunteers who also supposedly have lives, we shouldn’t need to do much as you are all grown ups,

But if we find that we are having to step in to stop spats then we will take action and sorry if this action upsets the majority of responsible posters.

We can only respond to what members post, if they post responsibly then life is good, by all means disagree, but there are ways to disagree that don’t involve swearing or insults or trolling.

Going back to what remains of my life now 👍

Deleted member 15344

Is what why? Selling the gold caused the global financial crisis?

It would seem to me to be wrong to blame austerity (such as it was) on higher welfare spending on tax credits. That’s a very small portion of the Government welfare spend - but it is an easy target.
I can’t recall stating that selling off the gold caused anything ? - I’m was sort of asking why Labour decided to sell off billions worth of gold cheap to China and why a Labour government decided to massively overspend on benefits. Labour aren’t to blame for the financial crisis but they have a hand in how it affected the UK , and forced the Tories hand by having to bring in austerity measures.

It seems it’s a trend - Labour overspend and Tories make the cuts - it would be nice to have a break from the pair of them


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
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I can’t recall stating that selling off the gold caused anything ? - I’m was sort of asking why Labour decided to sell off billions worth of gold cheap to China and why a Labour government decided to massively overspend on benefits. Labour aren’t to blame for the financial crisis but they have a hand in how it affected the UK , and forced the Tories hand by having to bring in austerity measures.

It seems it’s a trend - Labour overspend and Tories make the cuts - it would be nice to have a break from the pair of them

Apologies then , I’d assumed it must have been connected to my post as you quoted it 😆.

For the oft repeated ascertain that Labour spending on welfare got us into this mess have a read of below.

Deleted member 16999

I can’t recall stating that selling off the gold caused anything ? - I’m was sort of asking why Labour decided to sell off billions worth of gold cheap to China and why a Labour government decided to massively overspend on benefits. Labour aren’t to blame for the financial crisis but they have a hand in how it affected the UK , and forced the Tories hand by having to bring in austerity measures.

It seems it’s a trend - Labour overspend and Tories make the cuts - it would be nice to have a break from the pair of them
The Gold wasn’t sold off cheap at the time, it was sold at the then market value.
If he’d of had a crystal ball he’d of probably made a different decision.
Every Country has Gold reserves and as it sits in vaults it’s not making any money, he sold the Gold and bought investment bonds, which instantly made interest.
Was it bad timing, yes, with hindsight, but I’m sure we’d of all bought shares in Apple if we’d only known.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Warranted police officers lost and replaced by PCSOs, otherwise known as Blunkett’s Bobbies.

You might kid yourself but you’re not kidding anyone that worked through it; this mess was started on Labour’s watch and the blame lies fully with them.
what the blame for the 600 police stations closed and 20. 000 officers lost since the Conservatives came to powere in 2010 is labour fault then?


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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This is first and foremost a golf forum, we allow stuff other than golf to be discussed as it generally enriches the forum and creates a community atmosphere.

However there is a history of political/ religious/ sexual orientation / football threads getting out of hand.

It is our policy to nip any agro in the bud. Discipline any members that infringe the rules and carry on.

Sometimes when there is a bit of a bundle we will temporarily suspend a thread overnight to allow tempers to cool, but we reserve the right to permanently close a thread if it is causing too much trouble.

Your moderators are unpaid volunteers who also supposedly have lives, we shouldn’t need to do much as you are all grown ups,

But if we find that we are having to step in to stop spats then we will take action and sorry if this action upsets the majority of responsible posters.

We can only respond to what members post, if they post responsibly then life is good, by all means disagree, but there are ways to disagree that don’t involve swearing or insults or trolling.

Going back to what remains of my life now 👍

Thanks for responding. I do understand that a few just bicker, that's life. Temporarily ban them then 3 strikes and you're out.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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This is first and foremost a golf forum, we allow stuff other than golf to be discussed as it generally enriches the forum and creates a community atmosphere.

However there is a history of political/ religious/ sexual orientation / football threads getting out of hand.

It is our policy to nip any agro in the bud. Discipline any members that infringe the rules and carry on.

Sometimes when there is a bit of a bundle we will temporarily suspend a thread overnight to allow tempers to cool, but we reserve the right to permanently close a thread if it is causing too much trouble.

Your moderators are unpaid volunteers who also supposedly have lives, we shouldn’t need to do much as you are all grown ups,

But if we find that we are having to step in to stop spats then we will take action and sorry if this action upsets the majority of responsible posters.

We can only respond to what members post, if they post responsibly then life is good, by all means disagree, but there are ways to disagree that don’t involve swearing or insults or trolling.

Going back to what remains of my life now 👍
Fragger for Speakers Role!! :p:p


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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We have a number of PCSO's on the town and they seem to do a good job. They are visible as they mainly patrol on foot, they are seen to be in touch with the community and know who the regular problem people are and how to deal with them. I would guess they are a great resource of information and help to the regular Police.
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