Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Yeah those liberal elites allowing Boris misuse public funds some years ago to benefit a close friend, allegedly, so that years later forum posts could brexitise it.

Wait a minute, you are making some serious accusations there of someone that has not been found guilty and dropping in 'alegedly' doesn't detract from it. Your post is one of blind discrimination.


Sep 11, 2011
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Deleted member 16999

Oh, big shock. The GLA, led by mayor Khan, have asked the Police to look into.

Jeez H Christ! An ardent Remainer, and Labour stalwart has instigated an investigation against Boris... well, who'd have thought it. How bl00dy naive are people to read it at face value.
Brian, They only looked in to it after The Sunday Times ran the story, are you honestly suggesting they should of just ignored the allegations?

Deleted member 16999

Here’s a couple of lines from the Daily Mail article:

“The Government has since frozen a £100,000 grant to Ms Arcuri's company, Hacker House, pending a review.”

He may or may not of been involved with any dodgy business but to be dismissing it and throwing accusations at others could be very premature.


Sep 11, 2011
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Brian, They only looked in to it after The Sunday Times ran the story, are you honestly suggesting they should of just ignored the allegations?

Of course they shouldn't ignore the allegations. But they should also ask the question about who leaked it and their timing. It smacks of a deliberate swipe at Johnson for political gain rather than a search for justice. Its pathetic how the smears are coming out constantly and almost everyone is jumping all over them without asking why are they all coming out as they are.

I appreciate the guy is an absolute 'arris but some of this constant stuff is just political posturing.

Can you imagine tomorrow's headlines, "OMG, Boris stood on a crack in the pavement."

I agree he's Trump-lite but c'mon, if he's going to be nailed, at least lets do it with something worth doing it with.


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Nov 19, 2018
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The issue is the words are being used by the crazies on the street, they are not being confined to the HoC.

Have you seen the news today about the serving soldier tweeting to a Labour MP about “Blood on our streets” and the MP will “Perish” when the civil war comes.

Both sides have a part to play in this and it’s very easy for words to be twisted.;)

I suggest you Stop digging😀

Deleted member 16999

Of course they shouldn't ignore the allegations. But they should also ask the question about who leaked it and their timing. It smacks of a deliberate swipe at Johnson for political gain rather than a search for justice. Its pathetic how the smears are coming out constantly and almost everyone is jumping all over them without asking why are they all coming out as they are.

I appreciate the guy is an absolute 'arris but some of this constant stuff is just political posturing.

Can you imagine tomorrow's headlines, "OMG, Boris stood on a crack in the pavement."

I agree he's Trump-lite but c'mon, if he's going to be nailed, at least lets do it with something worth doing it with.
That still doesn’t mean Khan has done anything wrong, by all means ask The Sunday Times about the timing or the source.
I’m not aware if The Sunday Times has a particular axe to grind with him or why it was printed when it was.

Plus I’ve stated we should not judge him in this matter.


Sep 11, 2011
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That still doesn’t mean Khan has done anything wrong, by all means ask The Sunday Times about the timing or the source.
I’m not aware if The Sunday Times has a particular axe to grind with him or why it was printed when it was.

Plus I’ve stated we should not judge him in this matter.

Isn't that just being a little naive? Khan and timing? Surely you've got to the ask the question, why all this now?

Boris is a beleaguered PM with no majority and the sharks are circling. I can think of a number of PM's who have either reached the end of their span or haven't had the support of their own party/Parliament, and they've been absolutely hounded.

TBH, I see no different here AND I'm no Boris supporter in the slightest.

Deleted member 16999

Isn't that just being a little naive? Khan and timing? Surely you've got to the ask the question, why all this now?

Boris is a beleaguered PM with no majority and the sharks are circling. I can think of a number of PM's who have either reached the end of their span or haven't had the support of their own party/Parliament, and they've been absolutely hounded.

TBH, I see no different here AND I'm no Boris supporter in the slightest.
I genuinely do not see how Khan’s role in this can be questioned without any evidence, you basing on it on a hunch, I accept you could be right, but reading through all the articles you are genuinely the first person I have seen or heard question his role in it.
Why would The Sunday Times sit on it, I’m more intrigued if they have an issue with him.
There’s obviously worries about the Lady in question for the Government to freeze the grant on the back of the article as well.

Deleted member 16999

How many does that make? I'm not apologising for him, he's either guilty or not but as no investigation has been carried out he is currently innocent.
Were have I said anything different, I’ve said we shouldn’t judge him.

Any comment on your Sunday Times question?
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