Booking tee slots to ensure maximum capacity

Can you see who has booked a tee time and can you book to play with them?

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Hahaha really! You seriously want to force a guy with health issues play with strangers who could’ve been mingling in a pub the night before right now! its That sort of moronic attitude that is spreading the disease and killing people unnecessarily. It’s that sort of moronic attitude that has essentially locked up the elderly since March!

If he is sheilding I suggest he contacts the club to ask that an exception is made and that he can reserve the other slots.
Hahaha really! You seriously want to force a guy with health issues play with strangers who could’ve been mingling in a pub the night before right now! its That sort of moronic attitude that is spreading the disease and killing people unnecessarily. It’s that sort of moronic attitude that has essentially locked up the elderly since March!

Sorry but that argument just doesn't stack up. If his health is of such a concern that being outside on a golf course in a 4 ball poses a risk, then he should probably not be there at all. I get there is exercise and mental health to consider.

How does he know who you've been in contact with? Or anyone else he's likely to encounter in the car park or out for a walk?
Hahaha really! You seriously want to force a guy with health issues play with strangers who could’ve been mingling in a pub the night before right now! its That sort of moronic attitude that is spreading the disease and killing people unnecessarily. It’s that sort of moronic attitude that has essentially locked up the elderly since March!

If someone wants to still shield themselves from everyone then I can’t see many golf courses right now setting a whole fourball aside for them - it’s just practical , the person can easily social distance whilst still playing in a fourball
If it's an official club competition, make it bookable via pro or office and they just put reserved competition in the other two slots. Simple. What do they do in non Covid times?
Prior to Covid my club did not operate a tee bookings system for casual play or knockout competitions. The situation never arose where a two ball match found itself playing with another two playing casual golf.

The club may well be able to block out the other two slots once I book my time but the pressure on slots is such that that could be difficult to do before they are grabbed - and chucking a pair out of a tee time for them to find all other times that day are taken...well ok. But not sure I’d be that chuffed if I was one of the pair removed from a tee time I’d quite properly booked.
We can see who is the slots and so if there is space you know who you can join. Bookings open 7.00am on Monday for Wednesday. Nine holes only until Saturday 12th when it switches to four balls and eighteen holes. Members guests allowed but no visitors. Not sure the clubs plan of two balls and nine holes to cope with expected demand will work and most will want a four ball and eighteen and so Monday week will be carnage at 7.00am
Booked this morning for 9 holes on Wednesday. Seemed to be 4 balls on the booking app rather than 2 balls?...
Why would a club be organising KO single matches during these times when tee times are restricted during the winter months - seems a lack of clear thinking. Only way is that the KO match are joined by another two but not ideal
The competition was initiated when we opened back up with the hope and expectation that we wouldn’t be closed back down. It may be that we cancel the competition completely or significantly extend the first round play-by date maybe to end January as I just don’t see how 40-odd first round matches can be fitted in as exclusive two balls before Christmas.
Just needs a bit of common sense surely?

It's amazing how seemingly simple things have suddenly become such mental gymnastics for so many people.

I played twice in the week prior to lockdown. First game a pair of us booked onto a local course online. We were joined on the first tee by another pair who were members to make up a 4 ball. Not a problem at all. They played their game. We played our usual matchplay. We all chatted on the way round and helped looking for balls etc.

Second game I played with my FiL at his club the day before lockdown. Same again, all tee slots were booked up as 4 balls. There they try to manage it so there are only 4 balls. Some of the old crowd who think they have some kind of right to block book times and play as 2 or 3 balls don't like it. But they are mostly grumpy old men and need to get over themselves.
And this would be A-O-K for me. Just saying that the expectation and ‘tradition’ at my club is that when you play as part of a three or four ball then you will normally play ’with’ them, and the others will invite you to play with them. Not always the case, but it’s just the norm at my club.

Easy answer is to extend deadline for 1st round and let all know that when you book a time with another pair you may find they are playing a singles match and just ask us all to accept and accommodate that. Hopefully we are going to hear early next week prior to tee bookings opening up 8pm Monday
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The competition was initiated when we opened back up with the hope and expectation that we wouldn’t be closed back down. It may be that we cancel the competition completely or significantly extend the first round play-by date maybe to end January as I just don’t see how 40-odd first round matches can be fitted in as exclusive two balls before Christmas.

Sounds like the sensible option.
Booked this morning for 9 holes on Wednesday. Seemed to be 4 balls on the booking app rather than 2 balls?...
Not sure why any club would restrict bookings to just 2 balls - it’s not needed at the moment
Not sure why any club would restrict bookings to just 2 balls - it’s not needed at the moment

Taken from our club communication. Whether you consider it needed or not this is what went out to members and there has been nothing communicated (poor if they have changed to four balls and not sent anything imo)

Golf is permitted in 4-balls and with 600 members desperate to return to the golf course, we have taken the decision to allow 9-hole bookings only for the first 10 days back on the course (2nd to 11th December). During this period, it will be casual golf ONLY. 18-hole Tee Times will be available to members from Saturday 12th December onwards. This approach will enable as many members as possible to return to playing with immediate effect, giving the maximum number of available tee times.
The following key points apply to help you plan and book your golf:
1. Booking will be made using the Club V1 Members Hub app. If you have any difficulty using the app to book Tee Times then the office will be manned from 7am each day initially. Please do NOT try calling before 7am.
2. Members can ONLY play if they have a Tee Booking on the system. This enables government track & trace requirements to be met.
3. Bookings for the initial period of 9-hole golf can be made 3 days in advance ONLY. The Tee sheet for 2nd December will be released on 29th November and then one day at a time will be released thereafter to allow booking 3 days ahead. One booking per day per member maximum is permitted.
Taken from our club communication. Whether you consider it needed or not this is what went out to members and there has been nothing communicated (poor if they have changed to four balls and not sent anything imo)

Golf is permitted in 4-balls and with 600 members desperate to return to the golf course, we have taken the decision to allow 9-hole bookings only for the first 10 days back on the course (2nd to 11th December). During this period, it will be casual golf ONLY. 18-hole Tee Times will be available to members from Saturday 12th December onwards. This approach will enable as many members as possible to return to playing with immediate effect, giving the maximum number of available tee times.
The following key points apply to help you plan and book your golf:
1. Booking will be made using the Club V1 Members Hub app. If you have any difficulty using the app to book Tee Times then the office will be manned from 7am each day initially. Please do NOT try calling before 7am.
2. Members can ONLY play if they have a Tee Booking on the system. This enables government track & trace requirements to be met.
3. Bookings for the initial period of 9-hole golf can be made 3 days in advance ONLY. The Tee sheet for 2nd December will be released on 29th November and then one day at a time will be released thereafter to allow booking 3 days ahead. One booking per day per member maximum is permitted.
Anyone can add themselves to a booking at ours, mate and I have booked for Wednesday and as expected two members added themselves to tee time.
No problem with that, selfish that people want to deny others the chance of a game.

Now you see I don't agree, My son (13) and I will be playing together, we live together. Why the hell do we want to play with 2 strangers we don't know and have no idea if they are the sort to follow the Covid rules or absolute morons who do not give a crap about them and are out and about when they shouldn't be and put us at risk. My wife is already a big risk having holes in her lung, so instead of us having a great way to play safely as well as spending £1,000 on membership we have to not take any chances and not play, not really fair on us. We should be limiting the risk rather than increasing it, better they limit those that can play in the week to leave the weekends alone and those that can only play weekends get the chances.

We will be back in lockdown and courses closed before you know it.
Oh for goodness sake ?

You absolutely cannot use Covid as an excuse for selfishly having just 2 people in a 4 ball booking when there is high demand for limited space.
Anyone that ridiculously worried shouldn't play.

Yeah exactly so my £1,000 should go get lost so another 2 or 3 can play instead, it is never that black and white. Playing golf for my son and I is perfectly safe for my wife, but seeing some of the dregs of society turning up and joining is a risk and if it was your risk you may think differently, another one of those I'm ok so so should you.

To add this is my club allowing non members to join us as well, maybe if it was members only and could deal with issues that arose it would be a little better but total strangers to the club, i don't think so. The reality is there is a risk and we know it but we minimize it and when someone tells us no screw you, we don't care for your risk and the managing of it that is really poor, why increase our risk. No offense they are limiting players to playing 3 times a week, yet those of us playing just once have to have them with us, maybe just play once and leave the space for the rest of the members, instead i don't get to play once but they get 3.
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Don't know what the exact figure is but I'd imagine your son is a thousand times more likely to catch and spread Covid from being at school than out in the fresh air of a golf course.

Yep and we already take that risk, i work from home now to reduce the risk, but why increase our risk even more. Surely we can limit people to a round or 2 a week and keep things spread out rather than bunching people together which is still a bigger risk than letting bubbles like ours playing as is rather than letting strangers in. No one here would let a stranger in their garden for 4 hours would they?
Yep and we already take that risk, i work from home now to reduce the risk, but why increase our risk even more. Surely we can limit people to a round or 2 a week and keep things spread out rather than bunching people together which is still a bigger risk than letting bubbles like ours playing as is rather than letting strangers in. No one here would let a stranger in their garden for 4 hours would they?
I can "kind of" understand where you are coming from......but have you thought of this from the clubs view? There are a fair amount of people who would prefer not to play with "others".....and just with family.....or more likely just one of two of their buddies and nobody else. Who is going to administer this? More 2 balls (especially at this time of the year) means less people can get on the course. Getting as many people on the course as possible is the goal...isn't it? When someone signs up on the online sites......I don't have any idea of how to make sure people aren't abusing this....and people are already doing that. What if I want to go out and play as a single and literally don't want to play with anyone else.....can I block off that time for just myself? What if I'm really paranoid about catching Covid and don't want to be near anybody? I can understand why you just want to play with your one family member....I just don't know if it's possible without a lot of hassle.
I can "kind of" understand where you are coming from......but have you thought of this from the clubs view? There are a fair amount of people who would prefer not to play with "others".....and just with family.....or more likely just one of two of their buddies and nobody else. Who is going to administer this? More 2 balls (especially at this time of the year) means less people can get on the course. ? When someone signs up on the online sites......I don't have any idea of how to make sure people aren't abusing this....and people are already doing that. What if I want to go out and play as a single and literally don't want to play with anyone else.....can I block off that time for just myself? What if I'm really paranoid about catching Covid and don't want to be near anybody? I can understand why you just want to play with your one family member....I just don't know if it's possible without a lot of hassle.

It's not i don't want to play from others, no covid happy to have other people playing if there isn't room. I paid my £1,000 in April to support the club when we could not play. I am supporting the club in their time of need, doesn't seem to be supporting me in mine. If space is a premium then don't have Non Members booking in, or don't let them play with us, no free tee times then they don't play. Instead they want it all, they want non members, fully booked tee times regardless of the risk.

Getting as many people on the course as possible is the goal...isn't it - No it's obviously not, keeping people safe and still giving those at risk the best chance to carry on somewhat normally not just getting as many people playing golf as possible, that's the issue, people want to ignore the issue and get it back to normal.
Getting as many people on the course as possible is the goal...isn't it - No it's obviously not, keeping people safe and still giving those at risk the best chance to carry on somewhat normally not just getting as many people playing golf as possible, that's the issue, people want to ignore the issue and get it back to normal.

There is acres of space. Is it not simple to just tell the guys that turn up, you would appreciate if they stayed metres away from you?