Beating a slump! Taking a break VS Playing through it?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Something I posted on Twitter last night, lead to some fantastic replies (Thanks Brendy, Fragger, Imurg and Fish :thup: ), so decided to post up the topic on here for discussion, but more to gauge general opinion.

For the last 5 weeks (... A week before my last lesson) I've been playing some pretty shocking golf. Shocking when you consider that from the turn of the new year to the 2nd week of February I didn't have a round in the 80's. Every round I had was somewhere between 73 and 79.

Since then, it's got progressively worse :(

Not something I can put my finger on, but it seems every aspect of my game has, well, gone to pot. Driving has been erratic, iron play poor, even my putting (... Usually the strongest part of my game) has been dire. Over the last 5 weeks my confidence has been completely eroded, now to the point where I simply have no confidence standing over the ball. I've tried laughing it off, smiling as I walk after a poor shot, even giving myself a stern talking too while walking the fairway, but to be honest, none of it's worked.

Played after work last night for 9 holes, to what I thought was, again, poor golf. With no end to my slump in sight, I decided that I would take a little break away from the game to try and get my head back into the right place.

Cue the pearls of wisdom from the aforementioned folks.

Some of the things that were said really gave me a fresh outlook on the game and how to cope with going through the worst slump I've known. After I'd finished reading and replying, I went back over my round in my head counting up my shot's I'd taken.

1st - Bogey
2nd - Par
3rd - Bogey
4th - Bogey
5th - Birdie :)
6th - Par
7th - Double :(
8th - Bogie
9th - Par

5 over for 9 holes.

I thought I'd played terrible and, I suppose by some on here's standards (Cat 1 players), I had :mad: , but if I'd continued in the same vein, which (Above) is roughly how I've been playing of late, I'd have finished 4 under my handicap, playing to 10, despite feeling like I was playing terrible.

I'm now left with the dilemma. Do I continue with my sabbatical as planned or continue to play?

The way I see it, which is probably wrong, is I can't fix what's wrong with my swing by not practicing and playing, but my current mental attitude and confidence make it difficult to trust my swing and subsequent outcomes. It's almost like a vicious circle. You need at least some confidence to make a good swing and get a good/decent result, but when the outcome isn't as desired (... Or you hit and absolute honker) you're back to square one again.

Before anyone says it, I'll get in there first. Yes! I know it's only a game. Yes! I know it's only a hobby (Aren't hobbies supposed to be enjoyed?) and NO!, you can't have my driver/irons/wedges or putter :thup:

I know I need to break the mental/confidence circle I'm locked into, it's just how I go about doing it. Taking a break vs playing through with more practice (... FWIW I have a lesson booked next Wednesday).

Any comments, thoughts, criticisms, insights or suggestions on the above all welcome :thup:

P.S - Apologies for the rather long post :mad:


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 18, 2010
last year i had some personel life issues i took them onto the course with me and started losing the love for everything , my playing partner was also having a rough a time , one day we both looked at each other and said we dont enjoy it anymore , i asked when was the last time we just went out for fun , i took 2 weeks off went shopping , drinking did anything but golf , after those 2 weeks i couldnt wait to get back into it , i stopped stressing about my scores,my swing,my putting and just enjoyed everything , i still grumble every know and then but those 2 weeks saved my golf life i just reassessed what i love about and removed what i had started hating , not quite the same but sometimes a little break helps and makes you realise and want it a bit more :thup:
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Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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5 over for 9 holes off a 14 handicap?

I'd suggest you go and play some medals and come back when you're a 10 handicap for some further advice.

I know you've shot low this year but that doesn't make you a 5 handicapper. Use the handicap system as a gauge of your ability, not your last round where you birdied the first instead of bogeying it or parred the 7th instead of getting a double.

If you shoot to or below your handicap, that should satisfy you enough Gareth. When you plateau, then it's time to get back to your pro to take the next steps.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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5 over for 9 holes off a 14 handicap?

I'd suggest you go and play some medals and come back when you're a 10 handicap for some further advice.

I know you've shot low this year but that doesn't make you a 5 handicapper. Use the handicap system as a gauge of your ability, not your last round where you birdied the first instead of bogeying it or parred the 7th instead of getting a double.

If you shoot to or below your handicap, that should satisfy you enough Gareth. When you plateau, then it's time to get back to your pro to take the next steps.

I concur, good advice:thup:


Sep 11, 2011
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Do what you feel you want to do. Sounds like you are fighting more with yourself than the game - breathe in 2,3,4 and relax.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I could be way off the mark, so feel free to ignore, but over the last couple of months I've noticed a fair few new threads in "Ask The Experts" from you with very technical questions dissecting the golf swing.

Lateral Weight Shift at Transition

Correct Club Face Poition in the Backswing

Hooding the club face through the swing

Wrist position post impact

Upper & Lower Body Disassociation

Coincidence that it coincides with you thinking you're in a slump, or overthinking it a bit too much?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I would add that the tone of my post was very 'to the point'- I do sympathise with you Gareth!!

No worries pal. Honest and to the point suits me just fine :thup:

I could be way off the mark, so feel free to ignore, but over the last couple of months I've noticed a fair few new threads in "Ask The Experts" from you with very technical questions dissecting the golf swing.

Lateral Weight Shift at Transition

Correct Club Face Poition in the Backswing

Hooding the club face through the swing

Wrist position post impact

Upper & Lower Body Disassociation

Coincidence that it coincides with you thinking you're in a slump, or overthinking it a bit too much?

Very true Gary. I won't deny that could be a factor.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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Fully empathise Gareth, had a similar situation the winter before last, thought I was making good progress then went up from 8.5-9.5 from September-January.

Whilst being something that everybody has probably endured at some point, your slump will be unique to you. So you'll still enjoy some things (I'd hope) but detest others.

Focus for a while on the things you enjoy. When I'm hitting it crap, instead of trying to bosh 200 balls at the range, I'll spend a few evenings just hitting putts. The swing will come back, but it's hard to learn something new or correct errors whilst you're worked up and angry.

Put the frustration to use in a different way by spending time on your putting or chipping then come back to the full swing in a couple of weeks. Until then, enjoy being out on the course with your mates and improving another area of your game?

Good luck either way matey, not a good time to sack it in though during Maters week!


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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I could be way off the mark, so feel free to ignore, but over the last couple of months I've noticed a fair few new threads in "Ask The Experts" from you with very technical questions dissecting the golf swing.

Lateral Weight Shift at Transition

Correct Club Face Poition in the Backswing

Hooding the club face through the swing

Wrist position post impact

Upper & Lower Body Disassociation

Coincidence that it coincides with you thinking you're in a slump, or overthinking it a bit too much?

I think this man has it bang on. Not knowing you personally, and having never seen you play, I can only form an opinion based on what you post here, which for me is way too in depth and probably not conducive to playing good/enjoyable golf at our level. Different strokes for different folks but maybe take a step back from the detail and just go out and hit the ball!


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Ye leading on from what Gary said, I think you need to get less physical and actually play some matchplay against a buddy or something and only focus on winning holes. It is mental, you think your playing crap but you are not. You know I practice a LOT but sometimes you just have to or I have to just play and enjoy.

My brother in law and best friend who I play lots of golf with was about to offer me some advice (we trade info on one another swing swings a lot) I stopped him as I currently have no interest in what it looks like. I just want to get the ball to the hole.

Its easy to make these comments when I can seemingly do no wrong at the moment. Trip over, duff my drive, hack one up there and make the up and down.

Come have a game and have some fun!


I know the feeling. I had a good 2012 with a win and some top 3 places in club comps taking 3 shots off my hdcp. Started 2013 full of expectation after practising hard over the winter. It couldn't have been a worse year, 15 or so comps played and I think I got .1 back in all but 2 of them. This years motto is to just hit the flipping ball and dont worry about. Already I have had 3rd place in my society day and 1st place in the first medal of the year :). KEEP PLAYING!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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the feeling of play crap stems from dropping those 3 shots in the last 3 holes.

its kinda like, knob it round all day and birdie 17 and 18. walk off feeling rather chuffed in the end. im getting somewhere etc.

hit the ball and score well through 16 holes then double 17 and triple 18, the world feels like a gloomy place.

funny old game!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I could be way off the mark, so feel free to ignore, but over the last couple of months I've noticed a fair few new threads in "Ask The Experts" from you with very technical questions dissecting the golf swing.

Lateral Weight Shift at Transition

Correct Club Face Poition in the Backswing

Hooding the club face through the swing

Wrist position post impact

Upper & Lower Body Disassociation

Coincidence that it coincides with you thinking you're in a slump, or overthinking it a bit too much?

I think this man has it bang on. Not knowing you personally, and having never seen you play, I can only form an opinion based on what you post here, which for me is way too in depth and probably not conducive to playing good/enjoyable golf at our level. Different strokes for different folks but maybe take a step back from the detail and just go out and hit the ball!

The points that Gary lists above all relate to 1 specific fault of mine. A pull left.

This is what is currently plaguing me and my game. I'm not talking missing a green 5 yards left, I'm talking 20+ yards dead left.

My thread(s) are more an attempt to understand what I should be doing to move down to the ball from the top correctly. I know I'm in a good position going back (See Number 2 on the list above), but I just cannot get back to the ball without dragging the ball left. It's not just with certain clubs either. It can happen with a wedge, Mid iron or driver.

I know this issue is down to swing path and an OTT swing, I don't doubt or deny that. If I have no confidence in getting back to the ball (Trusting my swing) all manor of compensations will creep in.

My pro has been looking over the last few lessons at getting my club face position going back into a much better position in the back swing. This, in theory, should help stop my pull draw/hook (... Which it has) and have me hitting a slight pull or a soft fade and play with that until we can get to work on swing path later in the year.

I no longer hit the pull draw/hook, but the pull has gotten worse, hence my efforts (Above threads) to try and understand where I'm going wrong to try and, at least, give me a chance of getting back to the ball for a semi-reasonable shot.

It's not a case of tinkering looking for tinkerings sake, just trying to understand where and how I'm going wrong and how to correct it.

As I say, I have a lesson penned for next week. Lets see what comes of it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Time to get the fun back Gareth imo

Forget theres a scorecard in your pocket and hit some shots, as naturally as possible. Hit some fades, hit some draws, hit some high ones, some low ones, play 9 holes with just 7iron/wedge/putter, play a few different courses, get a game with a couple of forummers - anything to break the recent rhythm and approach. Based on how much you appear to be thinking, not actually sure a break will help as not sure you'll stop thinking even away from it


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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You wouldn't have to "play through it" if you were just enjoying yourself on the course....

Trust me, I'm a past master at "going off the boil".. Just enjoy the walk and the banter, and take those rare excellent shots as they come.. It'll come back..:thup:


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Five over for 9 holes. I'd be doing cartwheels around the bar. I had a shocking season last year. Just kept turning up every week and kept believing it would get better. This year I'm just playing, trusting my swing and enjoying it. I still have a burning desire to get to single figures AND I WILL. It may be this year, it may be next but I'll do it. In the meantime, bad rounds get forgotten and the good ones savoured until the next one