Ban Club Championship


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Jun 19, 2024
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Played in club championship final last year 2023,had to walk of after 12 holes, was ment to be over 36,had to concede as I was having a melt down as I’ve mental health issues,received an email from Captain asking for a valid reason as I had ruined the clubs main event and it was unacceptable behaviour and they would like my explanation of events as they wouldn’t like to use heavy handed actions including banning me from future matchplay events,I replied explaining that my actions were due to my mental health melt down and I felt the correct action was to stop playing before things got worse,he replied he didn’t know about this and that the club would do all they could to help and hopefully I would be back next year in a better frame of mind,this was after I said I wouldn’t play again for the rest of the season,this was July 2023
I’ve came back at the start of this season 2024 and just played the 3 rounds for the club championship qualifiers,best 2 rounds count for the last 16,I qualified 2nd and I’ve been waiting for email for draw,but had nothing,I’ve just went on club website and draw is there and my name is not there,as I’ve had no meetings with committee and nothing in writing nd no emails informing me I would not be allowed to play in this years club championship 2024 have the committee not followed the correct procedures,I’ve sent all committee members asking for an explanation but had no reply’s,surely they had to inform me before the 3 rounds of qualifying or last year when discussing club championship final 2023,can anyone help/advise


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Oct 5, 2021
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Looking for advice/help
Played in club championship final last year 2023,had to walk of after 12 holes, was ment to be over 36,had to concede as I was having a melt down as I’ve mental health issues,received an email from Captain asking for a valid reason as I had ruined the clubs main event and it was unacceptable behaviour and they would like my explanation of events as they wouldn’t like to use heavy handed actions including banning me from future matchplay events,I replied explaining that my actions were due to my mental health melt down and I felt the correct action was to stop playing before things got worse,he replied he didn’t know about this and that the club would do all they could to help and hopefully I would be back next year in a better frame of mind,this was after I said I wouldn’t play again for the rest of the season,this was July 2023
I’ve came back at the start of this season 2024 and just played the 3 rounds for the club championship qualifiers,best 2 rounds count for the last 16,I qualified 2nd and I’ve been waiting for email for draw,but had nothing,I’ve just went on club website and draw is there and my name is not there,as I’ve had no meetings with committee and nothing in writing nd no emails informing me I would not be allowed to play in this years club championship 2024 have the committee not followed the correct procedures,I’ve sent all committee members asking for an explanation but had no reply’s,surely they had to inform me before the 3 rounds of qualifying or last year when discussing club championship final 2023,can anyone help/advise

Have they fixed the issue?


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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This isn’t a rules issue, but most certainly a club/committee administration one.

On the one hand, if all you have played in are club championship qualifying rounds, part of me can see why the committee may be slightly unhappy about it. But that totally disregards the reason you withdrew, and the fact that the club are fully aware of the facts.

On the face of it, at the very least, and out of common decency, they should be having a conversation with you.