Bags.. and not the wives!!!


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
Afternoon fellas,
I have been caught up in the consumer fever after looking at the stand bag market this afternoon, the Ogio ones with the Shling System look very good but so does the new range of TM.

Do you think there is much difference in stand bags as they all cost roughly the same these days? Is there one brand you will never leave? Which brand in your experience have you had problems with if any? Do you buy a bag to match you clubs?

and yes I am very bored at work
I never buy a bag that doesn't have two zips on the rain cover. If it's only got one, then you have to open the whole cover in the rain to get at your clubs. Not good.

That applies to all bags of course, not just stand bags.
I had a TM bag for a year, which aged badly (it had yellow piping, which wore through really quickly, and looked tatty). The straps weren't the most comfortable either. Not enough padding.

I have a titleist bag now, which I have had for 2 years. The internal padding (which stops your graphite shafts from getting rubbed) wore out really quickly, and is non replaceable, and the bag is as water proof as a tea bag.

Prior to the TM bag, I had a Nike stand bag which was fine. I don't remember any issues with this bag. I tend to keep my bags for about 3 years, or until they start to smell musty.

I have an old Titleist tour bag which I use on holiday, (when I don't have to carry it). This bag is fantastic, and I have had it for about 15 years.
As I have said before I have an old Ping Hoofer bag that is 7 years old and still in superb condition. Sadly even Ping are not making bags of this quality anymore.

I think Ogio is the way to go these days they get a good write up anytime you read about them. My mate has a Callaway stand bag that seems well made, hes had it for a couple of years npw and it still looks good.
I have stuck with Ogio bags because that is what they specialise in, making bags for various sports. I have hoped that this would assure a degree of quality and certainly the current one has had no problems to date.
I have stuck with Ogio bags because that is what they specialise in, making bags for various sports. I have hoped that this would assure a degree of quality and certainly the current one has had no problems to date.

GB havw you tried the Shling straps? if so any good or might as well get a cheaper one with normal straps?
I dont buy anythin thats not calloaway. But i tried out my new warbird hot bag today and it was just darn wonderfull, pockets in all the right places, Plenty of space and everythin is easy to get to. Even the insulated drinks holder! Think bags are like putters, there very personal. You have to know how u like to store things and when ya want to get at em. I.E i like to mark my card when i walk or get a drink as am walkin down the fairway so the pockets on the warbird where in a good place.
Very true about the pocket distribution. My old Nike had a net pocket on the outside, that I used to put any rubbish in that I came accross. I miss that now I don't have one. It doesn't feel right putting rubbish 'in' my bag.
I have a Cobra stand bag (funny that) and really like it. It is the same as the camouflage one but looks grand in slilver, yellow & black.

The pockets are all in the right places and I really like the pocket to keep your drinks cool.

The bad points were the pants raincover and the lack of quality feel to the bag. I think it was a bit expensive at £89.99 but it matched my clubs so perhaps being a bit of a tart clouded my judgement.

I like the look of the TM essex stand bag though, when the cobra is knackered this may be next on the list because at £40/£50 it is great value. The Sun Moutains are nice aswell and more and more people seem to be buying them.