Bad lower back


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Bit of a broad question as it could be a few things but I've started to develop a sore lower back after playing or practicing.
It feels sort of like I've been bent backwards for a long period of time.

I've tried to get my pro to look at it but can't get booked in with him hence my other thread asking for recommendations for pro's in the north east.

I'm getting a little worried that I cause serious or permanent damage if I don't get it looked at soon.

Thanks for any advice


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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not saying its related by any means, but i used to really suffer with my back, it turned out through sliding my hips instead of rotating through the ball id tisted my pelvis. It helped that my chiropractor was a low hc golfer too, but between him and my pro it sorted the problem.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

Bit of a broad question as it could be a few things but I've started to develop a sore lower back after playing or practicing.
It feels sort of like I've been bent backwards for a long period of time.

I've tried to get my pro to look at it but can't get booked in with him hence my other thread asking for recommendations for pro's in the north east.

I'm getting a little worried that I cause serious or permanent damage if I don't get it looked at soon.

Thanks for any advice

It's a tricky one Richy because some people (eg Oddsocks above) will say that sliding hurt his hips, which is fair enough if that's the case, and some will say that rotation hurts their hips.. like it did to mine.

FACT is that 6 million+ golfers have bad backs and of those 6 million approx 5.9 million of them don't slide their hips enough during the swing. They rotate instead.

As Foxy just alluded to in the thread below.. the body isn't a spring.. you can't 'wind it up' like a rubber band. Poor instruction and interpretation of instruction has caused this over the past 30yrs.

I'd go and see a back specialist, then maybe change instructors.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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So I'm either sliding too much or not enough? :p

Only joking, thanks for the advice lads, I know its hard when you can't see my swing. On the lookout for a new pro to have a look at me.

Dave B

Q-School Graduate
Dec 26, 2011
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I played on Sunday and after 14 or so holes my lower back was aching and tightening up. Come Monday morning it had seized up and through a mix of pain killers and ibuprofen I made it through work. Yesterday and today have seen a slight improvement but Friday afternoon is definitely out and Saturday isn't looking good.

It's the first time I've suffered a bad back through golf although I did suffer with a bad back years ago when I ruptured two discs. I'm now going to have to carry out regular excercises to keep my lower back supple and mobile in addition to ensuring I swing gently and smoothly.

I've put it down to a combination of cold weather and infrequent practice in addition to possibly overswinging, (I rarely overswing). So for now it's back to the drawing board and hoping it's a one off that doesn't re-occur in the near future.


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Warm water bottle (not hot) - or even better one of the ones filled with seeds/fluff or wahetever that you put in teh mcirowave cos then you can get teh temperature not too hot

keep walking and moving; as soon as you sit down or even lay down it's with you for a while

Get your desk set up at home or at work sorted - you would be amazed how badly you can regularly strain your back by a poor position over a computer


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Get your desk set up at home or at work sorted - you would be amazed how badly you can regularly strain your back by a poor position over a computer

I think thats the case with me. Too many hours in the car or in a chair stuck in front of a computer. Did you know that most strain is on your back when you are sitting down?

Funny that my lower back ache is never when playing golf infact it helps to play golf. My back is sore this morning and I havent played golf for a few weeks now, I'm beginning to think that the two are not related. Hence thinking that its more to do with posture.

I've read that golf may cause an imbalance in your muscles, I guess this makes a lot of sense as we only really swing in one direction. I may buy myself a left handed club and stick some weights on it and swing left handed a hundred times a day to redress the balance :D


Aug 5, 2011
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Get your desk set up at home or at work sorted - you would be amazed how badly you can regularly strain your back by a poor position over a computer

great advice, could hardly walk for 2 days after a long session badly seated at a pc, still feel it when seated for an hour or more


Club Champion
Dec 27, 2010
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i would go and see a chiropractor and try and strengthen up the core area and glutes. i have quite bad s posture and my back is in bits cause my lumbar spine rotates when it should be quite stable in the golf swing