Back pains caused by swing.


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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I think there are a few different points here:

1, Amateurs and pros will experience different issues, pros are more likely to suffer overuse injuries, whereas amateurs are more likely to suffer injuries caused by compensations for lack of strength\mobility for what they are trying to do.
2, Knowledge of strength and conditioning for golf is still in its infancy. Golf S&C has developed a huge amount since Tiger first hit the scene, but in my opinion, it is still a long way behind other sports.
3, To go alongside the above, amateurs and fans knowledge of fitness is even further behind. Most observers rate fitness by appearance, usually weight and how lean\muscular an individual is. Appearance, fitness for golf and even general health are not measurable just from observation of someone's physique.
4, Effects of PED usage. Golf is in denial about PEDs, most people only associate steroids with huge muscle size, and so believe because golf does not require this, PEDs are of no benefit. This is at best naive and perhaps is a deliberate ignorance of the subject so golf can be considered pure. If there is money to be won, and substances that can help achieve that, you can bet people will be using them, and risking potential negative long term health implications.
5, Elite sport is not healthy. Whether it be golf or anything else, the closer you get to elite level the more sport turns away from being beneficial for health.
6, Tiger specifically has gone through a lot of swing changes, some of them unlikely to be suited to his body and movement patterns. Longegivity to play and of health will come from having a swing that suits how you are built and move.

I could write tons on this subject as it is an area that fascinates me, but the above points I believe are the most key ones when considering this kind of topic.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I think there are a few different points here:

1, Amateurs and pros will experience different issues, pros are more likely to suffer overuse injuries, whereas amateurs are more likely to suffer injuries caused by compensations for lack of strength\mobility for what they are trying to do.
2, Knowledge of strength and conditioning for golf is still in its infancy. Golf S&C has developed a huge amount since Tiger first hit the scene, but in my opinion, it is still a long way behind other sports.
3, To go alongside the above, amateurs and fans knowledge of fitness is even further behind. Most observers rate fitness by appearance, usually weight and how lean\muscular an individual is. Appearance, fitness for golf and even general health are not measurable just from observation of someone's physique.
4, Effects of PED usage. Golf is in denial about PEDs, most people only associate steroids with huge muscle size, and so believe because golf does not require this, PEDs are of no benefit. This is at best naive and perhaps is a deliberate ignorance of the subject so golf can be considered pure. If there is money to be won, and substances that can help achieve that, you can bet people will be using them, and risking potential negative long term health implications.
5, Elite sport is not healthy. Whether it be golf or anything else, the closer you get to elite level the more sport turns away from being beneficial for health.
6, Tiger specifically has gone through a lot of swing changes, some of them unlikely to be suited to his body and movement patterns. Longegivity to play and of health will come from having a swing that suits how you are built and move.

I could write tons on this subject as it is an area that fascinates me, but the above points I believe are the most key ones when considering this kind of topic.
Brilliant post 👌


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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One thing not usually said is we all have different jobs .
Some help your golf most don’t.
I had a very physical job that kept me fit .
But an office worker at a desk will need to do more.
Flexibility is key for me .

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Does GP still invite journalists to punch him in the stomach to prove how hard bis abs are from his 1000´s of situps?