At what point does a membership become value for money?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I like the flexibility of being a member, but come winter it's £120 a month of dead money given how wet it is. Last 12 months it's worked out at £35 a round. I guess that's fair enough.

We are lucky that the course is playable all winter, for round here that's unheard of. Get a lot of random visitors in the winter because their course is a bog so once a month come to ours.

They do throw in 7 day gym membership aswell for those who can be bothered


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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This understanding of a golf club membership meaning different things to different people is something that I have found lacking in the past and was a factor in my giving up.

I wanted to play golf, that is fine, but then I wanted to go home and spend time with my wife and my friends. 'Oh No' the members said 'that makes you a car park golfer and we cannot have that. That is the lowest of the low not committing your life to the club'. No, it makes me someone with different social priorities and levels of significance given to golf as part of my life. Sadly some cannot accept that golf does have differing levels of priority and significance to different people. To my mum, it is everything since my dad died.

Love this, 100% spot on.

I class myself currently as in between. I’ll roll up, sausage bap and a coffee, 18 holes, normally stay for 1/2 drinks with the group I played with then scoot.

On the other hand I know others who’ll arrive at 7am, breakfast, 100 balls on the range, another coffee and tee off around 9.30/10.00. After 18 holes they lunch and 5-10pints before a taxi home.

The latter does not appeal unless it’s a weekend away with the lads on a golf trip.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I don’t understand, and never really will, why people think value is just about money.

Value is a feeling, how important is something to you? If that things makes you happy then it has high value irrespective of its price.
Maybe because the phrase used in the OP was "value for money"? 😂

mister v

Jun 15, 2018
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i do feel that i get value for money out of my membership, the total subscription is similar to most at just over a £1k, i play in all the weekend comps and in the summer play in the 9 hole Tuesday night club roll up , play in team matches and any fun comps that get put on.
I still work full time and my lad plays as well , he's 15 so is at the age when he can join in with the banter with the old boys who in our club are very supportive of the junior section. My Mrs enjoys coming up to the club for a drink and food etc.
There are chaps who live at the club and then there are some who change in the car park play 18 and then go home... whatever floats your boat as long as your happy (we're golfers we'll never be happy)


New member
Dec 6, 2023
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It's for each individual to decide if their membership fee is value for money. This should be decided before payment is made as afterwards will create the horrible feeling of having been ripped off and a terrible taste in the mouth. What pisses me off is having taken membership the price then charged for a cup of tea.