Argh! Help!


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 20, 2011
South-East London
Its been nearly 3 months now, a few lessons, weekly range visits and 10 rounds of golf and I still cant hit my G20's. Problem is its the golf weekend away this saturday, been so looking forward to it, just dont want my golf to ruin it!

Heres a video of my drive, which I have been hitting great recently.

Below is a video of my iron swing (7 iron) I push every shot straight right, or shank it, hitting the ball with the bottom of the shaft!

pleasehelp folks,any improvement will be much appreciated!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Thought so.
Your clubface is closed at the top so to stop the ball going left, you have to open the face through impact.
This is offering up less clubface area to hit the ball with, hence the odd shank and the shove right.
Apart from that, it looks pretty good :)
As a short term fix I would suggest getting to the range and weaken the grip a touch and see what happens


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Not a clear picture but it looks to me that you are lifting your chest too early and sliding forward as if you are either trying to see where the ball has gone or you are trying to help the ball into the air. This will encourage an open clubface which will create the problems you mention.

Try keeping your chest covering the ball at impact, have the feeling that you are staying down into the shot, head behind ball and allowing your right shoulder to pull your head round after impact.

See this video:


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
Not trying to undermine you SocketRocket, but what qualifies you as an expert, I only ask as there was a discussion on the forum a few months ago, and this section is so that replies can be given by those who are qualified to advice forum members on either equipment or skills and drills.

I do know that Bob is a Pro and that other such as Ethan have a massive wealth of knowledge in their chosen field.

Any chance you could put me and those you are offering advice some re-assurance as to you 'expertness'(new scrabble score on that word :) )

I have taken advice off some on here and damaged my game, so want to try to help other make an educated choice at which advice to take heed of. I don't want to put you down, knock you, just get an idea of background so the rest of the forum has something to gauge your advice with.

Cheers Buddy


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Cheers mate, will get up there tomorrow and have a bash.

Any chance of a pic of the sort of grip you think I should try to learn?

If you look in a mirror, it should look something like this. It's not perfect but it gives you the idea



Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Not trying to undermine you SocketRocket, but what qualifies you as an expert, I only ask as there was a discussion on the forum a few months ago, and this section is so that replies can be given by those who are qualified to advice forum members on either equipment or skills and drills.

I do know that Bob is a Pro and that other such as Ethan have a massive wealth of knowledge in their chosen field.

Any chance you could put me and those you are offering advice some re-assurance as to you 'expertness'(new scrabble score on that word :) )

I have taken advice off some on here and damaged my game, so want to try to help other make an educated choice at which advice to take heed of. I don't want to put you down, knock you, just get an idea of background so the rest of the forum has something to gauge your advice with.

Cheers Buddy

OK, here goes:

I am someone who has spent many years studying golf. I am a Chartered Engineer who has studied the kinematics of movement, ballistics of golf ball flight and I am now 60+ and still playing near scratch.

I give advice when I think I can help and I have helped many people. I did not take up golf as a career but that does not mean I dont have a sound understanding of the subject. The best thing is to read what I suggest, I tend to back it up with evidence where I can. If it's not for you then ignore me, thats your perogative.

I have to say, I have been posting here for a short time and the attitudes of some of the members are quite hostile to someone new. My shoulders a fairly broad though, I am happy to have a discussion and learn from others where I can. I have to say that Bob on this site is someone who contributes a lot to others and will debate a subject correctly. He is a credit.


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
Brian if you're still playing near scratch at that ripe old age ;) I'll listen to what you say, just nice to know what people are bringing to the table. No hostility meant.

Someone said my issue is leaving the house to attempt to play the game :)

Cheers for you're posts, and I'm sure with time as you get known people will be glad of your advice and comments. You're almost a silver surfer now eh.


Aug 5, 2011
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Plus if others didn't advise it would have to be Bobs advice section and he's clearly stated before he doesn't have to reply to a post in here even when it's directed at him, so it's not really an expert section but an advice sought section, it should be regarded the same way the t'interweb is, lots of info out there and you choose what is suitable for you.

Apologies OP for off topic reply, good luck with your swing changes.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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You're right. I dont reply in the room to every question. Some I leave to others to answer, some I reply to in a pm and some I ignore.
If someone makes an effort in their question, I'm more inclined to make an effort in my answer.
I dont think thats too much to ask?


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I think we can all offer small snippets of advice, maybe not with regards technical processes but certainly from experiences on the course or something we have been taught from our pro's or a video/webpage that helped our game.

This is why of all the forums I frequent GM is the one I use most :)


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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I will help if I can. Although I seem to be a bit old fashioned in some off my view. All I can say thats how I was taught many years ago. I have to say I do find Brian a bit abrupt at times, But I have spent time looking at his vid's on an other post, and can see where he is coming from(just wish you made it a bit easier to understand for this near old age pensioner). It was Bobs follow up post that made the penny drop. Thanks Bob. Sorry to go off topic. Just needed to get that off my chest. This is the best section on the site. Its up to the op to pick the bits they want, and disgard the rest.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Agree with the above, and I do think that the Ask the Experts name is a bit misleading, as in the true sense, only Bob or Jason as pros, are experts.

I think of it more as a "discuss technique" forum, and I enjoy the ideas and views that people are good enough to share. I may not agree with all suggestions, but I enjoy talking and thinking about the golf swing, so am grateful to those that contribute.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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I also think this section is wrongly titled.
I believe anyone can give advice,through golfing experiences.
As someone said advice doesnt have to be taken,but its nice to have a choice.
Basher gave me some advice about a year ago,and im still using it now to good effect,
is he an expert "no",but he had knowledge of my problem.
Let people have there say,and let people make there choice.


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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It appears that the feeling is 'the better the player - the better he can coach'. Can't agree with that myself.

Good coaching, IMO, is about so much more than being able to shoot par every now and then. Even I can do that!


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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It appears that the feeling is 'the better the player - the better he can coach'. Can't agree with that myself.

Good coaching, IMO, is about so much more than being able to shoot par every now and then. Even I can do that!

Tend to agree with you in principle, although given the choice between advice from a scratch golfer and a 28-handicapper, we all know which we'd choose.

However, the fact that tour pros all have a coach highlights that playing ability is not the same as coaching ability. It's an interesting paradox that all the players could kick their teachers' arses out on the course...

In a lot of other sports, the thinking seems to be that the best players make the best coaches, which has turned out not to be the case, especially in football.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As you can imagine, this is my favourite section apart from a little Smiffy bashing in the lounge.:)
I do not claim to be an expert on new kit/shafts/shoes etc etc so Im happy to let everyone get stuck in.
Coaching however is my passion.
Sadly, it's not just about watching a swing and listing it's faults.
It's about finding out what the person wants and being able to help him/her enjoy their golf more.
A good coach has to understand not just what to teach but how to teach it.
Would I teach Smiffy and Leftie the same way? No.
Would I teach Tiger and G1BBO the same way? Yes.
To do that, sometimes I find it easier to chat in pms, less distracting from input from others.
I'm quite happy with the room as it is and as long as someone asks me in a respectful manner, they will normally get a reply.