Another boring watch my swing thread :)


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Very nice swing on the whole. Just two things that I can see that stand out. Your arms are moving independently from your shoulder and body turn. This leads to the second point. You seem to be taking the club on the outside in your takeaway. You need to work on a one piece takeaway. But as I've said a nice swing over all.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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good positive motion through the ball.

what's making it a ways difficult to get the swing motion going on a better plane & direction plus making it ways more difficult to rotate with a connection with the arms, so there isn't bit of a lift & upper body sway right on the final bit of the backswing.
which although you do a good job of making the loop move from transition to get back to the ball.
all this means there's a lot of moving parts from takeaway to the top then some compensations needed to get back to impact.

what's making this all a ways difficult from the get-go is the set-up position. look to way your upper body is aligned to the hips & lower body, plus you have a deal of a forwards leaning shaft at address (you want it at impact but not at set-up) hands a ways to far ahead here.

*if you draw a straight line continuing the shaft angle you'll see it come up way at the end of your left shoulder.*

set-up here with the very tense straight right arm is holding your chest a little ways open, that plus the hands in front then coupled with a forwards press that takes them further forwards plus the hands also move down & in to the left leg (have a look at takeaway from the dtl view you'll see the hands both move forward to target & in to your leg), so when the takeaway starts the hands then move outwards & back taking the club back outside the line then you have to lift it up & back some to get to the top, which you do with the body raising up some to get to the top.

this means although you do a good job of a bit of a loop to reroute the downswing, it's still comes down down a ways too steep, which then means you have to stand up some, hips come a little forwards towards the ball/target line & you have to lose the pelvic angle to get club to ball.

so great hand eye co-ordination to do it but you're making it a deal harder for yourself, as there's such a lot going on, when the timing is decent you'll hit some good stuff but if that timing is out it will be difficult to be a ways consistent.

the key here if your of a mind too, would be taking some time to get address & set-up, upper body to lower body, spine tilt & hands back some more mirroring the ball, clubhead, shaft, hands, arms to upper body & head in the pic on the left here, so it would all be in a little better shape.
this would really help you both take the club away on a better arc but also keep posture a ways better to the top with just a rotation of the upper body.

so feeling that the right shoulder more just turns behind you from the get-go, to get to a position behind the right ear, feels more like the right shoulder is turning behind your neck some. then you start transition from the ground up then feel your turning the right shoulder down towards the ground, don't try to get the club to the ball just have as much patience as you can the shaft & clubhead will release out to the back of the ball - as long as that weight is left & head stays atop of back of ball, the clubhead will fire out good through the ball, don't be in a rush to get the club to ball.

*(have a look at the pic here & you see the same line up the shaft at around the left ear with hands just atop the front half of the ball, plus you see a different spine angle gentle whole upper body tilt away from target, not just a more vertical upper body with the shoulders alone angled)

Picture 8.jpg


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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good positive motion through the ball.

what's making it a ways difficult to get the swing motion going on a better plane & direction plus making it ways more difficult to rotate with a connection with the arms, so there isn't bit of a lift & upper body sway right on the final bit of the backswing.
which although you do a good job of making the loop move from transition to get back to the ball.
all this means there's a lot of moving parts from takeaway to the top then some compensations needed to get back to impact.

what's making this all a ways difficult from the get-go is the set-up position. look to way your upper body is aligned to the hips & lower body, plus you have a deal of a forwards leaning shaft at address (you want it at impact but not at set-up) hands a ways to far ahead here.

*if you draw a straight line continuing the shaft angle you'll see it come up way at the end of your left shoulder.*

set-up here with the very tense straight right arm is holding your chest a little ways open, that plus the hands in front then coupled with a forwards press that takes them further forwards plus the hands also move down & in to the left leg (have a look at takeaway from the dtl view you'll see the hands both move forward to target & in to your leg), so when the takeaway starts the hands then move outwards & back taking the club back outside the line then you have to lift it up & back some to get to the top, which you do with the body raising up some to get to the top.

this means although you do a good job of a bit of a loop to reroute the downswing, it's still comes down down a ways too steep, which then means you have to stand up some, hips come a little forwards towards the ball/target line & you have to lose the pelvic angle to get club to ball.

so great hand eye co-ordination to do it but you're making it a deal harder for yourself, as there's such a lot going on, when the timing is decent you'll hit some good stuff but if that timing is out it will be difficult to be a ways consistent.

the key here if your of a mind too, would be taking some time to get address & set-up, upper body to lower body, spine tilt & hands back some more mirroring the ball, clubhead, shaft, hands, arms to upper body & head in the pic on the left here, so it would all be in a little better shape.
this would really help you both take the club away on a better arc but also keep posture a ways better to the top with just a rotation of the upper body.

so feeling that the right shoulder more just turns behind you from the get-go, to get to a position behind the right ear, feels more like the right shoulder is turning behind your neck some. then you start transition from the ground up then feel your turning the right shoulder down towards the ground, don't try to get the club to the ball just have as much patience as you can the shaft & clubhead will release out to the back of the ball - as long as that weight is left & head stays atop of back of ball, the clubhead will fire out good through the ball, don't be in a rush to get the club to ball.

*(have a look at the pic here & you see the same line up the shaft at around the left ear with hands just atop the front half of the ball, plus you see a different spine angle gentle whole upper body tilt away from target, not just a more vertical upper body with the shoulders alone angled)

View attachment 12222

As usual the_coach a very detailed analyse of the swing and a big thanks for your input! iv been out this evening and working on some new changes, give it 3-4 weeks I will repost and hopefully you might notice a change :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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have a look at the previous vids looking closely at the impact positions. look in particular at the pelvic angle/spine angle & at impact you can see the two butt cheeks from dtl view, as the left hip is properly clearing, but the pelvic/spine angles still clearly remain there, as you can see in these 2 thumbnails below.

good practice is get yourself into this good impact posture position, so that the hands are also ahead of the ball with a forwards leaning shaft at impact (not address).
while your in this position just press a little weight into the leading edge of the club into the ground & feel that left hip cleared in the position, it will help really feel that new impact position.

just reset to the address position _ (as in the first thumbnail address pic-#4). then make just 50% swing motion backswing to the top to feel yourself still at 50% swinging back through the impact position you'd just set yourself in, you have to do this real slow to give yourself chance to get through the new impact position - try to do it at your normal swing pace & you'll revert back to standing up some.

Picture 4.jpg