And, we’re off.......2018/2019


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Dec 2, 2011
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The point being ? And to be clear I was responded to the post from Fish about it not being reported by the BBC etc

The point being that they were footy supporters and are generally displayed and thought of as being thugs.
What those guys were doing was certainly not behaving as expected, in fact, I see plenty of street performers in my area and have never seen it develope into such a sing song with generous donations given thereafter.
I think it was most definitely newsworthy, it just doesn't fit in with some mainstream media agendas.

Lord Tyrion

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Sep 9, 2014
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The same could be said by supporters of clubs who go and try to play and get snotted 4/5/6 nil.

Supporters of some clubs see a point as good as a win against the better sides.
Spot on. It’s called “tactics” isn’t it or maybe a “game plan” :unsure:
It is a game plan and it makes sense for a number of teams. It's still dull for the neutral though and I think more teams are doing it than previously, it's on the increase. I don't blame them, I just don't want to watch games like that.

Deleted member 15344

The point being that they were footy supporters and are generally displayed and thought of as being thugs.
What those guys were doing was certainly not behaving as expected, in fact, I see plenty of street performers in my area and have never seen it develope into such a sing song with generous donations given thereafter.
I think it was most definitely newsworthy, it just doesn't fit in with some mainstream media agendas.

Stuff like that happens all over the world at football events - social media is full of little stories of things that happen at World Cups , Euros and last weekend twitter was awash with stories of people just being good natured as football fans - loads of stuff , But it’s not newsworthy - a bunch of football fans sing along with a busker then possibly donate money ( didn’t see it in the video )- that’s never going to mainstream, why would it - and it’s got nothing to do with any agenda , it’s nice to see but that’s it . The news would take all night if they reported everything like that.

People behaving well it’s not going to get in the news - people breaking the law and behaving badly - going to be in the news , nothing to do with agendas - that’s just the news.
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Jul 10, 2012
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Stuff like that happens all over the world at football events - social media is full of little stories of things that happen at World Cups , Euros and last weekend twitter was awash with stories of people just being good natured as football fans - loads of stuff , But it’s not newsworthy - a bunch of football fans sing along with a busker then donate money - that’s never going to mainstream, why would it - and it’s got nothing to do with any agenda , it’s nice to see but that’s it . The news would take all night if they reported everything like that.

People behaving well it’s not going to get in the news - people breaking the law and behaving badly - going to be in the news , nothing to do with agendas - that’s just the news.

Have a night off Phil 😳👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


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Dec 2, 2011
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Stuff like that happens all over the world at football events - social media is full of little stories of things that happen at World Cups , Euros and last weekend twitter was awash with stories of people just being good natured as football fans - loads of stuff , But it’s not newsworthy - a bunch of football fans sing along with a busker then donate money - that’s never going to mainstream, why would it - and it’s got nothing to do with any agenda , it’s nice to see but that’s it . The news would take all night if they reported everything like that.

People behaving well it’s not going to get in the news - people breaking the law and behaving badly - going to be in the news , nothing to do with agendas - that’s just the news.

But they don't report ANYTHING like that!
No-one said that everything should be reported, it would just be nice if the softer side of football supporters was shown occasionally, I think that is the point.

Deleted member 15344

But they don't report ANYTHING like that!
No-one said that everything should be reported, it would just be nice if the softer side of football supporters was shown occasionally, I think that is the point.

Because that’s not what the mainstream news does - it doesn’t have all day long to report these little things that happen - they concentrate on the stuff that hits home or has relevance to people. People aren’t interesting in people doing nice things - it doesn’t sell papers, doesn’t get people switching on - it’s not newsworthy.

And let’s be honest this is just people being decent human beings - it shouldn’t need to be highlighted - this is how people should act everytime they go to a football match - and 99% of the people do - there is no point reporting the 99% , it’s all about the 1% which is negative - that’s news.

Let’s be realistic - people don’t care about a bunch a fans having a sing song , they do care about a bunch of fans rioting.

People aren’t daft - they know that it’s always the minority that are causing issues
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Deleted member 15344

This game is just going to be very niggly - whistle been blown every minute with a player falling to the crowd easily - Portugal ahead in that score so far


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Jul 10, 2012
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Because that’s not what the mainstream news does - it doesn’t have all day long to report these little things that happen - they concentrate on the stuff that hits home or has relevance to people. People aren’t interesting in people doing nice things - it doesn’t sell papers, doesn’t get people switching on - it’s not newsworthy.

And let’s be honest this is just people being decent human beings - it shouldn’t need to be highlighted - this is how people should act everytime they go to a football match - and 99% of the people do - there is no point reporting the 99% , it’s all about the 1% which is negative - that’s news.

Let’s be realistic - people don’t care about a bunch a fans having a sing song , they don’t care about a bunch of fans rioting.

People aren’t daft - they know that it’s always the minority that are causing issues

Seems that some on the forum are daft,as they believe it’s the majority of England fans.


This game is just going to be very niggly - whistle been blown every minute with a player falling to the crowd easily - Portugal ahead in that score so far

Wish they'd never dreamt this 'tournament' up tbh, just don't get it, we had 3 weeks waiting for the Champions League final and now its the Ladies World Cup, why are they stealing their thunder? Mens European Champs are next year, world cup was last year, this is simply just not needed. Too much football.


Jul 11, 2009
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Wish they'd never dreamt this 'tournament' up tbh, just don't get it, we had 3 weeks waiting for the Champions League final and now its the Ladies World Cup, why are they stealing their thunder? Mens European Champs are next year, world cup was last year, this is simply just not needed. Too much football.

They’d play just as much football otherwise, they’d just be crappy friendlies that people would be whinging about instead.


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Wish they'd never dreamt this 'tournament' up tbh, just don't get it, we had 3 weeks waiting for the Champions League final and now its the Ladies World Cup, why are they stealing their thunder? Mens European Champs are next year, world cup was last year, this is simply just not needed. Too much football.
I agree with the "stealing the ladies world cup thunder" comment but I'd rather watch a competitive game than a meaningless friendly with all those substitutions sucking any life out of the game. Will it not stand England in better stead to learn about tournament play going forward and be better prepared for the Euros and WC?


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Jan 21, 2013
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Wish they'd never dreamt this 'tournament' up tbh, just don't get it, we had 3 weeks waiting for the Champions League final and now its the Ladies World Cup, why are they stealing their thunder? Mens European Champs are next year, world cup was last year, this is simply just not needed. Too much football.
The women's game wasn't on at the same time as England's. So no thunder stole imo. Unless you actually belive that Australia v Italy would of had big viewing figures here?

Deleted member 16999

It is a game plan and it makes sense for a number of teams. It's still dull for the neutral though and I think more teams are doing it than previously, it's on the increase. I don't blame them, I just don't want to watch games like that.
Yes you have to play with what you have.
It’s not good to watch though.
It’s a results business, you don’t get anymore points for drawing 5-5 than you do 0-0.


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Dec 2, 2011
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Because that’s not what the mainstream news does - it doesn’t have all day long to report these little things that happen - they concentrate on the stuff that hits home or has relevance to people. People aren’t interesting in people doing nice things - it doesn’t sell papers, doesn’t get people switching on - it’s not newsworthy.

And let’s be honest this is just people being decent human beings - it shouldn’t need to be highlighted - this is how people should act everytime they go to a football match - and 99% of the people do - there is no point reporting the 99% , it’s all about the 1% which is negative - that’s news.

Let’s be realistic - people don’t care about a bunch a fans having a sing song , they don’t care about a bunch of fans rioting.

People aren’t daft - they know that it’s always the minority that are causing issues

You really are a ray of sunshine at times.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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It’s a results business, you don’t get anymore points for drawing 5-5 than you do 0-0.
I agree and it makes sense for a number of teams. I just don't want to watch games like that. They aren't going to change, it's about the result as you say, but for neutrals it's a yawnfest.