And, we’re off.......2018/2019


Deleted member 1740

Ingurland fans living Upto their Grade A Knob status in Porto. Gobshites the majority of them.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Is it being held in Portugal because they are one of the 4 teams that qualified or is the location for the finals chosen before they know the 4 finalists?

This isn't any kind of criticism, I just wondered if they waited until they knew the 4 teams that had qualified and then picked one to stage the finals or if it was chosen beforehand. It would just seem a bit strange to host a finals in a country such as Azerbaijan (as a completely random example) if it was Spain, Portugal, France and Italy that had qualified.

Deleted member 15344

I'd round the scumbags up and give them all six months inside ................................. minimum.

It’s amazing - they have just had a final in Madrid - 120,000 in the City and bar the odd isolated idiot there is no major incidents.

20k England fans and look what happens - every single time , it won’t be long before they start to ban England fans and rightly so

Deleted member 16999

Unfortunately England Fans come from EVERY Club and 99% are decent well behaved fans.

Deleted member 1740

Are these fans though or just a bunch of chavs who’ve gone out for a massive lash up.

Have you forgotten about the Ingurland fans behaviour in Amsterdam pissing and throwing bikes into the river?? Singing anti IRA songs in irish pubs etc

I think theyre fans of smaller clubs who think thats the right way to act.

Deleted member 16999

Have you forgotten about the Ingurland fans behaviour in Amsterdam pissing and throwing bikes into the river?? Singing anti IRA songs in irish pubs etc

I think theyre fans of smaller clubs who think thats the right way to act.
I’m not for one minute defending the idiots, but so far there has been 3 arrests from an estimated 20,000 England fans out there, the idiots last night were estimated to be between 30-50 strong.