Always Have a Good Time


Q-School Graduate
Jan 29, 2008
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Like so many, this is the time of year when I often look back at the last year and also forward to the next year. I'm always a glass half full kinda guy, but I do find it wearing when people find things to moan about. With that in mind, I set out to create something to remind my golfing buddies how much they and the golf I play with them matter to me - to hopefully make them smile, and increase the anticipation for the coming year.

I thought I would share it with this forum, which has also given me laughs, insight and advice over the 13 years I have been a member. Hopefully it will invoke similar feelings for you, even if you don't know the muppets featuring.

Title is a line from the accompanying song - so best played with the soundtrack.

Always Have a Good Time


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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A bad day on the course… is it really that bad?

1) get up from a warm dry bed
2) drive to a golf course of cafe and have breakfast with your pals normally accompanied by approx and hours ribbing.
3) proceed this with a further 4-5 hours ribbing with exercise.
4) a quite pint or coffee normally along with 30 mins to an hour of further ribbing.
5) drive home and reflect on that missed putt, duff chip, Dave’s shank on 14th etc.
6) get home, if it’s cold turn the heating up, jump in shower, misses socks normally has a dead animal in the oven if it’s a Sunday, job done.
7) normally a little more ribbing via text/group chat while watching a film with HID.

Is it really a bad life?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I simply remind myself, and often share with others I am playing with, of my simple gratitude that I am physically able to play golf, and so fortunate to be able to be a member of a golf club, and able to play the game in lovely environments, ours being particularly and specially lovely being almost completely rural, whilst quite close to villages and towns. So very many are nowhere near as fortunate as I…