A Technical Question.


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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We all know that the late un-cocking of the wrists in the golf swing can enhance the clubhead speed at impact, and therefore give greater distance. I see freeze-frame pictures of top golfers with their hands at about 3 o'clock, the clubead up by their shoulders and their wrists still cocked. Ben Hogan's swing is a model of this. Here's my question - do they all make a deliberate effort to un-cock their wrists at a given time, or do they simple complete the swing and let the wrists un-cock naturally?

Any thoughts?


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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I think with the top pros everything is a combination of using natural factors with the addition of combining them all with the technical stuff. Part of this would mean the pros may have a natural gift but they would know exactly where their wrist was or should be at a given moment in their developed swing to get the best effect.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My answer although only based on my own abilities (I was good once!!) is that the swing mechanics delivered at such a speed on the way down that it is impossible to put your wrists into a given position on the way down and that the late hit is evolved through hours on the practice ground.

I have heard off drills that can be done to create the feeling of a late hit but fundamentally it comes down to a proper swing with a late release through impact brought about by good wide extension on the way back against a solid base and a proper transfer of weight on the way through with the hips etc sliding out of the way to allow the arms to come through. I'm not a swing guru but these are my thoughts. I'm sure someone on here will give a better description/explanation


Head Pro
Sep 3, 2007
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+1 for what Homer says. Too fast for deliberate lag.

That said, Vijay Singh says he imagines trying to hit the ball with the butt of the club, that helps him.

I've tried that, shanks and slices all over the place.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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My pro tells me to uncock as late as I possibly can and try to feel as though I am whipping the club around to the ball. Certainly increses the clubhead speed deliberatly but makes it more difficult to turn the hands over on time, usually resulting in a slice.

Not sure how the pros do it, I would imagine you would have to be much stronger in the wrists for the later yoou leave it to uncock.


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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For me, this is the $million question.

When I was off about 9, I would often come in under 80 and review my round and discover that on 5 or 6 holes, I had to make do with a bogey because I couldn't get close enough for a good pitch and single putt.

I don't have the greatest swing but some of the essentials are definitely there allowing me to play some straight and consistent golf on occasions. But, over the years my club-head speed has stayed almost exactly the same. On video, it is clear that although I start down ok, any "good" lag is lost...it's frustrating.

I know some kids that play, they have dodgy swings, don't chip and putt well, but can hit the ball miles, some without any coaching at all. I reckon the "art" of bringing the club down with the hands well in front of the club-head until the last split second is something that can come a) naturally or b) as part of the jigsaw of a "proper" golf swing.
I am 99% certain that talented players don't consciously work on the moment the wrists un-cock. Their coaches may give them drills to get feels and whatever, but timing and power are from hard work and also physical aptitude.
It's no surprise to me that physically strong players hit the ball further...the more I stress about why I can't do these things, the more I presume that without strong hands and wrists I'm unlikely to get better lag. As I wouldn't be prepared to muscle build in these areas, I can only hope that one day I can find a drill or something to improve the least satisfactory part of my swing.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 11, 2007
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It is said there are players who swing and players who hit.
I guess the pros can do both.
I have a very pretty swing but I am the shortest hitter I know. I would be grateful for any suggestion as to where or why I lose clubhead speed.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I used to hit the ball far-ish, I thought. I.e 7 iron 150-60 , driver 240 carry,(range balls) but I was wild.

I stuck with the 3 ball drill and slowed my swing down alot, gained good tempo and now I only hit 7 iron 140 yards and carry my driver 210-220. but most of the time i am straight and hit a nice draw. when my swing is 'grooved' I might start to increase my swing sweed/club head speed and try to hit further. All the time I was making this change I was really concentrating on a late wrist-cock to keep my club head speed at a decent pace.

I think my swing speed used to be about 90-95 now its probably only about 85. If I tried to swing how I used to, I would come across the ball and fade/slice. In fact if I want to try fade it, I swing slightly faster with the toe open or hands forward.

The way I see it is, better to be short and in the short stuff rather than long and in the long stuff. I would like to be longer just to nail the 620 par 5 at my course!


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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It is very tempting to give it a bit extra at times but I never seem to gain anything because I go left so I dont bother. I just hope that one day my swing will be soo grooved, no matter how fast I swing it (within reason) it will come down on the right path. I dont know if the wrist cock happens to slow if I swing faster, maybe thats part of the reason why the ball goes right, an open club face. Would make sense wouldn't it. Even more passive with the right hand that normal with the faster swing. 'Davethepro' always tells me that the key to a great swing is that the arms and wrists have to work in harmony, and i he is wright.


Assistant Pro
Jun 24, 2008
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Since I can only get on the internet in work, can someone summarise the audio in that video? I am assuming it is along the lines of keeping the clubhead path between the two outer balls?

Went to the range for the first time in ages yesterday and whilst I was hitting it cleanly, I appear to have developed an "aggressive fade"!


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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I have absolutely no idea of where the wrist cocks nor when it uncocks. it's not something a pro has ever mentioned to me so either it's about right or they're in despair.


Head Pro
Feb 28, 2007
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Tony, Pro told me lag comes naturally if you start your downswing from the ground up and that combined with feeling you drop your hands at the beginning of the downswing and don't hit at the ball.

Sounds easy doesn't it?

I think it is the Holy Grail that 95% of club golfers are searching for. :D


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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Thanks for all your answers to my query, and all your comments. I'm convinced that the late un-cocking of the wrists is fundamental to good distance, but I don't believe that it is something that you can pick up late in your golfing life. I think that you have to have it from the very beginning. The answer is to go back and start at an earier age.