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What if he's a knuckle dragger or the opposite (couldnt think of one).One of the important things, even as a beginner, is to buy irons to suit your height if you fall out of the, roughly, 5'7" to 6.00" range
This will give you a rough idea
Thanks everyone for the replies so far;-
Orikoru - I’ve had Decathlon stuff before and it’s always been pretty good for the money, that starter set would also mean I have a bit of money left over for anything else I might need.
Pickles - Thank you for taking the time to go through ebay and pick out some equipment for me, is there anything I need to know when it comes to buying second hand (additionally, why should I avoid a driver for now?).
Sully - All going well I’ll probably look to have some coaching myself as I’ve found it’s helpful in other sports.
Jim8flog - Going by that I’ve come out as; Colour Code: Blue // Club Length: -0.5” (this means nothing to me haha!). Are you able to talk me through what it means?
Jonny1409 - I never thought of trying the local pro shop tbh, that might be a good idea and after months of lockdown I’m sure they’ll have a few things they would like to shift before the season is over. Is there anything I should know when it comes to second hand?
Thanks again,
One of the guys just dropped the following into our WhatsApp group (didn’t realise Amazon did golf clubs), it’s a bit beyond my price bracket but are any of them worth adding individually to my bag?
View attachment 31710
What if he's a knuckle dragger or the opposite (couldnt think of one).
Jim makes a point but don't over think your purchases ?
Thanks everyone for the replies so far;-
Jim8flog - Going by that I’ve come out as; Colour Code: Blue // Club Length: -0.5” (this means nothing to me haha!). Are you able to talk me through what it means?
Thanks again,
Golf bidder might be bargain ATM heard a strong rumour their closing .. well being taken over by a Canadian firm
Would be interested in how reliable you think that source is?
I’ve found a set of Callaway Diablo Edge irons on Facebook Marketplace for £120, how do these compare to the X20 ones posted by Pickles (are they worth making a £30 saving, or are they considerably worse?)
Also, what do people think of Facebook for buying stuff like this as there seems to be loads more available than I can find near me on eBay?
Got it from my boss who's mate works either in the industry or for them.. he said to him if you want any clubs let me know I still get my discount (so assume works for them?) He was telling me how he picked up a sim driver so cheap etc