Your last/next purchase

HID got me the 913 5 wood, so I guess that counts. Next purchase will be a few lessons.... Oh or an Adams Hybrid headcover as I lost mine yesterday and nobody's handed it in yet..... :(
Last one...complete change of shafts in my irons

Next one.....membership of a new club.
I haven't planned any purchases this month after pay day but that's probably because I'm still waiting to see my new cleveland Mashie M4, which turned out to be an M2/18deg with and M4 headcover. Hopefully get it resolved tomorrow or I'll be demanding a refund.

My last purchase which i got to take home was a pair of adizero trews in blue

If the mashie doesn't sort itself I might look for another RBZ hybrid as the 3h is the best club in the bag but lets see what happens.

What was your last and next purchase or are you finished for the year?

Last purchase - Bettinardi CO3H putter (Going up for sale soon)

Next purchase - Nothing planned. However, I'm thinking of demoing a 910H 24* hybrid. If it goes anything like the 19* I have I may be tempted. Drop the 3 iron (as i cant remember the last time I hit it) and go 19*~24* hybrids.
Nice new shines ping G25's.........

Not sure what's next.... (Apart from balls........ And I need plenty).... But I do fancy a new trolley and toyin with idea of electric one !!
I was going to put...

Last - Putter
Next - Putter

... But fundys would be more accurate. Just got the Mizzy MP-T103 and already hankering after another. Desperately want to try one of the SeeMore range but stockists seem few and far between.

I'll be able to open a putter shop soon!

Oh dear, sounds like the MPT may not be sticking long based on yours then lol. Was looking at the DB4x in the Seemore range if you happen to see one ;)
Oh dear, sounds like the MPT may not be sticking long based on yours then lol. Was looking at the DB4x in the Seemore range if you happen to see one ;)

It lasted 9 holes! Went to the car at halfway today and changed it. Really well made but just didn't feel right for me.

The only place I know near me that stocks SeeMore is Willesley Park. Looks a nice course :whistle:
Bought a Nike covert tour driver today :)
Hit it really well on the course and took some money off my father in law and brother in law. Just need to beat them another 60 times to pay for it...
It's a superb club.

Bag very settled now. The only thing I'm vaguely considering is an mph4 2iron.
I have pretty much changed the entire bag over the last months

New Cobra S3 irons and a mint second hand Cleveland XL custom driver

Next up will possibly be some MD golf Seve oil can wedges. Not that i need them mind you, they just look pretty
This week I have bought a pair of adidas crossflex golf trainers comfiest pair I've ever had an today a dozen penta tp5s
last purchase was a Garmin G3 approach £88 from amazon

next purchase Orka 19* hybrid, thanks to getting down to my target for the season, should be in the bag early september