Women golfers with a stinking attitude


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Firstly, This is not meant to be a sexist rant, I am not a sexist.

My point is that I am sick to the back teeth of some of the women members at my club who have the most stinking and arrogant attitude. The ones in question are the snotty-nosed moo's with all the designer gear, the best trolley, the best clubs, the sports car and the whole "Im a rich bitch" attitude. They all sit together in the clubhouse and as soon as one gets up to go to the loo, the others start an assassination of her until she comes back, they all do it!

Today I went up for a knock, Infront of me were at the tee were three groups of ladies. 2 Groups came behind me at the tee.

The 1st three groups went off and as I went to tee-up I was unpolitely told that I have no standing and would have to wait. I argued the toss and they begrudgingly let me through.

Anyhow, I tee off on the 1st and then watch the group of ladies infront of me take 10 or so shots each to get to the green and then 5/6 putts each. Eventually I got to complete the hole and as I walked to the 2nd I was queing behind 2 groups of ladies, 1 group had just tee'd off to about 10 yards infront of the tee (Im not joking)

I stood there watching them hack the ball 20 yards at a time and then when clear, asked if I may be allowed to play through as with being a single player, I would be out of their way almost immediately.

I then got a big NO and a telling off about how the ladies have as much right to be on the course as me and if I dont like playing when they are on the course that I should bugger off basically.

This is not an isolated incident, I have seen and witnessed terrible attitudes from some of the lady members many a time, particularly of a thusday when they have the tee from 10-2 and when teeing off at 2pm hearing snide comments like "look at the men, trying to take over on our day" and the like.

Basically I think that their attitude stinks, if the a gent behaved like that to another member they would be up on a discplinary committee, no doubt about it but for some reason, the ladies are so sacred to the club that they can do as they please, play on greens when gents cant and generally be a pain in the arse.

I would like to add here that we have some fantastic, lovely and courteous lady members and it is purely this crowd of stuck-up women that are the guilty party.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Report them Jon. Simple as that.

You'd do it if they were men - you're not sexist so report them.

It is the duty of all golfers to not hold up a faster group - irrespective of how many are in that group.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Cant say I have had a run in as irritating as this one but I have heard a few at the range on the laides playing lessons (about a £10er for a round with the whole group and the pro gives tuition out on the course) The men are always trying to sneak infront on our day. 'OUR' day, makes me laugh.

I would report them, not just for you, but for the sake of others too, pretty sure they would do the same if they were being treated this way.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I remember being in a group of 8 who were playing at St Mellion. We were due to tee off at 2.10 and got to the tee with plenty of time to spare.
Nobody teed off in front of us, so at 8 minutes past 2 the first fourball got on the tee ready to go.
Just as the first guy teed his ball up, two women wandered down from the clubhouse, and asked what time we were off.
When we said "2.10" they said that as they were due off at 2 they should go in front of us.
They couldn't understand why we were pissed off that they were 15 minutes late getting to the tee.
Our response?
All eight of us teed off and we made them wait.


Head Pro
Nov 30, 2007
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The 1st three groups went off and as I went to tee-up I was unpolitely told that I have no standing and would have to wait. I argued the toss and they begrudgingly let me through.

You should have shown them the bit in the rule book Jon

that says.Where it is apparent that the group behind can

play faster,it should invite the faster playing group to

play through.

The term "group" includes a single player.

That would have kept them quiet.


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Problem is gillingham has a byelaw stating that a single player has no standing.

That club of yours really dont sound member friendly mate. Leave ASAP and invite 3 of us don to make a four ball.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Then they're living in the past and you're better off without them!
The R&A put in the book "unless otherwise determined by the Commitee" - the single biggest cop-out in the Rules of Golf.
They even get their own rule! (33)
I should think the single player - no standing bit came from years ago when hardly anyone played on their own. It was probably seen as a sin just behind having a child out of wedlock! These days plenty of people play solo and Golf Clubs should recognise that fact. After all the Single has paid his money, just like the group.


Club Champion
Jan 30, 2009
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Singles are allowed but have the lowest priority on the course, if i play on my own then generally i am practicing and using 2 or 3 or more balls at a time so i keep out of everyones way letting people through ladies or gents if need be.


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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Mmmmmmm 12 women playing golf this morning eh? How did they manage to do that,must have put the dinner in the slow cooker today either that or it's a takeaway tonite! :D


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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We have the no standing rule at our club but nobody applies it, single players are let through freely.

I had a run in with a couple of women some months ago. Both were yelling from the tee for me to play my second shot as I was holding them up. Pointed out to them that it was only about 190 yards to the green and there was a group on there putting and that whilst they may not be able to reach I certainly could, They then tried to report me afterwards and the pro basically laughed and told them to watch their behaviour in future.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Sometimes I want to just roll-up and have a quick knock but this isnt possible.

I have the same problem so I had to pick my club carefully. Played at my (hopefully) club yesterday and I was almost forced to play through! I wasn't in a hurry but the members wanted me to play through so I obliged. Play a few single rounds at this new place just to see what its like-you'll soon get a feel for how they treat singles.


Club Champion
Dec 5, 2007
I just think the whole singles have no standing thing is bo!!ock$.

Sometimes I want to just roll-up and have a quick knock but this isnt possible

I 100% agree.
I play on my own a lot, and have had similar experiences- men & women.
I was stuck behind two 4 balls, and 2 cheeky devils wanted to play through me as I had "no standing". This was also given as the reason not to let me through.

This is why I book the earliest possible tee (8am) and turn up and set out maybe 7.45am...

Usually don't see a soul till the back 9, and by then I'm well out of the way! :)


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Singles are fine at my track, but you will only be played through if there is gap ahead of the group in front. Fair enough.

Your track does appear to have more than it's fair share of idiots Jon.

Maybe it is a Kent thing. My outlaws live in Kent. They fit the bill.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Should play at my club, Ladies not allowed on at the weekend until after 2pm.

If you arent bothered about ever making it onto the Commitee. which I wouldnt be, I'd play up a stink and let them have it with both barrels.