Why can I not hit my driver straight!!!!

Ricky w

Club Champion
Dec 20, 2011
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I will get to the driving range and try get a video of my swing and post it up while try and fix my swing!!! Ive been play about 6 months and just trying to improve my game!! Was giving handicap of 21, but would so love to be in the mid teens by end of year!!! A big ask I know!!

Thank you all for your help and suggestions


Tour Rookie
Feb 2, 2012
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I will get to the driving range and try get a video of my swing and post it up while try and fix my swing!!! Ive been play about 6 months and just trying to improve my game!! Was giving handicap of 21, but would so love to be in the mid teens by end of year!!! A big ask I know!!

Thank you all for your help and suggestions
Youll get there - just takes patience and a lot of hard work. Post your vid on the expert section and see what bob makes of it - he can spot probs immediately and give you some drills to fix it! In a month you'll not even know what a slice is! ;)


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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I will get to the driving range and try get a video of my swing and post it up while try and fix my swing!!! Ive been play about 6 months and just trying to improve my game!! Was giving handicap of 21, but would so love to be in the mid teens by end of year!!! A big ask I know!!

Thank you all for your help and suggestions

If you have only been playing 6 months you are doing more than fine dont even think of changing clubs yet. I struggled to hit a 7 iron after 6 months never mind a Driver, get a vid done and get the slice sorted and the game will become more fun


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Can't be conclusive but it sounds like you are making an off centered strike... out of the heel. The difference in shaft length between your 3-wood and driver has to be taken into consideration at address. I'd be tempted to buy some impact tape just to see where the ball is hitting the clubface.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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If you have only just started playing then why are you so bothered about hitting a driver? Off your handicap you do not need to hit driver to get round the course in a low score. I played in the woodhall meet at the weekend and my partner played off 8 and only used a 3-wood from every tee, not even a driver in the bag.

6 months is not long in this game. See your pro and take lessons. Save the driver for on the range, do not take it on the course with you. After a few weeks you may find you start to like it and gain some confidence as it is always easier to hit the ball on the range.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You are cutting the club face across the ball from right to left, this is tilting the balls axis of rotation down to the right and that is what makes the ball veer to the right. The more loft a club has the less effect this cutting across action will make, this is why your 3 wood or more lofted irons wont slice as much.

To stop slicing and hit it straight you need to work out how to get the club face to approach from the inside line and strike the ball square at the widest part of the swing arc. Bob on this site has a drill where you can use two sponges or a head cover to learn how to improve your swingpath to the ball. Look it up, it should help.
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