Whs, winter and my course rating turning me into a bandit.


Oct 18, 2022
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My course is ranked easy but I find it quite hard to hit 36, especially over winter. Basically whatever you shoot off yellows the whs add’s 2.9 to your score and 2.2 off whites. I have also been religiously entering all my scores into the system and as a result I’ve gone up from 7.0 to 11.4 since summer. Now I know once the weather turns I’ll be a bandit off that. I guess my question is, is it right to be putting every score in each time you play? And accept that over winter you will fatten up and in summer lean up and clean up in the comps? I guess I’ve had many years of winning nothing as I can never get near the higher handicapper scores, so maybe I should just embrace it. Anyone else in a similar situation?


Oct 18, 2022
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I also experienced this at my previous club pre WHS when the worst you could do is go up 0.1. My new course is quite a windy course and in winter the par 5s are unreachable in 2 for me but come summer they are 4 very good birdie opportunities.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2022
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I personally don't play qualifiers or put in GP cards in winter mainly due to terrible conditions & inability to hit many of the greens in regulation.
However, we do have a contingent who despite this use the winter qualifiers to "fatten up their handicaps" ready for the Spring when I have no doubt the scores coming in will again be ridiculous.
Frustrating, but something I have come to expect.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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I personally don't play qualifiers or put in GP cards in winter mainly due to terrible conditions & inability to hit many of the greens in regulation.
However, we do have a contingent who despite this use the winter qualifiers to "fatten up their handicaps" ready for the Spring when I have no doubt the scores coming in will again be ridiculous.
Frustrating, but something I have come to expect.
We have pick and place everywhere, and bunkers are often out of play when its really wet, so I don't believe I can put a card in.
Even if I could, I wouldn't, as we've so much mud at our place at present, it's just pointless.


Jul 24, 2009
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I have eight friends attached to my England Golf account, playing at three different clubs. I have just had a look and the last time any of them submitted a card was on the 2nd Nov, one guy with a 2.7 index shot an 81.

Despite what some on here preach, nobody I know is submitting a card. No indexes are flying upwards because of terrible winter conditions. Everyone will restart in the spring when their handicap will mirror their form of last autumn when we all last played true golf.


Oct 18, 2022
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What makes you think that you will be better in the summer? Proper question, not trying to troll or anything

It’s a fair question, I’ve been of 6/7/8 for years but since whs has come in and im entering all my scores, plus this new course is adding 2/3 shots on each round it’s pushing me up. There’s no guarantee I’ll get back down in Summer, but I on a day when I shoot 4-8 over in summer im gonna come in with 39-43 points.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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My course is ranked easy but I find it quite hard to hit 36, especially over winter. Basically whatever you shoot off yellows the whs add’s 2.9 to your score and 2.2 off whites. I have also been religiously entering all my scores into the system and as a result I’ve gone up from 7.0 to 11.4 since summer. Now I know once the weather turns I’ll be a bandit off that. I guess my question is, is it right to be putting every score in each time you play? And accept that over winter you will fatten up and in summer lean up and clean up in the comps? I guess I’ve had many years of winning nothing as I can never get near the higher handicapper scores, so maybe I should just embrace it. Anyone else in a similar situation?
The reality is that the design of WHS assumes your handicap will behave in this manner. If other players put cards in then a similar profile would be likely. Thus over the years your handicap will be shaped more like a sine curve than a straight line.


Oct 18, 2022
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I personally don't play qualifiers or put in GP cards in winter mainly due to terrible conditions & inability to hit many of the greens in regulation.
However, we do have a contingent who despite this use the winter qualifiers to "fatten up their handicaps" ready for the Spring when I have no doubt the scores coming in will again be ridiculous.
Frustrating, but something I have come to expect.

This is effectively what’s happening to me. But I’m not trying to get my handicap up, it’s just happening and it’s making me feel a bit uneasy. But at the same time I’m just doing what’s I thought we were all encouraged to do. I guess it will come down again.


Oct 18, 2022
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I have eight friends attached to my England Golf account, playing at three different clubs. I have just had a look and the last time any of them submitted a card was on the 2nd Nov, one guy with a 2.7 index shot an 81.

Despite what some on here preach, nobody I know is submitting a card. No indexes are flying upwards because of terrible winter conditions. Everyone will restart in the spring when their handicap will mirror their form of last autumn when we all last played true golf.

Ah, It’s the opposite on my friends list, they are all quite actively entering scores, it kind of encouraged me to do the same. And it’s why I’ve come here to get opinions to see what others think.


Medal Winner
Feb 27, 2018
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Why not just do what you’re comfortable with?
Just because others are putting scores in doesn’t mean you have to.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Why not just do what you’re comfortable with?

Just because others are putting scores in doesn’t mean you have to.

I agree, but the different behaviours means the system is skewed.

I'm a member of two courses. A links and one inland. One course is suitable for winter qualifiers one isn't!!

Played 4 rounds this year. Two at each place. I'm several shots better on the nice firm links course. The inland one is off forward tees too, and my gross scores are worse. Hitting off goo isn't easy!


Sep 21, 2014
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Any sort of decent PCC calculation would help with this.

Irrelevant to our course, as too wet to allow proper golf. Play on normal greens but shortened unrated course. No qualifiers over the winter.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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Our course doesn’t allow for scores to be submitted from November through to March as we are off temporary tees which shorten the course.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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So is ours, but those forward tees have been rated. So, you get fewer shots on a shortened course that actually plays harder due to ground conditions!

We now have further of our tees rated so hopefully, next winter, more forward ones can allow us to continue Q Comps as we are currently getting scores of 40+pts but no H/cap changes.
I put cards in for pretty much every round of individual golf I play so just don't get this "I only submit cards when in a Comp". WHS is intended to provide a H/cap to cover all occasions/course conditions/seasons etc.... not just "When I've got my 'competition-head' on", whatever that means. Folk need to be less 'precious' about their Index & just allow it to reflect current form & course conditions as we no longer need to consider that there is a specific 'season' for playing golf..... just like there aren't specific weather conditions to play in. If all join in with this then we are all on the same 'playing-field'... (see what I did there?)

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Winter golf has always been a handicapping catastrophe. Back in ye olden days, we just run a 'winter handicap' which dissapeared on the day the course went back to summer configuration. Worked fine also gave handicap team a good indication of improvers. Amazingly now seems impossible...


May 2, 2011
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Our course doesn’t allow for scores to be submitted from November through to March as we are off temporary tees which shorten the course.

I am doing General Play cards off temp (winter) mats - if your course got measured you could do GP cards on a shortened course :)