Which Takes Precedence?


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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As we are getting lot's a General Play rounds played and entered directly into our Club V1 system I have defaulted to just checking we also have a physical card submitted as per our club process.

In checking a couple of cards I see the on-line score disagrees with the one on the card. Thus far I have used the EG application to change the score to match the card - this is often days later.

In the days of on-line entry which score takes precedence - the one entered on the day that feeds into the PCC or the one on the card?

I have always believed the card is the true score but now they are not demanded by CONGU maybe I need to think again.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Surely whatever means of verification you are accepting per the rules, in your case physical scorecards, has to be considered the true score.

Also, some people find it all too easy to enter the wrong information electronically which can go unnoticed when there is no built-in marker verification/attestation - which there isn't for V1 PSI or HDID input. We had one guy yesterday entered his gross scores for the first 10 holes, a random 13 on the 11th (he actually had a 3), and then Stableford points for the remainder - only 33 points total, so could easily be overlooked, but the ace on a par 5 was a give away!


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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A good point - I need to check with our sections what their standing rules are as they control their competitions.

In terms of General Play scores, which are our responsibility, if they enter a wrong score does it invalidate the round or just mean we alter it to reflect the card? I'm pretty sure if you enter a wrong score in a comp you are DQ'd but the score counts for handicap.

As you say the Club Systems suite doesn't help here but at least I can see the rounds unlike the MyEnglandGolf app.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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A good point - I need to check with our sections what their standing rules are as they control their competitions.

In terms of General Play scores, which are our responsibility, if they enter a wrong score does it invalidate the round or just mean we alter it to reflect the card? I'm pretty sure if you enter a wrong score in a comp you are DQ'd but the score counts for handicap.

As you say the Club Systems suite doesn't help here but at least I can see the rounds unlike the MyEnglandGolf app.
Yes, whatever the correct score is should be entered for handicapping, so anything already entered should be corrected on WHS (i.e. it doesn't invalidate the score). Likewise if someone signed for a higher score in a comp, it would stand for the results but should be corrected to the lower score for handicapping.